under fire

Chapter 499 Old Acquaintances

Chapter 499 Old Acquaintances

Autumn has quietly taken away the colorful look of summer, and the rising sun is like the shortest resurrection in late summer, rising to the sky and continuing to emit heat.

The mountain people have long been accustomed to this alternation of seasons, and finally let go of the dry season, hoping that the change of seasons can take away all unsatisfactory things.

Twenty miles to the west of the blockade and ten miles to the south of the security regiment station, Director Zhang stood on the north road of a village with red eyes, looking at the plain with a little mist, and his mood improved a lot.

Not because of the season, but because he met old acquaintances.

In the distance, a middle-aged man and two young people are walking quickly towards this village with some fireworks.

Zhang Yi smiled, strode forward, and stretched out his hands: "I said, why did you come here?"

"Old Zhang! I didn't expect you to come here in person!" Zeng Nansheng was not surprised. He was notified by the correspondent and rushed over at dawn.

"Oh, we haven't seen each other for a while, right? I thought you joined the work team, you've grown up a bit, and you don't know me anymore, hehe, I didn't expect you to be here too!"

Letting go of the joy of seeing his old friend, Zeng Nansheng regained his composure.

Director Zhang knew that the situation should not be the worst, so there was no need to worry.

"Uh, why didn't your county brigade come?" Zeng Nansheng was a little puzzled.

"The county brigade. They have other tasks. You don't seem to be in a hurry. You even sent someone to say that you are in a hurry. I really think you have made a mistake." Zhang Yi was a little embarrassed and couldn't say it. The thing about the county government.

Zeng Nansheng frowned slightly: "Things are a bit complicated. We managed to recruit the security team surnamed Gou. I didn't expect that even the old nest has been taken over by bandits. This face is thrown at grandma's house!"

"Hey, according to your correspondent, it's the half-lazi security force surnamed Guo, aren't they always in the east, why did they come here in such a big circle?

"It stands to reason that everyone is trying to survive in troubled times. When they came here, they didn't take the main road. It was obvious that they wanted to sneak up and catch us all! But they are not like ordinary bandits who would send spies to investigate the situation before they came out of the mountains and then sneaked in at night. This time, it’s a strange thing to copy the side road and make a big fanfare!”

Director Zhang thought for a while: "In my opinion, this matter must have something to do with Xu Jinsheng. You see, he must know the relationship between the security regiment and our Eighth Route Army, so he deliberately prevented Guo from passing through his defense area. Ming is telling us that he has nothing to do with him! If something really happens, it’s better to separate the relationship.”

Zeng Nansheng thought for a while, then nodded: "You are right."

Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "How about the loss?"

"The loss of personnel is not big, and the people near the team didn't know our origins at first, but we still have food for the winter in the cottage, and there is no way to transfer it. We left a platoon of soldiers guarding the village. Now the cottage is being attacked by bandits. It's all around."

"Your cottage is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so maybe the bandits can't do anything about it?"

"Our people who went back to reconnaissance just came back before dawn and said that the bandits did not attack the cottage, but this is actually worrying."

Director Zhang waved his hand violently, feeling that everything was under control: "Isn't it a good thing that the security forces didn't attack? Then what are you worried about? Let's go here, and cooperate with the reinforcements from the supplementary regiment to hit the bandit surnamed Guo." A mess!"

"It's not that simple. I guess these security forces are going to occupy this place for a long time." Zeng Nansheng said his guess.

"Hey, if he wants to stay here and not leave, that's up to them!"

"Don't talk big, the surname Guo and the surname Xu must wear a pair of trousers this time. The public security army said that there are two to 3000 people. What do you think, with your small arms and legs, what can you do with them?" Although there is no loss of personnel. , but the base area has been taken over by others, it would be embarrassing if it got out, and Zeng Nansheng felt helpless.

"Just that group of bandits dared to fight with us. I'm really impatient. I'll deal with them sooner or later." Zhang Yi knew how much he was, so he could only comfort Zeng Nansheng.

Zeng Nansheng raised his head and glanced at Zhang Yi: "Hey, you are really there, and you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big? When did your public security team dare to compete with the security forces?"

"Hey, are you talking like that? Even your old nest was taken away by the security forces, what are you talking about?"

"Then what are you bragging about? You can't even move a county brigade! You're a good bureau chief!"

"What does it mean to be unable to move? If it weren't for Yang Dede, let's stop gossiping and talk about the current situation."

"Six to seven hundred people came from the security forces. Last night, they occupied our garrison, surrounded the cottage, and surrounded several nearby villages at night. grain."

"Where is Commander Sun?"

"He led the people in the village where he was stationed and moved into the mountain."

"Then what are your plans now?"

"If the security forces leave, hey, it's their fate. If they dare to stay here, this time I'll let him take off his skin if he doesn't die!"

"Blow, blow hard, you lost your old nest, and now you don't even have two hairs, and you still say that those useless things have a fart!"

"We also sent people to the independent group, and it is estimated that they will come over tonight!"

"Independence group? They come farther over there. Uh... No, what do you say? They will come here tonight? Have the independent group come out of the mountain?"

"That's not right, didn't Captain Liu tell you?" Zeng Nansheng thought for a while, and felt that although the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment had been in Pingyuan for so long, necessary confidentiality measures were still required. However, Director Zhang was originally in charge of intelligence. You probably don't know the details of Jiulian.

Then, there is only one possibility. He must know that there are friendly troops in the south, but he refrained from inquiring about the news.

Nine company came out of the mountain mixed with the armed task force, which is top secret!There are quite a few people who know about it.

Moreover, after staying with Jiulian for a long time, I have long since discovered that those big mouths are running around at any time, and sometimes I even feel that they are actually the detective team!
Go out one by one to ride horses and bicycles, and pay three meals a day!

They even turned a blind eye to the proposal of replacing three meals with two meals in the teacher's school because of the lack of food!
"It seems that he mentioned it in a small chat once, and when I asked him later, he didn't say anything about it, and said it was related to the armed task force, so keep it secret!"

"This matter really needs to be kept secret. I don't think he deliberately didn't tell you! It's just that your police department is in charge of public security intelligence. Their county brigade also has a lot of people talking, and now it's a democratic government. One less person knows, and more One point safe!"

"I really don't know why the superiors agreed to form a coalition government with those reactionaries!" Zhang Yi was dissatisfied with the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the establishment of a coalition government behind enemy lines with former enemies. .

Bang. In the distance to the north, there was a sudden gunshot.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Chief Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned his head to look in the direction of the gunshots. The forest in the distance to the north blocked his sight.

Zeng Nansheng frowned and shook his head: "Someone of us is over there. It is estimated that the security forces are searching for it. We should not expose it now. When the reinforcements come, we will study a plan!"

"Aren't you being too careful? This place is so big, and it's so far away from your station. Even if there are security forces, there are definitely not many of them. In case of our comrades who are being chased by the security forces, although we are not many , but it still has the ability to attack a peripheral search force of the security forces in broad daylight, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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