under fire

Chapter 497 Conspiracy

Chapter 497 Conspiracy
Tian Sanqi, who was sleeping on her stomach, opened her eyes and wanted to move her body, only to find a piercing pain coming from her back.

After being dazed for a while, I remembered the scene before I fainted, and my eyes slowly opened wide.

Thinking slowly returned to normal.

It was pitch black everywhere, and there was a faint hissing of people.

Sternly enduring the pain and getting ready, just as he moved, he felt heart and lung pain from his back, baring his teeth and cracking his mouth: "Ah!"

However, when he touched the familiar loose turning piece on the side of the Kang, he finally knew that he had returned to the station.

In the darkness, there was a creaking sound, and someone pushed the door open.

Chi. Someone struck a match in the darkness, and a dim light flashed out.

A lamp was lit.

"Platoon leader, are you awake?" A barefoot and shirtless young man leaned over to the bed, looked at Tian Sanqi who was turning his head, with a look of excitement, and without waiting for Tian Sanqi to answer, he continued: "I Go get you something to eat, Wang Xiaosan also specially reserved stewed pork for you, the platoon leader."

"Hey Zhu Er? Come back to me"

"What's the matter? Platoon leader." Zhu Er stopped and turned his head.

"How about we row casualties in the evening? Uh, where's the stewed pork?"

"We volleyed twelve dead balls, injured more than 30 and two brothers who were seriously injured. I don't know if we can survive it." Zhu Er's tone became low.

In the dim light, the two suddenly fell silent.

I brought [-] or [-] people to pretend to be the security forces, and even sneaked into the devil's nest, suddenly stabbed the devil from the back, two against one, the casualties still exceeded the devil's!

Zhu Er remembered the platoon leader's question about the pork, and quickly added, "Uh, about the stewed pork, after Lao Qin received the news today that Lao Meng sent someone to bring back Jiulian, he specially sent someone to ask the security forces in the gun building to find a way to solve it." A few catties of pork, I didn't expect the security forces to bring back half a piece of pork directly from the enemy's war zone! "

"Are all the soldiers seriously injured?"

"Hey, platoon leader, don't be sad about this matter. Most of our injured brothers were injured in a bayonet fight with devils. They seem to be seriously injured, and the ones that are not injured will last for ten days at most. Man!"

"Lao Meng and the others were attacked by devils, how about the casualties?"

Captain Meng and the others had more than 200 people, more than 120 were killed, and more than 50 were injured. If it wasn't for the company commander's reinforcements later, they would have almost been wiped out!If they hadn’t brought common people over to dig ditches, I don’t think there would be enough stretchers.”

The company commander and the others didn't lose much, right?Tian Sanqi deliberately asked the company commander last, because he thought that the company commander was invincible!
"The secret service platoon lost two soldiers and injured several others. Tang Dagou's squad suffered more than half of the casualties! The mule squad lost five of them, and one didn't die!"

"Why is it so noisy outside?"

"The company commander and the others have just returned from burying the comrades who died. They are eating. I heard from the instructor that they will go to Gaoping overnight."

"Going back to Gaoping overnight? Back to the security team? What happened?" Tian Sanqi held back the pain, struggling to stand up, his eyes darkened, and he almost fainted again.

"Platoon leader, don't move, you are not seriously injured. I heard that a large number of bandits in the north are attacking Commander Sun and want to grab the territory."

"Help me up quickly!" Tian Sanqi was anxious.

"No, Comrade Liu said, your injury is not serious, you can't get up and move, you need to rest!"

"Damn it, what I said doesn't work anymore?"

"Shall I call the instructor?"

"Old Qin? Let's forget it!" Tian Sanqi was shocked. If Lao Qin came, he would have to chatter until dawn in the middle of the night: "Have all the devils been killed?"

"Hey, I caught a prisoner! When the company commander and the others rushed to the hillside of Lao Mengna, the devils took advantage of the darkness and ran away for most of it. Listen to me."

Lao Qin sat opposite Hu Yi at the table: "Everything is ready, why don't you take a break before leaving?"

"You can also take turns sleeping in the carriage. With so many wounded, it will be hard for you!" Hu Yi didn't look up, gesticulating on the map under the oil lamp.

"It's not very peaceful at the station. After you leave, I will leave overnight. I have to find a way to send the wounded back to the wine station!" Lao Qin exhaled a puff of smoke, which filled the light.

When I went out, there were more than 100 people in the spy platoon. I accidentally ran into the security team led by Lao Zhou and the girl with more than 100 people. More than 30 people were sacrificed and more than 50 people were injured. Jiulian still had nearly half of the casualties when going out this time!
Lao Qin was smoking the cigarette that the girl specially brought him, the flame on the cigarette butt flickered and flickered on and off.

After a long while, Hu Yi didn't raise his head and continued to ask, "Are you sure there are no problems with these recruits?"

"They are all civilians who can't survive in the enemy-occupied areas. Their backgrounds have been investigated and their net worth is clean. Many of them have relatives who died at the hands of the devils and hate the devils."

"Have you ever fired a gun?"

"Everyone hit three shots!"

Hu Yi was silent, and he was a recruit again. In every battle, the recruits sacrificed the most.

Seeing that Hu Yi didn't speak, Lao Qin continued: "There is a pair of cloth shoes for everyone in those bags. I don't know if they fit. Anyway, it's enough to make up for it. Those women who escaped came to rush It came out, although it was rough, but it was thick.”

Hu Yi interrupted Lao Qin's nagging: "I saw that there are quite a few villagers from Jiuzhan Village in the resident, why are they all running away from the mountains?"

"A while ago, Chojiu sent a batch of supplies over, this time they are here to help transport them back to the mountains."

"Shipping into the mountain? Didn't Choijiu send it directly to the gun tower at the foot of the mountain before?" Hu Yi looked away from the map on the table and fell into deep thought while looking at the oil lamp.

"is there a problem?"

Hu Yi always felt that something was wrong, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out: "During the military division, the devils approached a cavalry brigade, but gave up pursuing the military division, and only sent the security forces to carry out a siege! The division leader analyzed that the devil must be planning something.”

Old Qin was surprised: "The military division is so far away from us, can it have anything to do with us?"

"After the military division withdrew from this area, the devil seemed to have forgotten this place. Do you think this is possible with the devil's temper?" Hu Yi finally grasped something unusual.

"What you said. I don't seem to be at ease in my heart. A few days ago, the militia found many strangers in this area. They pretended to seek refuge with their relatives. Could it be that we are being targeted by devils?" Lao Qin suddenly Remember something.

Hu Yi's eyes fell on the map again: "The blockade line in the east, and a blockade ditch was newly dug in the south. The hill devils in the west couldn't dig a blockade ditch, but they built gun towers at the foot of the mountain. The county government and the district team defense area in the north, and the county government also There is a problem over there!"

Lao Qin pointed to the map with red circles and blue lines: "With our residence as the center, the common people reclaimed a lot of wasteland, and Zeng Nansheng sent a lot of seeds, and finally planted the crops, but I don't know these things. Can the crops survive the cold winter?"

"You solved the water problem?" Hu Yi looked at Lao Qin, a little surprised.

"How else can it be solved? That is, on the side near the blockade line, someone was arranged to dig a few deep wells, and the water was brought back to the base area by carrying people on their shoulders. It's just that too much land has been reclaimed, and several buckets of water were poured into the ground in the morning. It will be gone before it gets dark!"

"Can't we dig a canal?"

"I can't help it. The terrain where the wells can produce water is all bad, and the water can't flow to high places."

"Then it's okay to reclaim the low-lying places where wells can be drilled?"

"That's not going to work. Those places with water are less than ten miles away from the gun towers built by the devils. We can only transport water to irrigate the fields in the middle of the night."

"The price is too high. Since there are so many people, you never thought about transferring all these people to the mountains!"

"Go to the mountains? Why? We managed to develop our base on the plains, so it's impossible to go back to the mountains!"

Another moment of silence.

Hu Yi suddenly said again: "I feel that the situation is not good. The devils definitely don't have the kindest intentions to let the common people come to our dangerous base area on all sides. They probably want us to think that there is not much danger on the plain, so we can relax our vigilance and take the initiative to go out of the mountains. And then catch them all."

"What you said doesn't seem unreasonable. According to what you said, there is really a possibility."

"It's not too late. In the past few days, let's start with the villages in the west, send militiamen to surround the villages, and move the villagers away one by one. They stay here, and there is no output from farming. Some trustworthy ones are left behind. Here on the line!
"But now there are too many old and weak women and children in the village, many of them have their husbands, brothers and fathers captured by devils, so they don't want to leave at all!"

"Don't those people believe that the devil will come here sooner or later?"

"But the devils just didn't come! It's just that they all live in the west! It's hard to persuade them to leave."

"Confused! We have such a small place here, even if it is the periphery, can't they pass information through these villagers? I understand, the devils just know that we don't have many people here, so they didn't do anything, and the chop nine can be sent back smoothly. Most of this batch of food is also a trap set by the devils, trying to catch all the troops coming out of the mountains!"

"Huh? Is the situation so serious?"

"I'm just guessing. For the specific situation, you have to ask an insider to find out!"

Hu Yi suddenly thought of another thing: "If you send the wounded into the mountain, there should be no problem. After you go back, you tell the head of the political commissar not to send troops out of the mountain easily!

Hu Yi was silent again, looking at the map in a daze, and kept connecting the only clues in his hand, but he still couldn't find a breakthrough.

Jiulian learned the methods of the work team, and after dispersing, put on the black clothes of the reconnaissance team, even if they fought guerrillas in enemy-occupied areas, there would be no problem.

But those ordinary people who came here are just a burden now
During his absence, Lao Qin was like an old hen, looking for food and protecting the cubs. During the day, he let the wounded veterans of the Ninth Company lead the recruits for training, held a thought meeting at night, and had to take care of the soldiers. Living daily life, inquiring about the situation of the enemy, and solving trivial housework among the villagers. Fortunately, these recruits also regarded carrying water as part of their training, so that these women, children, old and weak saw hope.

Hu Yi'er listened to Lao Qin's ramblings, and his mind wandered away.

(End of this chapter)

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