under fire

Chapter 503 Clues

Chapter 503 Clues

Five miles outside the village, sentries were posted in all directions.

Lao Qin took more than 40 stretchers and ran all night, successfully passing through the newly dug blockade ditch.

Entering the semi-hilly area, mountains and rocks are mixed into the wilderness, even if the devil wants to dig a blockade, it is impossible!
After dawn, the team stopped in a village to rest.

Just now, old Qin Hong focused and led the soldiers to dig a hole and bury the two who couldn't hold on.

A cup of loess, a stake,
Going back to a room with only half of the roof left, sitting on an unburnt log that was pressed by the down wall, I looked through the notebook I carried with me again, which recorded the situation of the soldiers.

Dense home address and family information, crossed two names, supplemented the soldier's deeds, and recorded the last words of the soldier who had just left.

After being silent for a while, he wiped away his sweaty tears, got up, and walked to the wounded room in the village where the conditions were better.

The big dog opened its eyes wide, happily watching the spiders weaving webs on the roof.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked towards the door and saw that it was Lao Qin, so he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep: "Fucking instructor, don't come to me!"

Whatever comes to mind will come!
"Hey, Big Dog, how are you pretending to sleep? Hehe, I saw it!" Big Dog was really the only one awake in the room.

Those who were half awake quickly snorted lightly and closed their eyes tightly
"Uh, Te. Instructor, Te. What do you want from me?" Tang Dagou squeezed out a smile.

"Hey, what are you talking about, can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"


"Where is your hometown in Hubei?"

"Didn't Miss Tesu ask you all?"

"Can't I ask if she asked me? Ah? I'll ask you. You have to answer honestly. I'm also trying to find out the bottom line of our staff, right?"


"Big dog, you are a good squad leader, and you set a good example in this battle, don't you know that?"


"It's okay to make a third-class merit, and a second-class merit is not enough," thinking to himself and writing in the notebook.

"Big Dog, did you hear what I said?" Seeing Tang Big Dog speak, he did not open his eyes.

"Uh, Director Qin, am I not listening?" The big dog secretly pulled out two balls of cotton from under the pillow while Lao Qin was talking and writing in the new notebook, twisted them into the size of a finger, and stuffed them into the bed. In the ears, the injury was affected, and he grinned his teeth and sucked in the cool air.

"Hehe, I still have to praise you, your spoken language is really good. Next, let's talk about ideological issues."

There was a sound of footsteps, and a figure hurriedly walked into the door with a plate in his hand. Seeing Lao Qin was there, he was about to leave, but Tang Dagou saw him, his face changed suddenly and he said, "Director Qin, I have to change the bandages." Already!"

"That's the way." Lao Qin turned his head to look at the door in doubt, and saw the temporary health worker Osmanthus come in, quickly got up and let go, and asked casually, "Osmanthus, what are you doing with a gun on your back when you change the bandage?"

"Uh" Osmanthus fragrans shook her head, blushing.

"Oh, don't go so fast, be careful, don't fall on the ground, our bandages are tense, and it's not easy to sterilize the virus." Seeing that the only wounded person who was awake was Tang Dagou, he immediately added: "Also, look carefully at the wounded Don't let everyone die by then, we don't know if there is any situation, report to me immediately!"

Lao Qin lifted his legs and left Tang Dagou's bedside, and began to patrol around. The wounded soldiers snored loudly one after another. The well-knowing instructor finally went out satisfied and left, ready to go to the next ward.

As soon as he went out, he showed a bitter face: Am I really that unpopular?
"Oh, why don't you take it easy?" the big dog howled.

"As long as you know how to die, you deserve what you deserve." The sweet-scented osmanthus turned black.

"As long as you know how to die, you deserve what you deserve" A vivid voice came from the bed next to you
I get goosebumps when I hear it
"What the hell are you looking for death?" Tang Dagou grabbed the Tang porcelain cup by the bedside and threw it over.

"Big dog, your mother's dog, dare to take action against Lao Tzu's spies? Brothers beat him up"

Osmanthus suddenly smiled: "It's an injection!"

The gods at the scene immediately withered, let alone beat the big dog, if no one helped, the wounded in the room would not even think about the convenience of the bed!
After a long while, a weak voice asked: "Sister Osmanthus, where did you get the injection? And do you really know how to give injections?"

"Hey, you doubt your sister Osmanthus? Didn't the company commander bring back a batch of medicine this time? Hehe, I have been studying with He Gensheng for so long, and I am just looking for someone to try my hand at it," Osmanthus said angrily and a little embarrassed.

"Dare you never fight?" The questioner was dumbfounded.

"Nonsense, I was still at Wang Xiaosan's place yesterday. I found a piece of pork and practiced for a long time, but the pig's skin was too thick, and a needle was useless in practice, and I was criticized by Fan Erniu for half a night." Osmanthus's voice became louder and louder. , There was a strong confidence in his eyes.

Everyone knows about taking medicine for injuries, but what about injections?

inject?What an advanced thing that must be!By the way, you don't know a lot of Chinese characters

Besides, I heard that an injection is to pour medicine into the body, so can she understand the crooked words on the bottle?
After some inspections, there were no particularly seriously wounded for the time being, and Lao Qin finally let go of his heart.

Further west will enter Li Youde's defense zone!Tens of miles away from the mountainous area, except for a few ordinary people who sneaked back, almost all of them have become no-man's land!

Instead, it has become a paradise for the very small number of guerrillas, anti-rape teams, bandits and other unrooted talents who are active in this area.

Due to the large number of wounded, it was impossible to enter the mountain from the cliff path between Lushuipu and Luoye Village, and could only enter the mountain through the security army gun tower at the foot of the mountain.

Even in severe drought, the mottled mountains have not changed much.

A weary team is lying in the ravine bushes to rest.

A sentinel in eight-way costume lying on the mountainside looked bored at the ordinary people who occasionally passed by in the ditch below.

For those walking on the mountain path, the sentry did not say anything, nor did they go up to say hello.

Another Eighth Route Army approached from a distance. Judging by his posture, he should be a correspondent of the Eighth Route Army.

Xiaodou wiped the sweat from his forehead, and pulled off the soaked clothes from his back. He was used to walking the mountain road, but he still felt that his thighs were extra heavy after going back and forth every day.

He had to stop and found a stone to sit on that would not be exposed to the sun.

He pulled off the kettle and poured it into his mouth, then looked around habitually.

There is nothing special about it.

As if he suddenly remembered something, he quickly lowered his head and looked again carefully.

A footprint in the grass on the side of the road caught his attention. The footprint broke through the soil on the ground, but the small feet seemed to be different!

The space next to the big toe is a bit wide.

Regardless of whether it would be wasted, he quickly poured some water into the palm of his hand, and then patted it on his face, so that his tired spirit could be relieved a little.

There are straw sandal prints on the side, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Xiaodou laughed at himself, maybe he was too suspicious!
After resting for a few breaths, I felt that my breath had calmed down, and I was ready to get up and continue on the road.

The unwilling eyes continued to look around the foot!
Looking through the bushes, I finally saw another strange foot print, moved my eyes, and saw a broken bush near the foot!

Although the broken part has been picked up, the fresh stubble is still there.

Looking out of the corner of her eye at a small path that was forcibly waded out, Xiaodou finally lost her composure.

The common people don't have the mind to drill into the jungle next to the mountain, and they don't even go there to gather medicine!

Not to mention that there have been villagers fleeing into the mountains some time ago, it is impossible for them to go there.

After listening carefully for a while, there seems to be a snoring sound on the hill!

The common people don't need to, and don't have the leisure to go there to rest!

Unless there are other people above, either the detective team or the .
advance team!The word popped into my mind suddenly.

He calmly didn't look up, but the situation was obviously not quite right.

According to the devil's temperament, this has not yet reached the Independence Regiment's station, and even Qingshan Village is still far away. Before the devils raided, they just drove over.

What are they doing hiding there?
In addition to advance team!
My heart was beating wildly, wouldn't I really find the trace of the advancing team?

But I heard that the advance team usually has big schemes, what are they doing in this shitty place?
(End of this chapter)

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