under fire

Chapter 505 Guilty

Chapter 505 Guilty
Ding Deyi led a squad of soldiers back to the wine station in the dusty weather, inadvertently admiring the company of soldiers splashing about in the river which was almost two-thirds missing.

With his hips akimbo, he walked quickly towards the tent of the regiment headquarters with tired steps.

"Lao Ding came back so early?" Head Lu looked up and pointed to the seat next to him.

"The continuous training is very emotional, and the momentum is not bad." Political Commissar Ding didn't sit down, and picked up his own water tank on the table, the water in it was a little warm.

It seems that, knowing that he will be back soon, Lao Lu should keep adding hot water to it.

Head Lu had a happy expression on his face: "As soon as this company came out of the mountain, more and more people fought, and the battle became bigger and bigger. I sent the Ninth Company and the Second Company to the plains. It was really a good move!"

The political commissar put down the tank and moved his body: "Come on, the little girl made it out. You, the head of the regiment, are trying to grab credit with a girl's film. Do you have the nerve?"

Head Lu smiled triumphantly: "Hey, you can't say that. If it wasn't for me, the head of the regiment, would he agree to give us that piece of land in the military division? Besides, the girl was originally a soldier of my independent regiment. She is under the head of the regiment, shouldn't she come up with an idea?"

"The way I see it, you know we're developing so fast, the brothers in the north are probably going to lose their lungs!"

"Haha, Jiulian also supported Wang Penglian a lot. It was food and ammunition. I didn't return the machine gun I borrowed from me last time. Maybe it's too late for him to be happy!" Captain Lu couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, we supported the division and won a battle, but it made me more and more incomprehensible. It's true that Hu Yi has been to the martial arts hall, but he is too good at fighting! Even that girl film, too You are so bold that you dare to take Baishi No. [-] and directly pretend to be a security force to enter the county, can you imagine and do this?"

"Hey, it's not over yet, after we leave, guess what they did again?" Captain Lu made a fool of himself.

"What else can you do? Didn't you say that after the security forces are smashed, the wounded will return to the garrison when they feel better?"

"Look at this!"

"Uh, what is this?" The political commissar asked subconsciously.

"The notification just sent by the division."

Political Commissar Ding took over the thick stack of documents handed over by Lu Tuan: "Why are there so many?"

After speaking, he sat down immediately, glanced at the top page quickly, his eyebrows immediately relaxed, his mouth was wide open, he couldn't close it anymore, and he didn't speak, so he quickly read it carefully again.

After a long while, the political commissar took another sip of water: "Nearly 5000 people are concentrated in the sub-district? In addition to the independent regiment headquarters of the friendly army, ambushed the public security army? In one night, defeated a brigade of [-] people from the Li Ying department of the public security army? Lao Lu, this is the leader of our independent regiment." about?"

"Look behind you"

The political commissar turned a page: "570 enemies were killed, 310 prisoners were killed, and the independent regiment killed more than 36 enemies and more than [-] prisoners. Oh, isn't this something that the main force can do? Oh, I have a headache."

"It's really a headache for you. Go ahead and read it first. A certain heroine once again made a splash at the post-war summary commendation meeting!"

"Oh, what's going on with that girl?"

"She suggested that the military division should sell the body of Brigadier Tang Haiting, the puppet army killed by our army, to Li Ying, the commander of the puppet army's first army!" Commander Lu didn't wait for the dignitaries to slowly turn the page, and said directly.


"It's also sold for five thousand oceans!" Head Lu couldn't hide his smile: "The teacher pulled out one thousand for us, and it will be delivered in a few days."

"This must be Luo Fugui's idea"

"By the way, she made a fuss about the seven or eight hundred and nine companies at the district commendation meeting, but she didn't mention the name of our leader. Don't you think she's going against the sky?"

"I don't blame her for this. There is a rule in the division that all cadres above the regiment level are called by their code names."

"But she didn't even say a word to thank me, the regiment leader!"

"That's why you can't see it? She's a girl, you have the nerve to argue with her?"

"It doesn't take me seriously, you know?"

"" The political commissar was speechless.

"Haha, I don't want to talk to you. The division wants to organize the grassroots officers and soldiers of the fraternal troops to come to our independent regiment to exchange experience. You can see how to arrange this matter."

"Oh, now you are really embarrassing, Commander Lu! How many people do you want to come?"

"I don't know. It is said that almost every regiment in the vicinity, and even the guerrillas in the division, will arrange people to come. In addition, the branch of the Anti-Japanese University that has just been withdrawn from the division is also planning to hold another training class for grassroots cadres after the beginning of spring. Let us also Make a list."

"Proposed list? Didn't we all designate quotas before? How many quotas do we have this time?"

"No limit!"

"Ah?" Political Commissar Ding quickly found the document and read it carefully: "That is to say, we can go as many people as we report?"

"I see, I guess the whole group can go!"

"Come on, you!" The political commissar was elated and elated.

"There is another matter. The division has also come out with opinions on how to deal with the refugees who entered the mountain."

"What did the teacher say?"

Commander Lu paused for a moment, unable to hide the worry in his heart: "Renovate the house before winter to ensure the basic survival of the people. Because our regiment is close to the enemy-occupied area, we are included in the pilot mass production movement. It is estimated that the official order will be delivered next month. "

"There is no three-foot-level land here, and there must be enemy agents hiding among the refugees. We are short-handed, and we haven't completed the screening of all personnel yet," the political commissar looked worried.

"The teacher instructed that since the enemy sent so many people into the mountain, there is a shortage of manpower in the mountain, so let's come here and take all the orders. At worst, add a few ladles of water when cooking porridge."

"You put it so simply! Do you know how many people Qingshan Village has taken in? There are more people in Jiulian, this is really a headache."

"Here's a suggestion for you. Divide the people into two groups. Those who have confirmed their identities will be sent to Dabei Village and Xinghua Village for production. The suspicious elements will stay in Qingshan Village for observation. Anyway, the devils already know everything about this area!" Head Lu said not Worry, the devil is coming, I just run away!
"Qingshan Village is too close to the enemy, and every raid will bear the brunt. In my opinion, it is better to send all the people to Sanjiaji. I don't believe that the little devil can really stretch his hands so far! Even if the spy gets the information, I will let him send it Don't leave the mountain!"

"What if it is poisoned like last time?"


"This matter is really a headache. To solve the problem of accommodation and food, we must also defend against enemy agents. We can't solve it at all with just our few people!"

"The division has arranged a working group to come and help!"

"I think the supplementary group should help take in some of this matter!"

"They are harder!"

"Persist for a while, by the way, you have been busy all night, do you have any clues?" Captain Lu finally remembered that the political commissar had been busy all night.

"There is no progress, I just know what plan the devils in the county have come up with. The people in the special high school have been staying in the gendarmerie and have not found out their specific plan. I speculate that most of them are planning to carry out another raid before winter comes. "The political commissar looked helpless.

"Since the enemy has been on the move, we can't be idle. Those who have entered the mountain, plus the villagers around Jiulian on the plain, there are now thousands of people. Everything must be prepared in advance."

"If you don't know the enemy's specific plan, you can only respond to changes! However, intelligence work must be strengthened!"

"That's right, with so many ordinary people, we have to set up a villager group, and we can't stop our propaganda work!"

"" The political commissar did not speak, and stared at Head Lu without blinking.

"" Head Lu felt a little guilty.


A figure hurriedly trotted into the wine station.

Seeing Xiaodou, the sentinel hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Xiaodou didn't answer, her face turned pale and she was out of breath, she raised her finger to point at the regiment.

A company of soldiers patrolling and working in the village immediately stepped forward, picked up Xiaodou and ran to the tent of the regiment headquarters.

The soldiers practicing swimming in the river, the villagers on the other side, and the running children all stopped and watched this scene from a distance, confused.

The arrival of Xiaodou broke the embarrassing situation.

After listening to Xiaodou's report, Captain Lu immediately stood up, with a serious expression on his face, and shouted to the door: "Hurry up and call Wu Yan!"

Xiaodou just sat down, took the cup pushed by the political commissar, and poured it into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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