under fire

Chapter 501

Chapter 501

In Luo Fugui's heart, the devil scolded the ancestors of the security forces and bandits thousands of times.

This plain is really too late. After only half a month in the plain, there have been four major battles!
Almost from late summer to early fall.

I haven't slept well for two days and two nights in a row, and I've been on my way all the time. At this time, my grandma's gangsters actually got involved with the security team!

You, us and Boss Hu are all bandits, why do you have to make your own family beat your own family?
The anger in Xiong's heart is hard to dissipate. Even if I follow the Eighth Route, we are still the same, aren't we?

This time, I have to show some color to these wastes. I dare not do anything to the devils. This idea has hit my head. A bunch of idiots who have more than failed to succeed. Look at how I will deal with you when I come!
"Hey, mule, come up, my aunt's feet are numb from squatting, she needs to move around!" Xiao Hongying ran down from the back of the cart.

"Oh, it's not in vain that my platoon leader treats you well!" Luo Fugui rushed onto the mule cart with a whoosh.

The frame of the car creaked, and it felt like it might fall apart at any time.

The little girl had already seen Hu Yi following up on a bicycle, and immediately stood on the side of the road, staring and waving: "Fox, wait for me!"

When Hu Yi came over, he quickly trotted for two steps, grabbed Hu Yi's belt with one hand, and jumped onto the bicycle directly.

"Hey, if we just run around like this, will we be targeted by devils?"

"There are leading soldiers from the Secret Service Regiment in front, and Ma Liang is staring at us on both sides, and we are dressed as security forces, so it's not a big problem." Hu Yi's voice was slightly hoarse.

"Are you worried about the vixen? She's too stubborn, it's hard to say." Xiao Hongying said casually.

After riding for most of the night, Hu Yi's hands trembled, the body of the bicycle swayed twice, and almost fell into the wasteland next to it which was nearly a foot lower.

Luo Fugui, who was on the carriage in front, happened to see the scene behind the carriage, and added with great interest: "I found that Secretary Su seems to have changed a lot!"

Xiao Hongying poked out her braid in embarrassment: "Hey, what are you talking about? How has the vixen changed?"

"He's not as cold as before to Boss Hu! He's more like a couple." Luo Fugui said proudly with his ugly triangular eyes.

Hu Yi, who was riding a bicycle, immediately dropped his jaw and fell to pieces. The bicycle successfully rushed into the wilderness by the roadside.

Hu Yi tried his best to control the bicycle, staggered twice in the wasteland, stretched his legs to support the ground, and finally fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The little girl who jumped off the bicycle earlier was looking at Hu Yi who was competing with the bicycle with her head tilted.

The monkey who was driving the cart couldn't bear it any longer. He clutched his stomach and couldn't straighten his back. Holding the mule cart with one hand, it was almost cracked by the cart.

The overwhelmed mule cart clicked, and the girder broke.

The mule on the cart fell directly to the ground and yelled, "Monkey, your grandma's, I won't kill you!"

The car was packed into bags, and the messy household items fell to the ground with metal clinks. The mule pulling the cart staggered, as if it couldn’t move, took two steps, felt something was wrong, and stopped straight away, snorting Shaking his head and walking on the spot, he saw a few clumps of dry grass beside the road, so he lowered his head and gnawed.

The bear that was about to get up, listened to the back and forth, and laughed for a while, his face was changing red, green, blue and white, wishing he could crush the two hundred and five that broke the cart to pieces!
As for his own weight, it was completely ignored.


The two figures ran towards Zhang Yi and Zeng Nansheng, followed by a group of security forces pursuing them.

The man in front was running, occasionally turning around and shooting.

From a distance, you can only see the people being chased in front bring up a cloud of dust, and you can't see the number of people chasing behind.

There was a dense mess of sounds in the village, and the sound of footsteps.

Holding a large rusty blade, a bright shuttle mark, and a guillotine gleaming coldly.

Holding old sleeves, bird guns appeared one after another.

Director Zhang drew out his pistol, and looked nervously at the northern wilderness with a group of his men.

Zeng Nansheng suddenly felt that these comrades were a little strange.

Maybe it's because most of the security teams have guns, but they didn't expect the county police to be so poor.

Shaking his head, two months ago, he seemed to be the same as them, only he and Lao Zhou had guns, and the other comrades were no different from the team in front of them.

"Old Zeng, hurry back!" Director Sun said to Zeng Nansheng sternly, and immediately turned his head: "Get ready to fight!"

Zeng Nansheng didn't move. He frowned as he watched the public security team rushing up and down the house, and subconsciously suggested, "If you don't concentrate your firepower to the front, everyone will be sandwiched together. There is no formation, how can you fight?"

"How to fight? Are you still teaching me as an intelligence officer?"

"I just think it's not right for you to arrange it this way."

"Hey, don't we fight, do we just charge after two shots? There's a fart formation!"

"You have no echelons like this, and the firepower has not formed a crossover. Besides, you haven't even figured out the enemy's situation. This."

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you opened your mouth to speak yellow?" Zhang Yi was so stubborn that the intelligence officer pointed at his nose and said that his arrangement was wrong!What a joke, looking at this comrade who used to charge with me like a monster.

Zeng Nansheng was at a loss for words, yes, wasn't that how he used to resist the security forces with the soldiers and fight devils in ambush?
A team of 200 people ambushed the devils and a team of more than a dozen people. Several times, our own side lost five, six, seventy, eighty, and finally let the devils run away. If one or two devils can be killed, it is a victory!

In many cases, even the corpse of the devil was not found.

Seeing the two security regiment soldiers in common people's clothes running close, and looking at the poor relatives next to him, Zeng Nansheng felt very uncomfortable.

Immediately ordered to the two soldiers next to him: "Keep the bullets. Ten rounds, and give them all the other bullets in the bag!"

After finishing speaking, he first took out six rows of shell gun bullets that had been installed on the bridge frame from his bag, and handed them to Zhang Yi next to him.

Director Zhang Da was stunned, this handful of bullets, five rounds on each bridge frame, isn't that equal to thirty bullets!
The temptation of bullets is too great!Eyes wide open.

Subconsciously reached out to pick it up, but saw Zeng Nansheng next to him leading the two soldiers dressed as ordinary people.

The two soldiers directly took off the dungarees hanging on their shoulders, pulled out two bags containing bullets from inside, and the yellow bullets fell directly on a stone slab beside them.

The soldier next to him stretched his neck and opened his eyes wide. The seven or nine bullets poured out by the two were less than one hundred rounds, which was definitely not much more!
The gunfire of the chasing team in the distance is getting closer and closer, and it is only one mile away from the village, which is almost at the door of the house.

The bullets on the ground dazzled his eyes, and he even remembered that the enemy was about to come.

Zhang Yi raised his hand and shook his eyes in shock, his heart was agitated, when did this old Zeng become a local rich man?
This is definitely riches!

Then why are you being polite, your hands were still shaking, and you quickly turned your head and yelled to the back: "Those with guns, hurry up, five shots per person!"

The public security soldiers who had guns jumped out immediately, and a squad leader immediately roared: "Queue up. Uh, your mother, why are you running here with a bird gun to join in the fun?"

A few people at the back of the line with red-tasseled guns hurriedly left the line.
Zhang Yi came back to his senses, thought for a while, and reluctantly threw the few rows of bullets he grabbed back from Lao Zeng's hands to the two rows of action captains behind: "The single one in your hand will save me some use."

The captain's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to grab it tightly: "Is it possible to save this bullet to give birth to cubs? I will definitely hit a few enemies this time, so that even the militiamen won't laugh at us as poor!"

 After carefully checking the information, the police at the Eighth Route were equivalent to the current security officers.
  In the base areas, the police did not even have guns.
  The term public security comes from the French Committee of Public Safety.

  The Public Security Bureau was established after the Second Law Protection War in [-]. For example, the Public Security Bureau was also established when Qingdao was recovered in [-], with six sub-bureaus under its jurisdiction.

  In [-], the Public Security Bureau was changed into a police station again.

  Boss Zhu served as the director of the Nanchang Public Security Bureau before the Nanchang Uprising!
  as for now

  Police is a profession, and public security is a function.

  The police is a big concept, and its functions include public security, justice, and national security;

  Police is a function of the police profession.

  From the point of view of composition, the police are a part of the public security organs; the public security department is an important carrier of the police system.

  The police department in our country is composed of the people's police and the judicial police, among which the people's police includes the police from the public security system, the national security system, and the prison and reeducation through labor system.

  So the police are part of the police, and the police are part of the police
  Having said all that, I should be able to pass, right?
(End of this chapter)

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