under fire

Chapter 500 Who is chasing whom?

Chapter 500 Who is chasing whom?
In the ravine.

Park Buhuan, who was unable to lift his head under the pressure of the bullet, took the risk to poke his head twice quickly.

Basically see clearly the strength of the pursuing security forces.

This is a standard company configuration, with three platoons. For some reason, there are only two Czech guns, no small cannons, and the company commander of the security force who is commanding is far behind, waving and shouting.

There were more than [-] people in each of the three platoons, and one of them was urged by a certain platoon leader. The three squads were divided into three steps and rushed forward in the ravine under the cover of stones and bushes alternately.

The two platoons at the back divided into two groups and followed up one after another.

The two soldiers beside him shot coldly at the attacking team in the ravine from time to time.

The devil finally rushed into the range of more than forty meters.

"Damn it, it's so embarrassing to be chased by the security forces!" Park Buhuan lay down on the rock, estimated the distance, and felt that it should be almost the same.

A soldier next to him imitated Pu Buhuan nervously, looked up at the approaching security forces, and asked Park Buhuan in a low voice: "Instructor, do you want to fight now?"

Park Buhuan reached out and patted the soldier's shoulder in satisfaction, and roared in a low voice: "Grenade ready!"

The bullets above the head were screaming, and the security forces were chasing so close, and my heart beat wildly. However, looking at the calm expression of Instructor Park next to him, I felt that the instructor had no intention of retreating, and Zhang Yu heard the order.

Trembling, the soldiers pulled out the grenade and popped it out in front of them.

Pu Buhuan counted the sound of the clamoring machine guns of the security forces, and felt that it should be fifteen.

He ventured to raise his head again, and saw clearly that the security forces were getting closer: "Pull the string! Drop the bomb, 30 meters away!"

The sound of machine gunfire suddenly ceased.

Amidst the whistling sound, the six figures didn't even lift their heads. They waved their arms violently based on feeling, and reached into the rain of rifle bullets that were left by the whistling monsters. After the pistol bullets were released, they quickly retracted their arms.

They checked each other and found that the arm was intact except for a bullet hole in one sleeve.

Six black iron guys with wooden handles and a light yellow melon grenade flew into the air, and after reaching the highest point, they accelerated their descent.

Less than two seconds after the first weighing, the black guy flew over a distance of about [-] meters, and the little melon flew even further.

Without a target, the grenade thrown out by feeling bounced off the stones.

The two security forces next to him who were pulling the bolt looked at the smoking iron lump, and their first reaction was to lie down.

A certain security force in a particularly good position subconsciously grabbed the iron guy who had just jumped up, was scalded by the hot wooden handle, and reacted instantly, and quickly threw it back.

boom boom boom
Six explosions exploded one after another.

The whistling sound of the chaotic bullets above his head suddenly disappeared, and the screams of the hapless security forces came from the ravine.

As for the thrown grenade, there are duds, which is nothing more than normal.

The seven that were easy to throw sounded six, which is not bad.

After the gunfire stopped and the bullets stopped appearing, seven upper parts of heads immediately appeared on the rock.

The nearest security guard had rushed into 20 meters. At this time, he was overturned by the blast air and was about to get up.

A bullet directly penetrated into the squirming body, and the guy heard the gunshot that followed.

Bang bang bang, the fastest runner died faster.

Five of the seven bullets hit, it doesn't matter whether those damned enemies were killed or not!

Close platoon guns to fire at enemies further away.

Fortunately, those who were not injured in the explosion hurriedly found a place to hide, and then returned fire with their guns in the smoke that was still churning in the air.

Twisting his body, he shot at the huge boulder in front of him based on his feeling. As for whether he could hit it, it depended on luck.

Whether the person on the rock can escape the bullet also depends on luck.

Company Commander Zhi didn't expect to be completely disintegrated by the seven grenades thrown down by the Eight Routes while attacking alternately and cautiously.

The attacking team actually retreated back!
A few corpses were dropped on the ground, the men in the hat ran away, and the figure with the gun was lost.
Company Commander Zhi quickly pulled out his shell gun and fired a shot at the sky.

Regardless of the buzzing in his ears: "Stop all for me, hurry up and fight back! If the **** runs away again, don't blame me for not recognizing people with guns!"

Those who escaped immediately found cover on the spot, turned their heads and aimed their guns at the distance again.

His hands were trembling, his heart was about to jump out of his mouth, he blinked, and aimed his dazed eyes at the rifle's door.

The platoon leader at the end hurried to the company commander, and after confirming that he was well concealed, he murmured to the company commander for a while. Machine guns lined the sides of the valley.

At this time, it was about [-] meters away from the eight-way position. Visually, it should be outside the attack range of the eight-way grenade.

He found a stone on the spot and put a machine gun on it, and prepared to suppress the eight roads with more powerful firepower together with the machine gun covered by the previous firepower.

The ghost consultant once personally taught the use of machine gun firepower. This trick has a scientific name: crossfire!

On the other side of the narrow ravine, the machine gun that had been mute before had its magazine replaced. Looking at the machine gun next to it, it turned pale and waved its hands.

In front of the position of the machine gun, twenty or thirty security forces were stuck to the wall of the ravine, lying behind a rock, holding their guns and panting, looking at the sky.

I don't know if this wave continues, can I still see such a bright sky tomorrow!

Company Commander Zhi was yelling loudly from behind: "After hearing the machine gun, everyone charged immediately, and there were only six or seven of them! If you kill one, you will be rewarded ten yuan!"

Ten yuan, what a big deal!
Some daring and fearless ones were ready to move immediately, ready to wait for the machine gun to fire, suppress the eight roads and charge again.

"Oh, the bandits are coming up with a machine gun again." A soldier watched the security forces move in the distance, and the company commander of the security forces could hear clearly!
Park Buhuan had also been staring at the target, looking at the position where the machine gun was being played with. Unfortunately, the security forces who were afraid of death just put the machine gun on the rack, but did not show up.

At such a short distance, for him, it is actually not too difficult to hit. The key point is that the security forces are too wretched to show up at all.

"What are you panicking about? You all aimed at the machine gun position on the left, and greet him vigorously when he appears." After speaking, he continued to stare at the swaying machine gun.

I don't believe that if your machine gun is going to fire, how can your machine gunner not show his face!
A machine gun is different from a rifle. If you don't put your shoulder on the butt, it will jump high after a bullet!

Pu Buhuan's voice was still lingering, and he heard the company commander of the Security Force shouting in a broken voice not far away: "The machine gun fires! Everyone rush to me!"

After the company commander Zhi shouted, he immediately raised his hand and fired a demonstrative shot into the distance.

Seeing that the security forces in front finally made a movement, the machine gunner finally poked his head out, leaned out half of his body, and was about to fire at the rock that Balu had been optimistic about hiding not far away.

Bang, Eight Roads fired first!
The security forces who were about to charge were stunned, but the legendary suppression of firepower did not appear.

Only the voice of Company Commander Zhi and the sound of gunfire echoed in the valley.

After a while, a brother's screams joined the echoing voice.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of several rifles came from the Eighth Route.

Quickly turned around, just in time to see the machine gunner behind the rocks on the other side of the valley fell headlong.

This unlucky guy was shot at least twice!
The security forces at a close distance could see it more clearly: the machine gunner opened the scoop directly on the back of the head, and sprayed the deputy shooter next to him with red and white spray.

The shooter froze for a moment, let out a strange cry, immediately jumped up, hugged his head, spread his legs and ran back!

With one comes a second, and then a third.
The security forces who were lying on the ground ready to move were terrified, and hurriedly raised their guns to fight back indiscriminately at the Eight Road side, and immediately, there was a crackling sound.

Seeing this, some security forces who were very close to the Eighth Route's position quickly pulled out a grenade and threw it towards the Eighth Route.

It's not that the security forces have never fought before. They know that the smoke from the explosion of the grenade can block the sight of Balu.

You have to leave a way for yourself to retreat!
After the grenade exploded, more security forces jumped up and joined the retreating team.

Is Balu throwing grenades again?

The seven people on the stone were dumbfounded. Are you throwing a grenade for fun?

Since you want to run, how could I miss such a good opportunity to beat the dog in the water?

As a result, a barrage of bullets rushed towards the security forces who sold their backs.

Park Buhuan took aim and shot unhurriedly, and several security forces rushing to the machine gun positions fell to the ground.
He was a little nervous: "All aim at the machine gun position for me. If anyone runs towards the machine gun, please give me a big hello!"

It is impossible to say how powerful a security army composed of a group of bandits is!
If they face the same guerrillas, the guerrillas can't stand it at all!The guerrillas had no choice but to withdraw and run as fast as they could.

However, under the leadership of Park Buhuan, these few recruits who obviously did not have much fighting strength, successfully repelled the attack of the security forces.

Although Park Buhuan only had seven people, they had the dominant terrain. Seven or eight wounded soldiers of the security forces on the ground raised their hands tactfully, even ignoring the fact that their bodies were still bleeding.

However, the retreating security forces still took away a machine gun.

"Instructor, what about these prisoners?" The squad leader, who was considered a veteran, had bright eyes and was hanging a bayonet on his gun.

Pu Buhuan pulled up the machine gun behind the stone and shook his hand: "Keep it for now!"

There are more than a dozen rifles on the ground, so the ammunition has to be carried by someone, so it is not a pity to have these ready-made labor.

"Stand up for me, if you can't stand up, hey, then you don't have to get up!" Pu Buhuan's cold voice echoed in the valley.

Hearing that the soldiers who were observing the fleeing security forces in the east, their hearts tensed immediately, and the instructor probably wanted to pull the bayonet again.
After retreating for nearly a mile, the security forces slowly stopped, and Company Commander Zhi was yelling in a broken voice: "Stop everyone, anyone who wants to run again! I will kill anyone!"

After speaking, he fired another shot at the sky, and the sound of the gunshot made his ears buzz again.

"Platoon leader, we have lost a machine gun in our platoon, should we still pursue it?" Looking at the chaotic line behind, seeing that they couldn't squeeze through, a soldier asked the superior next to him.

"I'm chasing you, grandma. Didn't you see that Balu chasing after us?" A row next to him raised his foot and kicked over.

This chapter is over!
I finally know the reason why we don't have many recommended votes!

There used to be two hundred a day, but now it’s half less, damn, the starting point has changed the voting column to the top.
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As for whether to vote or not, we will add more
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Hengba looked at it and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.
By the way, the military category is ranked 92nd.

The manuscript fee has doubled, and after a month of hard work, I can finally buy a Huazi

(End of this chapter)

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