under fire

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

In the chaotic plains, the drought remains.

Another night passed slowly.

There was no trace of the reconnaissance team, and the security forces in the north also died down.

Before dawn, the village began to be noisy, but when it was dawn, the village calmed down.

The cooking fire has long since been extinguished, but if you get closer, you can still find smoke and mist around the village.

Hu Yi opened his eyes wearily, and after talking with Zeng Nansheng for half the night last night, he realized that the security forces that Jiulian had to deal with were not that simple at all.

As usual, after getting dressed, he walked to the north of the village, looked north, and noticed the secret whistle outside the village. After the soldier made a gesture with Hu Yi, he stopped talking.

Continuing to walk along the village, the rising sun pierced the sky, and it was another sunny day.

Behind him, a small body appeared, standing in the morning wind, with a ponytail and braids sticking out from the back of the hat with a hole in it, shaking from side to side.

Hu Yi looked back, and there was a smile on his bronzed face. Compared with the arrogant pigtails before, he looked a lot more refined.

"Are you wanting to see a vixen?" The person behind him finally spoke.

"How do you know?" Hu Yi did not deny or refute for the first time, and continued walking.

"What's so good about her?" The pigtail tried hard to step on the footprints in front, trying to make the two people's steps consistent.

"At least she knows more words than you!"

The little pigtail faltered and lost its pace. After a while, a somewhat discouraged voice reappeared in the footsteps of the two: "I can shoot!"

"Looks like nobody in our company knows how to shoot? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm better than her." Pigtail raised her fist and waved it a bit: "Except for her breasts, I'm not as big as her!"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, there was really no way to answer this topic, so he had to quicken his pace.

"What are you doing so fast?"

When An Shao heard the girl's penultimate sentence, she was a little startled.

This early in the morning, I walked around the village three times. Are the company commander and that wicked girl taking a walk to exercise their bodies?

Can't listen anymore!
The sentry quickly moved his stiff arms, then pressed his dirty face against the dirtier hat in front of him, and snorted.

The two walking around ignored the audience at all.

"Do you think I look good?" Little hands twisted the hem of his clothes, lowered his head and asked shyly.

"Uh, it looks good!"

"What's better than a vixen?"


After a while, after the two of them walked away again, Anshao raised his head: Did these two take the wrong medicine?They were talking about Director Su inside and outside the words.

Could it be that the company commander is working with Director Su?
You haven't slept for two days in a row, you two are so busy talking nonsense, it's already dawn, why hasn't the whistle changer come yet?
The two finally turned into the village, because they happened to see Zeng Nansheng coming towards him.

"Girl Hu Lianchang, you guys got up so early? I've been looking for you for a long time"

"Have you eaten?" Hu Yi didn't answer, but instead greeted him with a lively atmosphere.

"I've eaten!" Zeng Nansheng replied subconsciously, and suddenly seemed to remember something: "Hey, what should we do now?"


"Wait? Wait for what?"

"Wait for the security forces to take the initiative to trouble us."

"What if they don't come?"

"You killed one of his squads yesterday, so they probably don't know about it! Then, they most likely sent a platoon over, so I plan to kill another platoon of him today. What do you think the security forces will do?"

"Maybe, a company will come?" Zeng Nansheng suddenly understood Hu Yi's intention.

"If we make some noise, maybe more will come." Hu Yi's face was calm without any disturbance.

Zeng Nansheng finally knew that he was indeed not as good as the one in front of him in terms of military command.

The old den was occupied by the enemy, Company Commander Hu did not become angry, but calmly prepared to consume the strength of the security forces. This plan is indeed good, but it is still quite difficult to regain the garrison.

For Jiulian, there is a lot of good news now, and the headquarters led the masses into the mountains.

There was a platoon of defense materials left on the cottage, and with the strength of the security forces, it would be very difficult to take down the cottage in the north of the village in a short time.

These bandits don't have that ability!
"The devils in the east didn't move. I guess they want to watch us fight!" Thinking of this, Zeng Nansheng immediately said the news he just received.

"The east side is Xu Jinsheng's defense area. He didn't come because he was preparing for the excitement. He sent people from the south, but the detective team came. Since he likes to watch the excitement, let's let him watch it!"

"Those bandits fought our place, and there's no end to it."

"I just want everyone to know that in the security group, people don't come and leave whenever they want."

"What if the person surnamed Xu and the person surnamed Guo join forces?"

"Then let's just run away. Since our old profession is guerrilla warfare, if he really wants to come, I will go to the den of the traitor Xu!"

Uh. Zeng Nansheng was overwhelmed by Hu Yi's unconstrained ideas: "But Xu Jinsheng and the others are in the enemy-occupied area, didn't we throw ourselves into a trap in the past?"

"We are the security team. One of the teams he called for reinforcements last time didn't come back. Tell me. Should we ask him for an explanation?"

"You mean that Lao Zhou and the others went to Hua County, didn't they all come back?"

"We know, but does the surname Xu know?"

"I think it's inappropriate for Lao Zhou to take someone to find Xu Jinsheng."

"What's wrong? You want to say that the city is in Tongji Lao Zhou?"

"Yes." Zeng Nansheng was a little worried.

"Old Zhou has now joined our security team. If his surname Xu dares to do something, do you think he will not want Xu Jiazhuang?"

"But the tongue we caught said that the security forces who came here to grab the territory were instigated by Li Ying."

"This guy Li Ying has found the right owner for this move. Maybe he doesn't even know it." Hu Yi couldn't help but sigh a little. He went around in a big circle to the east and beat up the security forces. Now, is this the causal loop?

"According to the current situation, if those bandits find that there are fewer people, they will rush over at noon at the latest."

"It's better to come earlier. Ma Liang and the secret service platoon have already sent people to harass the security forces. Don't worry if he won't come!"

The two talked while walking, and Lao Zeng succinctly talked about the recent events in the base area again.

Some people who couldn't stay idle started working directly in the village.

But in the villages burned by the devils, there is nothing else to do except simply repair the dilapidated houses.

Because the people all ran away, Zeng Nansheng didn't say where they went, and Hu Yi didn't ask either.

Don't think about it, he must have gone west to the mountains where he can hide from the bandits.

As usual, Jiulian who likes to sleep will not take the initiative to come out, and by the way, he saved a breakfast and saved some food.

When I saw three people repairing the house, no one took the initiative to come down. They just saluted on the roof, which was regarded as a greeting.

The man who repaired the house stopped his work, didn't speak as if he had suddenly become dumb, and quickly pricked up his ears to listen carefully to what the company commander was saying.

The company commander said he wanted to fight bandits in the north?

It was the Ma Liang platoon and the special agent platoon that received the task.

No one is going to grab the mission, Jiulian doesn't seem to have the habit of grabbing the mission recently.

After all, Jiulian is the regular army of the Eighth Route Army. Although the composition is a bit complicated, it is not difficult at all to fight against the security army adapted from a few bandits.

After the three of them entered the village, they went directly to the dilapidated house of the village office.

Hear movement.

Director Zhang of the Public Security Team appeared out of nowhere.

He was not familiar with Jiulian, and he hurried over after seeing Hu Yi and Zeng Nansheng entering the dilapidated house of the village office.

As soon as he entered the room, there was a smile on his face.

When I arrived here with Zeng Nansheng yesterday, it was already late at night.

I just met with Hu Yi, briefly talked about the situation, and then received an order to rest from the commander of the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment in front of me.

Although the confidentiality work of the independent group is not good, it is quite far from the independent group after all.

Therefore, Director Zhang didn't know much about the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment.

After entering the room, no one in the room spoke, and his smile was ignored, and he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Brothers meet each other, no matter what, they have to shake hands or something?

Moreover, wherever the Eighth Route Army goes, they wake up early in the morning for training, and now they are getting three shots every day, and you have less than one platoon of people out of the company!

Is this still the Eighth Route Army?
Besides, aren't you the company commander of an independent regiment that doesn't even have a serial number?

In terms of level, we are one level higher than your surname Hu, what kind of airs are you putting on here?

He thought that Hu Yi was cold to him because he looked down on him as the chief of the public security bureau.

But they didn't know that Hu Yi had always had a temper, except for a few members of the independent group, he treated everyone the same.

Company Commander Hu was accompanied by a little girl who looked at him curiously.

Director Zhang is even a little dumbfounded, the other company commanders have always been running errands with a correspondent, you bring a timid girl, what's the matter?
After he had been in for so long, the three people in the room did not greet him, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Zeng Nansheng was lost in thought about what Hu Yi said just now, so he didn't pay attention.

"Are you the director of the Security Force who led more than 100 people and wiped out a squad yesterday?" A clear voice broke the silence, and then added: "Hey, what kind of officer is the director?"

(End of this chapter)

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