under fire

Chapter 509 Prototype

Chapter 509 Prototype
A procession with torches marched in the mountains to the west.

The guerrillas were elated. Although the newly acquired rifle was old, it was not comparable to the old sleeve!What's more, there are two on the back!The face of a group of nouveau riche.

Park Buhuan, who was walking at the end of the line, felt very uncomfortable. It was really embarrassing to make a deal with those bandits and security forces.

The mountain road is rough and not easy to walk. Su Qing seemed to be a little absent-minded, and the guerrilla leader asked suspiciously: "Officer Su, do you seem unwell? Do you want to take a break?"

The light handle flickered in the light, Su Qing let out a long breath, looked up at the towering peaks on both sides of the road, and a long line of sky in the middle: "Captain Yu, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"We'll be there after a sliver of sky, don't worry, the common people will be fine, and the enemies behind will not dare to follow. This place is a place where one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men are hard to escape!" The captain was triumphant, and finally said an idiom.

"Eh? Did you arrange someone to guard here?" Park Buhuan said suddenly.

"Of course!"

"What do you say about the devils who entered the mountain from here this summer?"

The captain was stunned, speechless for a while, and blushed: "Then there are too many devils."

"Hey, the security forces at the back have already withdrawn, you are still guarding!"

"Then what if they are playing tricks? Why is your comrade so unpopular? You are full of dirty words, what is the difference between you and those bandits?"

"Uh, if you don't brag, will I hurt you?" Park Buhuan was stunned. After being with Jiulian for a long time, he seemed to have learned some words that shouldn't be said.
Su Qing ignored the two men's dismantling each other, and walked straight into the mountains with the militiamen who were muttering in front of them.

She has been thinking.

The garrison was attacked this time, too suddenly, without any warning. Fortunately, the people nearby had already evacuated. As for the fate of the people in the villages farther away, she could do nothing at all!
According to the speed of the correspondent, Jiulian got the news and rushed over. Based on the time, maybe, he will arrive at the station tonight.

Nine companies must not be able to defeat the security forces. I don't know what method he will use to fight the enemy this time?

So far, the news about this group of security forces is all gossip from the outside.

After all, it doesn't make sense for this group of security forces to come all the way through the enemy-occupied area to grab territory.

It also caused the intelligence system, whose base was only nearby, to not figure out the whereabouts of this group of security forces at all.

Too passive!

It is even more difficult than imagined to take root in the plains.

Commander Sun is familiar with this area, but he is also not informed about the situation in places farther away.

Lao Zhou, who had been active in this area, organized an intelligence system that was too monotonous.

It's just a simple point of view. Only after knowing the enemy's actions can we find out the information. This method is too elementary and passive.

Moreover, after the front-line intelligence officers collect the information, it must be passed on to the higher level in time to be useful.

Information is time-sensitive, and the information transmitted may not be of much value. Therefore, front-line intelligence personnel must first learn to analyze the information and find useful information through screening.

As for making accurate judgments on the enemy's actions through clues, those under Lao Zhou's subordinates could not do it at all.

As for the efficient information transmission system, the timeliness is too poor for the Eighth Route Army, which basically relies on legs to send information.

It is impossible to use the Ninth Company as a team to develop the work team's own intelligence system.

Sometimes useful information is received, and then transmitted to combat units at all levels, and the transmission process will once again waste precious time.

It even affects the final battle against the enemy. As for getting information in advance to deploy comprehensive forces, don't even think about it.

Just like this time, letting the security forces touch the door of the house is almost equivalent to not knowing in advance.

Too passive.

She made up her mind to change this situation!
Since it is not enough to rely on the work team to add Jiulian's half-can of water, then let the higher-level organization find a way.

She knew that it would not be possible to organize a complete intelligence system overnight.

The Japanese army entered the plains for several months, except for getting a few batches of supplies into the mountains, it did not create any more favorable situation for the Eighth Route Army.

If it can develop a complete and efficient intelligence system belonging to the independent regiment, then, in this struggle with the enemy, the base area will definitely be able to develop well.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, we must find a way.

A complete intelligence system can even exceed the combat effectiveness of an army of the same size!
I can't remember who said this.

The most urgent task is to solve the problem of intelligence collection and intelligence transmission efficiency.

The fastest way to deliver news is, of course, the radio station. Unfortunately, the work team does not have such conditions at all.

The devils frantically wiped out the organization's personnel in the occupied area.

Bandits like Guo Qing, who have milk and are mothers, are more ruthless than devils after taking refuge in devils and acting as accomplices, killing anti-Japanese fighters.

No matter what the reason is, this bandit leader who was stained with the blood of the common people, no matter whose skin he is wearing, will let him die without a place to bury him!

Since the establishment of the armed task force of the independent regiment, the achievements have been good, and the development momentum of the base area is good.

With the cover of the security regiment, he successfully escaped the suppression of the devils and successfully occupied a foothold in the enemy's quasi-security forces.

Unexpectedly, he was stepped in by this bandit who was grabbing territory from outside.

Months of work almost in vain!
Lao Zhou, who was in charge of intelligence and propaganda work, took the little girl to the enemy-occupied area to cooperate with the devils in "mopping up", but there is no news yet.

The place they went to was Qixian County. Would it be related to what the security army said just now that the First Army of the North China Security Army attacked Huaxian County?

Probably not, Lao Zhou took the security team to the enemy-occupied area, saying it was a sweep, but the real purpose was to take the opportunity to break into the enemy's interior, and take this opportunity to allow a team to move freely in the enemy-occupied area.

The establishment of the Democratic County Government was actually the establishment of the anti-Japanese forces led by the Nationalist Government.

These people, in her opinion, are simply unreliable.

Therefore, the task force did not intend to have more work intersections with the county government with a complex composition.

Last year, the national army had a lot of friction with the organization.

The organization endured the humiliation and still cooperated with the national government to establish a joint anti-Japanese government in the enemy-occupied areas.

It is said to be a union, but in fact it has existed in name only, so that the independent regiment established a separate task force in the name of a military unit.

The anti-Japanese government's main work objects and methods are also different from those of the task force. They are mainly interested in those big households in enemy-occupied areas.

Because many people are based in enemy-occupied areas, they seek refuge with the devils for many reasons. It is difficult to leave their homeland and they really have nowhere to go.

People in the national government are more familiar with these country gentry and landlords. As for the methods they use, they are almost all intimidating and luring the maintenance presidents who have to take refuge in the devils.

The working method is monotonous. The Israeli military commanders set up anti-traitor teams to assassinate the big traitor leaders, so that the maintenance committee, security forces, and bandits had to be on two boats, and then the intelligence personnel of the military commanders were arranged to wait for the opportunity to infiltrate the puppet government.

Regardless of the two sides, the military command is also secretly trying to infiltrate the Eighth Route Army.

The working target of the armed task force is ordinary people. It conducts propaganda in the vast rural areas and combats traitors. However, compared with the anti-traitor team, it pays more attention to intelligence collection and transmission, and carries out production, economy, life, and military aspects simultaneously.

The base of the people at the bottom is even larger, so the development speed of the work team far exceeds that of the United Anti-Japanese Government.

One is vigorous and resolute, and the other is as soaking as water!
However, the goals of both sides are the same, they are the aggressors who burned, killed and looted this land.

"Officer Su, be careful. What are you thinking?"

Seeing that Su Qing staggered and almost fell into the ditch beside her, the soldier next to her quickly gave her a hand.

Su Qing's thoughts were interrupted.

This chapter is over.

"I'm Not a Savage" by Lai and 2 is on the shelves today, deserters, give me some face, go support me and make a first order, and vote for him by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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