under fire

Chapter 498 The security forces are not all cowards

Chapter 498 The security forces are not all cowards
After daybreak, a certain mouth at the foot of the undulating mountains.

The reverberation of two gunshots echoed in the valley.

A soldier came out of the ravine panting: "Instructor, the supplementary team in the mountain has been contacted, but they only have a dozen people, and they can't provide us with any help at all!"

Pu Buhuan, who had been lying on the ground all morning, turned around and yelled: "Let those ordinary people run faster, throw useless things into the ditch, and come back to look for them in a few days!"


Park Buhuan watched the soldiers run away, turned his head and raised his rifle, aiming at the security army team that was lingering in the morning after the shit plaster lingered.

The crosshair swung left and right, and after a while, it finally framed the target with the short gun.

The guy suddenly shot twice because of the eight roads who had fled all night in front of him. He was just crawling behind a stone, and when there was no movement, he poked his head out to shout.

Phew, a bullet passed by the top of his head, he was startled, he shrank his head quickly, feeling the burning pain on the top of his head, and quickly tore off his military cap.

Grass, one eye for the front and back!There was a smell of burnt hair from the hat.

"Company commander, on your head."

"What's wrong with your head?" The bandit company commander turned pale.

"There is a ditch in the hair on the top of the head!" The subordinate next to him quickly replied.

Company Commander Zhi raised his hand and touched his head, then put his hand in front of his eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, there was no blood!
Could it be that there are sharpshooters in this dirt road?The distance from the shooting location is definitely 200 meters!
Company Commander Zhi blew up, so what if you have a sharpshooter?Can it be stronger than the imperial army?I have more than a hundred guns, can you be scared by one or two guns?I beat you with a random shot

"Hit me all the time, until his mother doesn't know him!"

The company commander gave an order, and the various departments immediately placed their rifles on the rocks in front of them, and concealed themselves behind to prepare for shooting.

The bolt crashed into pieces.

Dozens of rifles were aimed at the mountain road ahead, and the triggers were pulled without hesitation.

Bang, bang, bang. There was a roar of bullets, and then it became a mess, hitting different highs and lows.

The low ones slammed into the rocks and fled, while the high ones roared past.

A bullet hit the stone next to Pu Buhuan, splashing flakes of stone, he quickly closed his eyes, shook his head and ordered to the soldiers next to him: "Retreat!"

After the first wave of about five rounds of bullets from the security forces, taking advantage of the gap between the bullets of the security forces, the last few eight roads left behind jumped on the mountain road and ran deep into the ravine.

Occasionally use the stones by the side of the ditch to cover up and fight back
"Instructor, the location here is good. I don't believe that the security forces can rush up."

Pu Buhuan took a quick glance and saw that there was a platform next to the ravine. You could see the security forces at the back with your probe, but the security forces on the lower ground would never be able to see it.

"Instructor, if there is a machine gun, this place can really be guarded by one man, and no one can open it."

Another fighter hastened to add: "If the security forces don't use mortars."

Park Buhuan raised his head and looked at the figures of ordinary people moving slowly on the mountainside after leaving the ravine: "Let's hit them here first, don't you usually say that there is no chance to shoot with live ammunition? This time, let's shoot enough!" "

"Yes, instructor, just watch it!"

"Attention, if the security forces bring mortars, they must kill the mortarers first!"

This was Park Buhuan's overthinking. The Security Army itself only had four mortars, and those were deadly. The Security Army didn't bring them because they needed speed in their pursuit.

The key point is that Commander Guo is also heartbroken. The artillerymen of the two groups of dead and injured, the mortar artillerymen who are regarded as darlings, are not willing to use them to fight this kind of chasing security regiment.

Looking at the security forces at the bottom of the ravine, several soldiers murmured, and after a long while the squad leader said: "I will fight the first one, and Gouzi will fight the second one."

Park Buhuan pulled out the binoculars and looked at the vanguard of the security forces more than 100 meters away. Those guys whose heads were almost bent to the ground always looked at a sheltered place before moving on. In this way, the speed was simply fast Can't get up.

After almost half an hour, I got closer to less than 50 meters!
The bandits who have dealt with the mountains for many years, even if they voted for a devil and have a security force number, the bandits instincts have not been forgotten. How can they not see that there must be an ambush behind the rock protruding from the ravine in front!

The first security guard was lowering his body and running obscenely sideways, about to rush behind a rock on the opposite side of the ditch.

The squad leader took aim for a long time, then fired decisively, and the bullets whizzed across the ravine.

The security forces immediately rushed forward and disappeared behind the big rock. Obviously, the squad leader missed the target.

"At a distance of 60 meters, you have to hit him two positions to the left according to his speed!" Park Buhuan put down the binoculars.

"What are two persons?"

"When you shoot, there is a reaction time, and there is another flight time after the bullet is fired. Although it is very short, if you aim directly at him, if you can hit it, I will give you your last name!"

Another vigilante ran past.

Bang, the bullet was fired again, unbiased, and suddenly fell to the body of the terrified security guard.

The soldier who fired the gun was stunned, and cheered quickly.

The squad leader was also stunned, and slapped the idiot with his head up on the stone with his chin. .

Pu Buhuan was very happy, this kid is a seedling, and his education has really paid off.

After a long while, the shooter turned his face to Tang Ji's face with stone imprints on it, and said frightenedly: "Instructor, I also aimed at the Security Force, why did I hit it?"

ah?This time it was Park Buhuan who was stunned.

After thinking for a while, he looked away from the security guard who was still struggling on the ground in the distance: "Show me your gun!"

The soldier quickly handed over the gun, and Park Buhuan took it. He felt that the gun seemed to be old, and looked at the inscription on the back: [-].
Looking at the thick barrel in front, Pu Buhuan has a black line: old sleeve.

After unloading the bullet, turning the muzzle of the gun, his eyes moved forward, and took a look in the not so bright light of the ravine: the rifling was almost invisible.

Throwing the gun back: "What's your mother's last name?"

"Hey, my surname is Li, instructor, I know this is Meng, you don't need my surname."

"If I don't kick you to death, tell me how did you hit him?"

"Report to the instructor! I know this gun is useless. It doesn't have the rifling you mentioned. Not only is it inaccurate, it can't seal the gunpowder gas. , so I aimed at the enemy, he was running to the right, the blind cat met the dead mouse"

Park Buhuan thought for a while, and handed over his rifle: "Try with this gun. Wherever the security forces run, you can hit him at two body positions in front of him!"

A few unlucky vanguard soldiers of the public security army rushed left and right amidst the sound of cold gunshots from all directions, secretly cursing the company commander's ancestors, and dug the ten-generation ancestral grave of the company commander's family in their hearts.

The unlucky guy who got shot next to him can't see it.

Fortunately, this time it's my own team rushing forward, so I have nothing to do with the next attack, and it may take at least half an hour before my turn.

Hide your body and put your rifle on the stone in front of you again, I don't stand up this time, let me see how you can fight!
I still don't believe it, you are just a few eight-way, more than 100 brothers who can stop our endless bullets.
The vanguard touched the ammunition pouch specially strengthened because he was a commando, and conveniently pulled it into his trousers pocket.

This thing can be exchanged for money at the resident, and a few drinks are no problem. Thinking of this, I get excited, and I can even find local prostitutes
Anyway, the one who made the assault this time was replaced by the second platoon, which I didn't like long ago. The platoon leader was the company commander's brother, and he was yelling at the back at this time. That guy is not a good person.

After the sound of "bang", there was a burst of gunfire, and the security forces who were said to be carrying out firepower suppression did not hesitate, and immediately fought back at the Eight Routes, covering another unlucky brother's assault.

The bullets flew to the eight-way ambush ahead in a mess.

The firepower of the Security Force is not weak, even if there are enough bullets, they can't hold such cheap bullets.

The platoon leader of the public security army saw his subordinates beating up under the eyes of the company commander's cronies, and quickly stopped: "Can your mother take aim and fight again? If you waste bullets, I will deduct the salary later!"

A good guy can't fight against too many people, and the heavy rain of bullets made Pu Buhuan and the others dare not even raise their heads.

The key point is that the security forces shoot irregularly, sometimes they shoot and sometimes they don't.
(End of this chapter)

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