under fire

Chapter 502

Chapter 502

Seeing the two villagers fleeing in front, they rushed into a village in the south.

The security forces immediately bowed down and hurriedly dispersed.

There was almost a squad of security forces, like a cat molesting a mouse, preparing to drag out the two mice with rifles from the village.

"Common people with guns? If he wasn't a member of the security team, Lao Tzu and Wang Ba!" Squad leader Wang said at the top of his voice, "Take care of me on both sides, and don't let them get out from the south of the village!"

Squad leader Zhi was confident that he would catch the two guys. If they were still running on the plain, they would be shot to death by his own men sooner or later.

Do you think you can avoid guns if you enter the village?Entering the village means that the speed will inevitably slow down. Although I have few people, I can still surround you!
Do you think you can escape from Lao Tzu's grasp?

The eleven security forces immediately divided into five groups and dispersed in a panic.

The three or two sucks that were pulled aside disappeared without a trace.

The remaining squad leader led two subordinates, and Da Cica jumped into a shallow pit along the small trees and shrubs outside the village to find a hidden position, waiting for his brothers to drive the two mice out.

The security squad leader thought to himself, I must hit their legs first!I see how you can run.
As for the more than 100 public security teams in the village, he didn't know about it at all, and he didn't call!
Who can say who is the mouse and who is the cat?
Director Zhang did not order to take the initiative to attack. There were only about twenty guns in total. One was made in Hanyang, and the other old sleeves were made in Hanyang, which was a friendly gift from the county brigade.

It's not that stupid to go to the front and fight hard if there is an ambush!
The two soldiers led by Zeng Nansheng had already estimated the number of human guns in the brothers' team, and the bullets they gave were five rounds per person. The remaining few rounds were directly dragged away by Director Zhang. As a reward.
The location is concealed and the light is good. Obviously, there is no follow-up behind the enemy.

There were more than 100 people crowded in a dilapidated village, trembling with excitement, but fortunately, we made preparations in advance, and nothing went wrong.

Zeng Nansheng and the others became the most powerful team. They hid in a dilapidated house with the two soldiers who had retreated into the village and whispered about the situation in the north.

Director Zhang and the operation captain blocked it head-on, and the three security forces did not enter the village. It was beyond his expectation, but it was also expected.

Looking at the movement of the security forces, you can tell what they are doing. Director Zhang is a little disappointed. The imitation pistol in his hand is full of ten bullets for the first time!

Full of confidence!

But I was praying in my heart: Old man, at this critical moment, don't get stuck!
It was a matter of time to contact the security forces, and this kind of street fighting gave the security forces some headaches.

The two escapees must still be in the village, but it is not known where they are hiding.

The habitual bandits in the past are not afraid, and now they are the security forces, and most of those security groups are farmers!
But he forgot that many members of the security regiment were once bandits, and many were even defeated soldiers of the national army.

Although he was a thousand times worse than the devil, he was much stronger than his fellow bandits.

With just a dozen or so people, searching house by house was out of the question. How to drive the two mice out of the village required a bit of effort.

Those two guys have guns, don't capsize the boat in the gutter.

He wanted to set fire to it, but looking at the ruins that had been burned by the imperial army long ago, he had a toothache, and it was probably difficult to light a fire.

With a simple action, the two groups met at the south of the village, leaving a group of two people to separate at the south of the village, and the rest made gestures and immediately entered the village in three directions.

As for the north side?
There is a saying in the military law that there are three ques and one encirclement. Isn't it often sung in the play?
that's a trap
The two bandits walked back to back and slowly entered the village along the east side. They had been trained by the imperial army!Carefully guard the openings of dilapidated houses where gunshots may appear.

Carefully watch out for any signs of trouble.

The sun was rising high, and the two shadows gradually approached a broken courtyard wall.

The autumn wind swayed slightly in the village, taking away the fallen leaves on the ground and rustling.

The two carefully looked at the dust at the gate of the courtyard, but they didn't find any footprints made by the straw sandals!
Bandits are not stupid, they are just illiterate and uneducated.

It seemed that the two mice didn't run east, and they must be nesting in a corner of the village.

The two security forces were relieved and continued to search the village along the small alleyway between the two small courtyards.

The security forces walking in front suddenly stopped and shook their heads: "Fuck, am I dazzled?"

A footprint on the ground!
The security guard was stunned, his face turned pale, and he trembled after a while: "The third child's situation is wrong, it's fucking. We've reached the security team's nest, hurry up!"

The security forces at the back were taken aback, then subconsciously turned around and asked, "What kind of nest? A rat's nest?"

"Damn, look at what's on the ground?"

"Isn't it just footprints, what's there to be afraid of?"

The law and order in front wanted to kick this idiot: "There are people, there are many! Get back quickly!"

The two of them just turned around, but they saw a row of heads popping out of nowhere on the courtyard wall next to them, two rifles, a blunderbuss pointing at them, three or two big knives, and two spears.
Facing the muzzle of the black hole, with a loaded rifle in his hand, he can shoot with just raising his hand, and the distance between the two sides is less than five meters!Killing one is definitely a no-brainer.

But the dark faces of the guys holding the big knives were flushed, and they were staring angrily.

Good one Guan Erye appeared
This can be played, but if the iron sand of the bird's gun drilled into the flesh, the hairs would stand on end just thinking about it!Familiar with playing in the cottage in the early years
Not to mention that big guillotine, with just one swing, there might be a scar the size of a bowl on the neck!

"We are the Eighth Route Army, hand in your guns and don't kill!"

Obviously, the young people who speak out lack confidence.

The signboard of the Eighth Route Army is resounding, and it seems that if you hand over your gun, you will not be killed. In the past, when you were in the cottage, some brothers escaped from the Eighth Route Army.

As for shooting, at most two people would be killed, and the remaining seven or eight would not be chopped into minced meat?

Do you want to be confiscated by a few big knives?

A little embarrassed, the leading security force hesitated.

"If you don't put down the gun, we will shoot!" The person on the wall reminded again friendly.

Gunshots rang out, but the sound came from the west of the village.

When the two security forces heard the gunshots, they were immediately discouraged, their feet softened, and they quickly raised their guns above their heads.

Bang bang bang, three gunshots and two screams resounded through the village.

Surrendered vigilantes are struggling.

Five meters away!

The two rifles fired almost at the same time, but they missed!
But the blunderbuss had an effect, so it wasn't a frontal hit.

A few grains of iron sand were embedded in the face, a few small blood holes bulged out a blood bubble, and the two bodies rolled on the ground, howling
The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded one after another.

Then, the sound stopped
Your grandma and I have surrendered, and you still shoot?The security forces who were gagged and struggling were dying of pain, anxious in their hearts.

The sudden gunshots in the village also shocked the security forces in the north of the village.

The sound of the gun was a bit strange, as if it was a big blunderbuss from the Shanzhai!

The three lay on the spot and stretched their necks to look around the village, but the village quickly returned to calm.

For a while, the village suddenly looked a little weird.

"Squad leader, what's going on here? Why is there no movement again?" A security guard heard the gunshots and couldn't see what was going on in the village. He became confused on the spot and asked the squad leader next to him.

"It is estimated that there are accomplices from the security team in the village, but it seems that they don't have much fighting power!" The squad leader was a little nervous, and the short cry just now seemed a bit like Zhang Laosan.

Although the terrain is unfavorable now, and he doesn't know the exact number of opponents, he doesn't really care if there are ambushes from other security regiments in the village. The people who can use bird guns are at best villagers who can hunt.

So he thought that he had now grasped the situation in the village and confirmed the situation.

The two escaped mice must have known that there were accomplices in the village, so they ran here.

Do you think I'm afraid of you if you have a bird gun?
When I was playing with the bird gun, I didn't know where your baby was in the womb!

That thing fires a shot, and within three to two minutes, it can't reload the ammunition at all!
After brainstorming the situation in the village, the squad leader raised his hand and pointed to the village, and ordered: "Go in and have a look immediately!"

The squad leader Zhi didn't move, neither did his subordinates. After a few seconds of stalemate, the squad leader realized that the two men under his command hadn't moved at all. He was furious: "Can't you understand what I'm talking about? Hurry up, let's go together!"

When the two subordinates heard the squad leader yelling, they looked at each other, quickly got up with their guns, jumped left and right, and rushed forward.

Just turned around a dilapidated house, the guy in the lead immediately found footprints on the ground, stopped, and raised his gun to be on guard
Then, dumbfounded, he raised the gun directly above his head.
But he was stumbled by the security forces running behind.
"Is your mother holding the gun so high to shoot birds?"

Immediately following, the security forces finally stood firm, raised their heads, and then raised their loaded rifles over their heads
(End of this chapter)

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