under fire

Chapter 507 Refugees

Chapter 507 Refugees
Qingshan Village, which was originally empty, was now filled with smoke.

Many ordinary people who fled into the mountains, after entering the independent regiment defense area, of course the Eighth Route Army will not ignore them, and they will be directly resettled in Qingshan Village.

The common people don't care who owns the crops in the field, and they habitually start to serve those wheat seedlings that are growing well.

The land after the autumn harvest was desolate. Compared with the vast and steep mountains, these mountains were flat.

The common people are in a mixed mood. I heard that in the place of the Eight Routes, there will be no burning, killing and looting by the devils, and there will be no maintenance.

Not to mention those two dogs wandering around extorting money, even if they still can’t eat enough, they can get some familiar wild vegetables to deal with, but once people settle down, the painful feelings of being far away from home and being separated from their families will naturally start to take root.
The crowds gathered in the village were the Eighth Route Army's promotion of the principles of resisting Japan and saving the nation.

The elder sister surnamed Song is so pretty. Gouwa, who was wandering with a group of children far away in the village, couldn’t understand her, but elder sister Balu’s voice was really nice. After she finished speaking, she would arrange to make porridge for the fleeing people .

Although it felt more bitter than his home on the plain, he was lucky to be able to survive. Compared with those little friends he watched starving to death with his own eyes, living was a luxury.

A few teenagers about his size in the village, with wooden guns pinned to their waists, and holding shuttle marks that were one size smaller in their hands, imitated the adults outside and followed the children from Jiuzhan Village, parading through the village. Edge in the village.

Gou Wa really wanted to play with them, but unfortunately, those kids didn't like him at all, because he was new here.

For Gouwa, this is almost heaven.

The reconstruction of the village is progressing slowly. The refugees who entered the mountain are almost all old and weak women and children. The Independence Regiment has arranged a squad of soldiers to help the people build houses.

And the militiamen at the wine station were rudely verifying the identity of every new family who fled to Qingshan Village, roaring and roaring, which did not scare the villagers.

Compared to devils holding out bayonets at every turn and grabbing women, what is it to be yelled at?
It is very difficult to find out whether these people are not spies of the enemy, but even if it is difficult, the work must be carried out.

Most of the escaped women brought their children, and almost all of them were husbands or fathers and brothers who were captured by the devils. The focus of the investigation was whether any of these people were threatened by the devils with their relatives and turned into spies.

Some militiamen who came from cottages can be considered to have asked these questions with experience, at least more professional than the Eighth Route Army.

Threats, deceptions, and reasoning, threats, abuse, and hands and feet, and eighteen martial arts are all in battle.

The method is also simple. First, everyone is identified as spies, and then the child is pulled aside to use the method of elimination. As for questioning the child... a cake can make him say everything he knows.

Investigate whether all the villagers have stayed in the specific location after fleeing to Meixian, whether they have left alone, and whether there is anyone to prove

As for the identity before fleeing, it is indeed too difficult to investigate. First, make a list. As for whether they are spies, there is no way to check.

The literate Song Xiaoci finally had a place to use her skills.

Register the origin of the villagers, and conduct publicity and investigation by the way.

I won't let you go if you can't check!

After the investigation, the three households are jointly guaranteed, and nine households are in one group. Sun Cui, the head of the Jiuzhan village, has transformed into a village head of Qingshan Village. It is estimated that with a few more groups of people, she will soon be promoted to the head of the village.

The villagers of the wine station set up a sentry in Qingshan Village, requiring the villagers to roll their names twice a day. As long as there is one missing person, they can be found and reported in time. The independent group also made arrangements.

Along the road outside the village.

"Stop, what are you doing?" A child carrying a shuttle came out from a slope and looked at the person vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, a female militiaman came out of the darkness with a gun in her hand, patted the child on the head, looked at the person and asked, "Hey, big sister, why are you here?"

The eldest sister was a little surprised, the child didn't know her, and didn't ask, so she took off the bag on her back and put it on her hand, and went up to the female sentinel: "Where are the boys in the village?"

"Playing in the village."

Suddenly there was a commotion in the village.

"Why don't you let me go? I'm going to find my man!" A woman was arguing with the militia guarding the village entrance.

"Did no one tell you when you came here? You are not allowed to run around here!" Another female militiaman in charge of security in the village stopped immediately.

"When did I run away? I just want to find my man!"

"You want to report to the devil, right?" A small militiaman next to him showed no fear towards the woman.

"You spitting blood!"

"Then you just stay here!"

Workers in the village stopped and stretched their necks to look at the bustle.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a sm Look around.

The sound of footsteps gradually emerged, and the onlookers had various expressions on their faces, but none of them smiled.

The scene became a little weird, with more than a dozen women pointing and muttering in low voices, many of the women who were in charge of their households were captured by the devils, it was absolutely impossible to say that they had no idea.

"Oh, the Eighth Route Army is bullying people, come and see, bullying my orphans and widowed mothers, uh huh."

The little guard sentry guard frowned and looked around, asking, "Which family is this woman, so stupid?"

"This is the second sister-in-law Liu. After the man of his family brought a large family into Mei County, the head of the family was arrested. I can't think about it," a woman next to her hurriedly helped.

"Hehe, you dare to make trouble here, and immediately arrange for someone to send them back."

"It's not that good." Another female militiaman next to her subconsciously objected.

The eldest sister walked into the village with the guard post and looked at the woman sitting on the ground: "Hey, why are you crying?"

The elder sister, who usually seems gentle, sees that the woman does not answer, so she walks up to the woman and asks, "I'm asking you something!"

"Ah!" The woman howled even more when she saw someone coming.

"Don't tell me, right?" The eldest sister narrowed her eyes slightly.

"She said she was going to find her man!" the guard replied.

"I want to leave after coming here, did I take the wrong medicine? How many people want to come and still can't come!" The eldest sister frowned.

The woman on the ground quickly answered, "Could it be that your Eighth Route Army is being unreasonable?"

The eldest sister was stunned for a moment: "Hehe, who said that I am the Eighth Route Army?"

"Ah?" The woman froze for a moment, she really didn't look like this: "Then who are you?"

"Who am I? Why tell you?"

"I want to go home!" The woman gritted her teeth.

"Oh, it's no problem!" The eldest sister turned her head: "Prepare her dry food for three days, and send her out of the mountain immediately!"

"Ah?" The woman's eyes widened. She actually wanted the Eighth Route Army to help her find the head of the family. Unexpectedly, another unreasonable woman came. This woman was even more ruthless and wanted to drive her out of the village.

It is said that it was hard to escape here. Although I don’t have enough to eat every day, but I eat twice a day, at least I won’t starve to death.

When I came out to flee famine, I saw those scenes of people eating people, and I couldn't help shivering.

I was speechless for a moment.

After a while, a female militiaman came over with a small bag of millet and handed it to the eldest sister.

"You take this thing, I will arrange someone to send you out of the mountain immediately, as for whether you can find your master, you can think about it yourself."

"Ah, I'm not going to live anymore, I'm bullying people all the way." The woman didn't want to leave, so she had to let go.

"I said, I'm not Balu. If you want to leave, we'll give it to you. You don't want to give you the face of M. Howling with your aunt? I think when my aunt was in the cottage. Forget it, let's not talk about it." The eldest sister shrank her neck. , she saw Song Xiaoci and a few soldiers from the guard platoon appearing not far away, walking towards this side.

The woman also saw people coming from the seams around her feet, and she couldn't help grinning: Fighting with me, isn't that the eight way over there?Do you really think my old lady will be blind here?
The woman who was watching the fun froze around, this girl who came over is so pretty!
Silently talking about the Living Bodhisattva in my heart, she is the one who brings people here to deliver food every day, and also talks about the great principles of the revolution that I don't understand.

"Big sister, what's going on here?" Song Xiaoci looked at the big sister standing in front of the woman on the ground, and asked in surprise.

"She said she was going to find her a man, and I asked someone to give her food, but she refused." The eldest sister lowered her voice and whispered back.

Countless pairs of mixed expressions were watching how this girl would deal with it.

There are many people who think like that woman, and the result is very important to them.

Breathing gradually becomes heavy, and the atmosphere tends to be oppressive.

The heart of the woman lying on the ground is already in her throat. This is an adventure, but the whereabouts of the head of the family has been unknown, and that is the pain in her heart.

It's a pity that Nuba Lu didn't speak, and the time passed by in a hurry.

Song Xiaoci had no experience in dealing with such things, so she looked at her eldest sister, but her eldest sister still bowed her head and did not speak.

This made her a little embarrassed.

After a long while, he coughed lightly and felt that he was about to say something, but his mind went blank.

She had no idea what she was going to say.

In previous interviews, I asked questions myself and asked others to answer them.

But in this scene, you can't let that woman talk about her feelings at this time, can you?
(End of this chapter)

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