under fire

Chapter 511 8 Roads Are Really Poor

Chapter 511

A group of figures excitedly left the village and headed north. Immediately afterwards, another group of figures dispersed and left in all directions.

In the dilapidated house of the village office, the silence was broken, but Director Zhang did not answer Xiao Hongying's question about what kind of official the director was.

Also, this question is not easy to answer.

The four of them divided into four directions and sat down on the broken table.

Seeing that the scene fell silent again, Zhang Yi knew that it might be related to him, so he immediately asked, "Should we hold a mobilization meeting first?"

"No, I've already informed the team. Captain Zhang Zhang, please make arrangements for those of you who ambushed in Beibian Village to come back to rest and eat first." Hu Yi raised his head and glanced at him.

"Back back? Are our public security soldiers here watching you fight on the front line?" Zhang Yi felt that Company Commander Hu's arrangement was totally unreasonable. Since he wanted to fight the enemy, the stronger the force, the better.

He didn't care about Hu Yi calling him captain.

"You have been busy for a day, rest first, and then you will be busy!" Hu Yi was referring to the capture of prisoners.

"Then when shall we go there?"

"The team has assembled and is about to set off for the village in the north."

"Then let's go and have a look." Zhang Yi was immediately excited.

"What's so interesting about the team starting out, isn't it just to fight the security forces." The yellow-haired girl next to him yawned and muttered.

"Ah? You won't say just stay here, wait a minute, you mean you won't go?" After Zhang Yi saw the girl speak, Company Commander Hu on the opposite side looked at the desktop map by himself, as if acquiescing to the little girl After the answer, he immediately said to Hu Yi seriously: "After the battle starts, we will hide here and let the soldiers go to die?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? Why are you dying? Does your mouth belong to a crow?" The girl next to her stared and quit.

Zhang Yi immediately got angry: "Don't you even have the guts to go to the battlefield?"

Honest and selfless, he is really angry about this. If even the commander is afraid of death, it means that the Ninth Company may be worse than the supplementary regiment.

In the morning, I saw that several of you soldiers were wearing the uniforms of the security forces. You are poor, I can’t tell you about this!

But you come out early in the morning to go to the latrine, do not practice, do not exercise, and go back to the latrine immediately after the latrine, what is this like?People who don't know the details, can you think that this team will be the Eighth Route Army?

Hu Yi looked at the map without looking up and replied coldly: "Courage? This is to fight the security forces, not to compete with them. Besides, those security forces are not enough!"

Blow, keep blowing, Zhang Yi feels even more dissatisfied.

Fortunately, he also went to the county to see the world, so there is no need to have the same knowledge as these comrades who just came out of the mountains.

After all, it is a friendly army, a comrade-in-arms, suppressing the anger that is about to explode: "Shouldn't the commander go to the front line to command in person?"

"You mean, you want me to fight in person?" Hu Yi finally understood Zhang Yi's meaning, looked up, a little bit dumbfounded.

"Old Zhang, just listen to Company Commander Hu's arrangement!" Both Zhang Yi and Hu Yi's voices became higher and higher, waking Zeng Nansheng out of his contemplation.

Zeng Nansheng had participated in the last battle against the security regiment, so he knew that the Ninth Company's combat effectiveness was quite strong.

But in the last battle, Sun Youshang was an internal response, so, as an intelligence officer, he didn't know the actual combat effectiveness of the Ninth Company.

Moreover, he is not very clear about the relationship between combat effectiveness, combat experience and equipment.

"I just think that as a commander of our army, we should lead by example and appear on the battlefield!" Zhang Yi didn't intend to give Zeng Nan any face. Could it be that the fine traditions of our Eighth Route Army can be discarded in your independent regiment?

Hu Yi was a little helpless: "Our biggest advantage now is that we already know that the enemy's main force is in the security regiment's station. Although Xu Jinsheng's department in the east seems to be quiet, they sent a detective team to inquire about the news, which shows that he also has plans to fish in troubled waters. Let's step by step now." Only by beating someone surnamed Guo can we paralyze the enemy temporarily!"

"What do you say, it seems that the security forces are all soft-footed shrimps?" Zhang Yi has been in the plains for a long time, and he knows that the security forces are powerful. Not an enemy opponent, let alone your independent regiment.

"You should have confidence in Company Commander Hu!" Zeng Nansheng felt that there was no need to talk about this issue early in the morning. He chose to believe in Hu Yi. After all, in the exchange last night, he knew that Hu Yi and the division had fought devils and security forces together. , have all won.

Zhang Yi was stunned, he knew Zeng Nansheng's temper: he never said anything he was not sure about.

After thinking for a long time, I finally stopped expressing different opinions: "I'll make arrangements now."

After speaking, get up, turn around, and go out.

It takes less than 10 minutes from walk in to walk out.

But now, Zhang Yi has more than [-] men and [-] guns, which can be said to be a strong army!

Independent group?It is estimated that most of them are still carrying big knives.

The independent regiment set up a task force to enter the plains with Jiulian, and kept it secret.

Just like the guerrillas on the confluence plain in the south of the Erlian recruited a group of bandits, Hu Yi didn't know it until he met the Erlian.

Last night, Jiulian entered the village first, and when the public security soldiers came, most of them were already asleep.

Therefore, Zhang Yi didn't see the equipment of the soldiers, so naturally he didn't know the real situation of Jiulian.

Up to now, he still thought that Zeng Nansheng distributed the ammunition to the public security soldiers, but because Zeng Nansheng was a member of the armed task force, he carried more bullets.

He still hasn't figured out that Jiulian is the head of the security regiment. It's not his fault. Because of the need to keep it secret, the news has not been leaked.

Even the soldiers on the periphery of the security regiment didn't know the specific situation of the headquarters except that the commander had changed.

Hu Yi was taken aback for a moment, but Zhang Zhang was quite impatient.

Shaking his head, he didn't care, and he should have confessed to Wang Liujin and Ma Liang at dawn.

He lowered his head and continued to look at the map, and the girl next to him moved his head to follow along.

The current situation is not complicated. If we want to fight against the security forces, there are not enough troops, and the Ninth Company can't take advantage of it.

But he had read the booklet on guerrilla warfare given by the political commissar, and gained more experience, which made him more confident.

This battle is also the most basic method of guerrilla warfare: concentrate superior forces and defeat the enemy one by one.

So, the odds are great.

On the battlefield, maybe a small change will affect the direction of the whole situation. Try to turn the unknown into the known, so as to grasp the favorable conditions for yourself, and it is not difficult to succeed in victory.

To put it simply, it is actually to make up for one's weaknesses.

The biggest unknown now lies in the devil's attitude towards the land grabbing between the security forces and the security forces.

The main task of Lao Zhou in the enemy-occupied area is to find a way to find out the movements of the devils and the security forces!

Up to now, no news has come, so there is no need to put all the troops out.

As for those waiting detective teams, he didn't take them to heart at all.

When Jiulian was still in the squad, he had to hide as long as he could.

After being promoted to the platoon in Class Nine, I was basically no longer afraid.

As for the security forces, the Ninth Company has successfully attacked the security forces several times with the strength of a platoon.

Although the means are not so aboveboard, but on the battlefield, the result is the most important.

Director Zhang turned to the square in the south of the village in two or three steps.

On the side of a slightly wider road, there was a row of soldiers in the uniform of the security forces squatting. At this time, they were wolfing down porridge and stuffing buns into their mouths with their lunch boxes.

If he hadn't known that this was a soldier from the Ninth Company, he would have trembled in his heart.

Wait, there seems to be meat in the middle of the cornbread!
Soon, more things were wrong. The security forces in front of them, the guys who disguised themselves as soldiers of the security force, were all aluminum lunch boxes used by devil soldiers!

This thing is a high-end product in the group, if anyone has one, it can be used to show off for a year!
The bayonet hanging on the waist, no, it is quite a bit longer than the old sleeve made in Hanyang!
Look again, these security forces are not quite the same as the security forces I saw before. The rifles on the ground: all [-] big guns!

No, dazzled?
Could it be that the devils came in disguised as the Eighth Route Army?

It can be seen that the scolding is clearly from one of our own people.

Take a closer look.

There are three bullet boxes on everyone's waist, judging by the size, the middle is definitely not a stone and wooden stick
A small soldier with a charge on his waist and a pistol on his waist, the cook who is distributing the corn to the soldiers, what is behind it?
Quickly rubbed his eyes: go to the flower organ!

Director Zhang's chin has long since disappeared.
Oh my god, is this still an independent group that is too poor to wear pants?

Is this still the Three-Gun Eighth Route Army that can only fight guerrillas in the mountains?
The legendary shuttle mark was nowhere to be seen, nor was the big knife, except for the large kitchen knife on the chopping board.

The little iron tube on the ground, the grass, the grenade!
The three crooked machine guns were scattered on the ground, and the three Czech machine guns were neatly arranged. The iron box next to it, I saw it, the bullet box!

This is not a dream, is it?
Secretly pinched the soft flesh on the waist, it hurts!
There are no straw sandals or cloth shoes on the soles of the feet next to the rifle.

All devil army shoes
Boom, blood rushed to his head, and the cloth shoe on his left foot that was moving forward hung on his right foot.

He fell forward in a daze.

"Everyone, hurry up and see if this fool sees these guys of ours, can he faint?"

With cornbread stuffed in his mouth, he muttered to the side.
(End of this chapter)

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