under fire

Chapter 508 Enemies are everywhere

Chapter 508 Enemies are everywhere

As the sun sets, the sky on the top of the mountain is still bright, and the plain east of the mountain enters dusk first.

Destined, the coming night will not be an ordinary night.

The crescent moon that hung out early, for the plains, there is almost no difference between whether it is present or not.

A team finally stopped in a deserted village.Hu Yi was sitting in a mule cart.

The mule cart stopped, but Hu Yi didn't get out of the cart. There was a grain bag under his body, which was quite comfortable.

It was less than ten miles away from the security regiment's station. Although he had known that the headquarters had moved into the mountain, he was still more worried and had some expectations in his heart.

Platoon Leader Wang, who volunteered to lead the team as a vanguard, successfully contacted the outpost arranged by Zeng Nansheng.

"Company Commander Hu, the county government has arranged for more than 100 reinforcements. In Sanli Village to the north, they wiped out a squad of security forces in the morning!" Wang Liujin also barely slept for two days, with red eyes.

"Public Security Team?" Hu Yi tried hard to think about the name of this combat unit, as if he had heard of it before, but he couldn't remember it.

"Now we must find out the enemy's situation first." Hu Yi knew that the time now is precious, and if the security forces stay here for one more day, they will be more familiar with this land.

"I have sent someone to call Lao Zeng, and he will come over soon."

After two days of continuous marching and fighting, no one is invincible, and the nine companies are exhausted.

"Rest where you are." Hu Yi said, jumping off the carriage.

He handed the rifle to Ma Liang who was following him: "You are on duty tonight, Lao Zeng will come over later, he will definitely bring someone who is familiar with the current situation at the station, and call me when the time comes."

The plain outside the mountain carried the coolness of early autumn, and all members of the Jiulian Brigade drove into the village. Wang Xiaosan immediately directed the soldiers to move supplies from the carriage, and led the people to set up a pot to start a gang.

Under the arrangement of Ma Liang, the soldiers of the two squads quickly dispersed around the village and disappeared in the hazy moonlight.

The team started camping in the village looking for a place to sleep.

A group of soldiers went out of the village. They were looking for firewood. There was a lot of dry grass and dead trees in the wasteland.

Wang's platoon leader is indeed in good spirits. He has just learned how to ride a bicycle, followed by two soldiers, and the three are patrolling in the dark.

A dark shadow was running over from the opposite side.

"Platoon leader, why are you here?" The black shadow approached, and the voice came: "Report: We found that someone from the south has been following us."

"Is someone following us?" Wang Liujin was startled: "Who is it? Have you found out how many people there are?"

"The first ones belonged to the two investigation teams, let our patrol team catch them! According to his confession, we found us when we were marching during the day. We thought we were the security forces. Later, we contacted the gun tower and said that there is no law and order here. The army team, so I made a special trip to follow up to inquire about the situation, as for the specific situation, comrades are still reviewing."

"These lingering guys, go, go and have a look"

"Platoon leader Ma Liang is in charge of security tonight, should I report first?"

"I don't understand the situation, what are you going to say?"

Under the faint moonlight, in a patch of wild grass, two members of the detective team tied their hands behind their backs, their black clothes were stained with dirt, and looked up at the crescent moon in the sky in embarrassment.

The two soldiers next to them, with the recently seized shell guns hanging on their waists, and holding a bayonet in their hands, were chatting with the detective team who were looking at the crescent moon proudly. Why did the head of the Wang family come so quickly?"

"Isn't this our colleague?" Platoon Leader Wang's eyes lit up, and both of his subordinates put on pistols!

"We didn't find these two guys until dusk. After everyone entered the village in the dark, they wanted to turn around and run away. The four of us took a lot of effort to catch them. Fortunately, they didn't shoot! "

The traitor on the ground spat in his heart: You guys are all long guns, and there are more people than us. How dare we fight with you with two battered guns?
No matter who it is, it will be extremely uncomfortable to be tied up. First, the blood will not flow smoothly, and second, the uneven ground will make the back hurt. But these, compared with their own life, what are they?
After eating the food of the detective team, you know that this day will come sooner or later. It's not that the traitors don't know how to do this business, and they may lose their lives at any time. But if you don't become a traitor, it's hard to say whether you can survive in this troubled world!

The lesser of two evils.

It is easier said than done to let people who were originally ordinary people die generously!

However, this cannot be a reason for betrayal.

Some traitors who have done no obvious evil to the common people or the Eighth Route Army can be persuaded anyway, but no one will sympathize with those who dare to be tempted by the Eighth Route Army.

Wang Liujin has seen a lot of comrades in arms and dead compatriots who died because of these traitors leading the way and informers.

A soldier next to him stepped forward, ripped off a traitor's gag, squeezed the guy's throat with his index and middle fingers, and reminded: "If you don't want to die, you'd better be honest!"

The guy nodded quickly, and carefully squeezed out a voice: "Excuse me, sir, the younger one has an eighty-year-old mother, and the younger one has it."

"Hey, don't talk about those useless things, do you have any proof?"

"Ah? Yes. Yes!" The guy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Are you the eighth master?"

"Really? Then why didn't I find it when I searched just now?"

"Are you really the eighth master?" The guy gritted his teeth, thinking that he would die: "I said, sir, you are all wearing security army uniforms, how dare I take them out? When you arrested me, I took the opportunity to lose it!"

"Yo drink, you still carry it with you? Are you afraid of being discovered by devils?"

"Hey, I can't find it! Anyway, there is no name written on the card, there is only a number. As long as the imperial army doesn't find it, it will be fine."

"Then how do I know if the certificate is yours?"

"Baye, do you have a work team, a public security team? Just take the number on the ID card and check it, and you'll know it?"

"Hurry up, let's look for it now. If you can find it today, you can still live. Can't you find it? Hehe, today is your memorial day next year!"

The soldier pulled the thing, and the two walked out of the grass slowly, heading south.

As the spy platoon leader, Wang Liujin was not a person who would easily trust others. He didn't ask in person. The purpose of the remaining one was to separate the two, and they would confess later. .

After fighting for so many years, the experience is far beyond ordinary people.

"Tell me, why are you following us?"

As soon as Wang Liujin finished speaking, another soldier next to him tore out the remaining cloth from the mouth of the traitor.

It was because I was gagged for a long time, and I felt very uncomfortable. After coughing a few times, I quickly replied: "We also met you by chance. A while ago, the imperial army ordered us to enter the quasi-safety area, and first find out the village and go back. After understanding the situation of the villagers, we will organize people to wipe them out!"

"How many of you are here?"

"30 more"

"Hey, do you have a certificate too?"

"Yes, they will find it soon!"

"Tell me, when you two came out, why did you bring this certificate with you?"

"We haven't done anything bad, we have to operate in a quasi-law-and-order area and carry insurance"

"Didn't do anything bad? Hey, is it a good thing to do things for the devil? Since you have a certificate, this time, I won't kill you!"

"Thank you Ba Ye for your kindness, but Ba Ye has orders, and he will not hesitate to do so!" The traitor hurriedly stated his position.

"Yo, you are still wrinkled, tell me where you went to school before?"


Wang Liujin dislikes educated people.

As for the reason?
That's because he has no culture!

He was far worse than the Ninth Company soldiers. Apart from being able to recognize some common characters, as for those crumpled words, he didn't want to listen to them at all.

However, people are literate. This is because they went to school in a good family when they were young. In many poor places, there is no one in one or two villages who can read a few words.

In the early years, the government organized new schools, and the literacy rate increased greatly. Later, when the warlords fought, there were almost no teachers. Some students taught some new schools after graduating from high school.

(End of this chapter)

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