under fire

Chapter 504 Cold Weapon Showdown

Chapter 504 Cold Weapon Showdown

The two security forces who entered the village from the south were the first to discover the footprints on the ground. These two lacked a string in their brains and turned a blind eye to the dense footprints on the ground.

It was impossible to determine the location of the two people who ran into the village.

The two entered a courtyard as soon as they entered the village.

"Brother, didn't the squad leader want to drive those two out? We hide here, will we be scolded by the squad leader again later?" asked the guy behind.

"You know what a fart, don't they show off their morality all day long, so let them go to work, and after we're done, let's go out again, guns don't have eyes."

"Brother, you are thoughtful." The young man immediately admired him: "But, it seems that there is no benefit for us to chase these two villagers?"

"Well, that's right, killing two villagers is meaningless!"

"Hey, you're just cowardly!"

"Are you bold? Have you been with the commander for almost three years? Your bayonet hasn't seen blood yet, has it?"

"You're talking nonsense, you killed a sheep last time!"

"Forget it, if it weren't for the fact that we are from the same village, I wouldn't kick you to death."

For a long time, there was no movement in the village.

The two of them walked for most of the day since yesterday morning, and searched the nearby villages all night. Snooze for a while!"

"Okay, don't snore!"

Two security forces entered the village from the west, old bandits for many years.

As soon as I entered the village, I felt that something was wrong. Someone in the village must have gone too far, and the faint smell of fireworks can't fool anyone!

In front of a brick and stone compound, the burnt blackened wall stands tall and looks solid.

The two calmed down: "You circle north from the compound, I circle south, meet by the gate, let's find a way to climb to the highest point of the roof, I don't believe that the east and south are searching, where can they hide!"

"There seems to be a sound of stomach gurgling in the yard!" The two circled around the compound, and finally tiptoed back to the same place to meet.

"I heard it too!"

"Hey, I didn't expect them to hide in this yard!"

"In this way, you will climb up the fence over there, shout, 'I see you', and then I will climb in from the west fence!"

"Okay, then you should be careful. Although those mud legs are not good at marksmanship, don't overturn the boat in the gutter."

That's right, there are eight people hiding in the courtyard!
Just waiting for people from outside to come in, in the courtyard, in the room facing the gate, one squatted on either side of the gate, a squad leader of the public security team and the soldiers beside him, lying on the rubble facing the gate, nervous.

Because the house has no roof, there are still two observation posts lying on top of the corner of the house.

"There seems to be a sound outside." A man holding a big knife next to the door asked the squad leader who was nervously holding a gun next to him.

"I heard it, don't talk!" The squad leader looked at the observation post attached to the top of the two corners of MadeIn. The observation post pointed to the east side and then pointed to the west side.

The squad leader immediately became nervous. It seemed that the enemy had no intention of directly entering the courtyard, and was preparing to climb over the wall.

His arrangement can only deal with people who come in through the gate. If the enemy comes in from both sides over the courtyard wall, his arrangement is purely for display.

But the enemy has already arrived, and it is too late to make adjustments now!

The security forces over the wall in the east climbed up to the top of the wall by skillfully building the cracks in the courtyard wall filled with mud.

The sound of climbing over the wall immediately attracted the attention of the two people at the door, and they all turned their heads to look at the east courtyard wall.

With a hat brim at the back, an enemy who didn't know when he climbed up the courtyard wall suddenly appeared, riding on the top of the courtyard wall, raising his gun to aim at them!

In the panic, I didn't know how to warn, so I could only hold the shuttle mark and yelled "ah".

Bang, there was a gunshot, and then there was also a gunshot on the west wall opposite the courtyard.

The two people dressed as villagers at the door were crooked. At such a short distance, it was almost no problem to aim without aiming.

"Haha, it's still the two of us who took the lead!"

The one who shot first jumped off the wall and walked towards the gate of the compound!

He didn't even have time to talk about the appointment to lure the enemy, as if it was over.

Hey, something seems wrong, why are the guns of these two people missing?Changed the label

Bang, bang.

In the dilapidated house at the main entrance, two sudden gunshots knocked the two security forces out of their wits.

Subconsciously want to hide to the side.

In fact, when they heard the gunshots, the bullets had already arrived.

However, the accuracy of the old sleeve is really bad
The squad leader's shot hit the arm of the dreadful guy in the west, and he was beaten so that he staggered and fell to the ground.

And the other bullet missed the target because the soldier was nervous!
Ten meters!

Because of tension, the movements are stiff and deformed.

When shooting, the muzzle is driven by the hand holding the trigger, and the bullet flies out from the shaking muzzle, hitting the wall next to the enemy directly!

The old Youtiao of the Security Army immediately guessed that the two people in the house must have found two villagers as bait.

He quickly reacted, and the shot rolled over immediately, taking the opportunity to hide behind the corpse of a villager he had just shot.

The lucky guy squatted down immediately, skillfully raised the loaded rifle, turned the muzzle and fired back into the house.


The novice behind the rubble who hadn't fired a few times missed the enemy. When he pulled the bolt again, he became more nervous and looked up at the enemy involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, a bullet flew towards him and hit him in the head accurately, and he almost didn't even hear the last gunshot.

The head hit the ground directly, and the body was still twitching.

The two sword-wielding men on both sides of the main entrance of the house hesitated, but the squad leader didn't give the order and dared not rush out.

There are rifles on the ground, alas, they hardly ever use them both
There was a sound of footsteps in the backyard, and the two people who were attached to the top of the wall immediately jumped down, and there was a sudden sound of chaos in the room.

The security forces with the guns quickly pulled the bolt again, aiming at another person in the house who raised the gun.

The squad leader in the room only pushed and loaded the bullet at this time.

The two pulled the trigger almost simultaneously.

Less than ten meters away!It's not clear how the security army's marksmanship is, but he shot the eight roads who shot in the house again.

And the bullet fired by the squad leader in the room hit the half-squatting security guard's calf. After being shot, he fell straight forward.

By feeling, he knows something bad!

The bullet hit the bone!When the pain came, what he thought was that this leg might not be able to keep.

"Ah" a heart-piercing voice swayed over the village.

The two security guards who were sleeping were awakened when they heard the first gunshot. They sneaked out of the courtyard, looked around, and ran straight to the place where the gun was fired.

The two didn't notice at all that countless eyes were staring at them at the gate of the yard they passed.

Security forces were wounded twice!
The one who was shot in the arm was still able to move. He half stood up and watched two young men with machetes rushing out of the room.

I tried my best to raise the gun, but unfortunately, I couldn't raise it with one hand!He could only watch in horror as the two rushed towards him.

And behind the two, there seemed to be two other people holding red-tasseled spears, following closely behind.

Bang, a young man who was running with a knife fell down.

Bang, the one who raised the knife, another young man who was running fell down.

Behind the two fallen people, two "villagers" with red-tasseled guns were red-eyed, and they didn't care about the two security forces who were pulling the bolts of the guns as reinforcements came up at the gate of the courtyard.

Puchi, looking at the light, the point of the gun, which was not actually sharp, plunged into the body that was shot in the calf and fell to the ground struggling and terrified.

The other red-tasseled gun was stabbed straight, but was shot in the arm. The half-sitting security guard exhausted all his strength, holding the rifle in one hand, and managed to parry the head of the red-tasseled gun.

Unfortunately, cold weapons are not so easy to deal with!
The "villager" holding the red-tasseled gun suddenly stopped his forward momentum, lowered his body into a lunge, retracted the gun, and stabbed again.

The security forces yelled that the rifle they held on to with one hand had smashed to the side, and watched helplessly as the red-tasseled gun stuck straight into his chest.

It's a pity that he died in the hands of this Po Hongying gunman!

There was only one person rattling and pulling the bolt at the door, with a smirk and distorted face, reloading the bullet again, five meters away!

The other face next to him was full of horror.

It was his first time to kill a man. He was in a daze and forgot to pull the bolt. He stood there in a daze and muttered to himself: I killed, I killed
The one who was stabbed in the calf was stabbing the one who was shooting with the red-tasseled gun at this time.

Both sides are so nervous.


The gun rang, and the bullet hit the chest of the opposite person.

The red-tasseled spear was released from his hand, but the momentum remained, and it pierced the stomach of the shooter.

The grinning and distorted face of the shooter suddenly became painful, and he fell to the ground.

The security guard with the gun next to him finally reacted at this time, but he dropped the gun and turned around and ran away.

Because another villager with a red-tasseled gun was rushing towards him.
The guy who ran away didn't notice that behind him, at some point, there were footsteps everywhere, variegated clothes, guns, knives, and guns were running towards him viciously.

The guy's legs went limp, and he immediately fell to his knees: "My mother."

Behind him, with red eyes holding a red-tasseled gun, he almost exhausted all his strength and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

He directly stabbed the man who was paralyzed on the ground.

Only the security guard with the red-tasseled gun stuck in his abdomen was left, watching all this with wide eyes and horror.

How the hell is there only two mice, they are obviously tigers!

The idiot monitor thought he was a cat this time, but he didn't expect to meet a tiger!

I am also stupid, what are you doing chasing these two fleeing people with the squad leader if you have nothing to do?

Can't make money and can't take advantage of it, it's really lard.

Phew, his flying head happened to be looking at his own neck, which was spraying out bright blood at this moment.

Needless to say, it was spectacular.

This chapter is over.

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