under fire

Chapter 512 Luo Fugui's Expedition

Chapter 512 Luo Fugui's Expedition

A public security soldier who saw the director coming over quickly stepped forward and helped Zhang Yi who had fallen on his back: "Director, are you alright?"

Zhang Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and without speaking, he ran directly to the Czech machine gun and stood up.

The soldier who was eating looked at him vigilantly, and the guy next to him told him to put one hand on his waist as the chief, without saying a word.

It's not that Zhang Yi has never seen the world, and he has seen these things in the supplementary regiment before. It is a regiment with all the heavy firepower, and there are not so many things!
Only one company from the Independent Regiment came!

Visually, there were no more than fifty or sixty soldiers on the square. What he didn't know was that there was only half of the "platoon" selected by Ma Liang, plus a squad sent by Wang Liujin's special agent platoon.

That is to say, ten people have a machine gun, and everyone has three or eight big guns. This is unscientific.

Your independent regiment brought [-] rifles to fight the security forces, aren't you afraid of being noticed by the devils knowing these weapons!
For the Ninth Company, there may be continuous operations in the future, so there is a clear hierarchy in the personnel arrangement, and there is no one in the Ninth Company.

People are more mad than people.

This can't stand it anymore, the Nine Company has completely changed his view of the Independent Regiment.

Look at these calm, absolutely uniform veterans who are about to go to the battlefield!There is absolutely no recruit in the middle!
The eleven guys next to each other have a shell gun!You are better than the special agent regiment in the division. Is this an independent regiment that is too poor to wear pants?

I don't even believe it.

A voice came from the alley leading to the threshing ground from the village and shouted: "I'm going to his grandma, that bear Wang Xiaosan doesn't even make a sound when serving food, I'm going to beat him all over the floor to find his teeth!"

A burst of intensive footsteps sounded behind Director Zhang.

The soldiers who were eating suddenly speeded up the progress of eating when they heard the sound.

Everyone knows that the bear got nervous early in the morning!
It seemed that they were going to get nervous again, so they quickly poured all the porridge into their mouths, hung their lunch boxes on their waists, lined up and grabbed two cornbreads, went back to the open space to grab their guns and ammunition, and ran straight to the village!
There was no formation in the chaos, and when they arrived at the alley, they naturally formed a slip.

They are the second echelon. If the security forces don't come, and they are still planning to change their devil's skin, they can just use this outfit and change their clothes to finish the job. I don't believe that the security forces dare to do it.

"Hey, platoon leader, I didn't lie to you. If you don't get up again, you can only wait until lunch!" The monkey smiled triumphantly as he passed the queue that entered the village.

"Grandma's Wang Xiaosan, did you do it on purpose?" The big and thick bear directly grabbed the lapel of the cook who was removing an empty steamer from the broken table with the flower mechanism on the back.

Wang Xiaosan was short of something, his hands were not empty, and anxiously said, "Hey, let me go, don't you always only eat two meals? When did you eat breakfast?"

"Yes, I have two meals in the morning and two in the afternoon."

"I heard from Ma Liang, did the company commander arrange for you to lead the first battle in person? I said why did you get so crazy that you agreed?"

"Shouldn't we just fight a few bandits and thieves? Of course I have to fight in person, right?" The bear was triumphant. When he went up first, he got nervous and responded in one breath.

"Can you still show some face. Uh, someone is watching."

"Hey, hey, where are you from? What are you doing here?" The bear turned his head to face Director Zhang.

Director Zhang saw a giant bear-like guy dangling in front of him.

The mountain-like figure, one foot high and three feet wide, completely covered the sunny day, and subconsciously took two or three steps back with his neck raised.

Director Zhang gasped, just as he was dazzled by the equipment of the Ninth Company, a soldier like a king of Tota appeared, and he was just a platoon leader.

The one who just ran away may be the real Eighth Route Army!

Surprised by the thick bears, seeing that they are almost all empty-handed, maybe they feel embarrassed to carry the shuttle badge?
The lack of food in the Eighth Route Army can develop this virtue. I don’t know how much food was wasted.

He simply ignored his rudeness.

"I'm from the Public Security Bureau." Zhang Yi put on an amiable smile.

"Eh? You are the public security team that was ambushed by the security forces? Are you the captain?"

Zhang Yi was not surprised to be called the captain again: "My surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Yi!"

"Your grandma's, Boss Hu's name is Hu Yi, and your name is Zhang Yi?"

"Uh, yes, it's Zhang Yi."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"not yet."

"Then let's go together." After speaking, he hugged Director Zhang who was next to him, and sat down on the chair for the cook to rest by the table where the steamed buns were placed, and turned his head: "Your grandma, Wang Xiaosan, hurry up and eat After I'm done, I'm going to go on an expedition!"

Wang Xiaosan has black hair, what kind of virtue does this guy not know?He definitely took a fancy to what the public security team seized yesterday!
Like that wicked girl, she likes the idea of ​​taking captives the most, but he prefers Dayang Duoyi, I heard that he has recently changed his preference to gold bars.

"Is it not a big loss for you to fight the security forces?" Mule immediately asked warmly.

"Sacrificed a few comrades, uh, it's okay, it's just a bunch of bandits!" Zhang Yi couldn't take it anymore, and said that he still had something to do.

"Hehe, oops, our company is short of heavy machine guns, uh, short of accessories, can you let me see if there are any captured by the soldiers?" seized.

"Well, as long as you have it, you can look for it, but those things have to be handed over." Zhang Yi did not doubt that he was there, and the Ninth Company didn't seem to have a big weapon, not to mention that the guns had already been divided up by the soldiers.

He said that there are heavy machine guns, and most likely there are. If it had been a day earlier, he would have seen the devil if he could believe it.

"Who are you handing it over to? Could it be that you still have to send it to your regiment? Shouldn't you be exhausted?"

"But our disciplinary requirements must be turned in, and no one can violate this rule!"

"Uh, that's true. I'm quite familiar with Battalion Commander Wang Penglian. Wang Peng. Then I can help you and take your seized into the mountains." Mule decided to help the police team.

"Ah?" Zhang Yi was stunned: "That's unnecessary, just send it to the county directly! The county brigade will deal with it separately."

"Who are we to whom? I will help you with this. I heard that you are short of ammunition. If you need it, just tell me." The bear's chest thumped loudly.

"Oh?" Ganqing is also in charge of logistics, no wonder she looks so bearish!
This guy must be stealing embezzlement!It seems that this matter is out of my control, so let him remember it first.

Director Zhang took the bowl that Wang Xiaosan had just brought over, and put a bowl in the broken wooden bucket next to him. It was quite thick, and it really had shredded meat.

He took two cornbreads by hand, took two steps to the side, and stuffed them into his mouth. There was really meat!

But he took the initiative to keep a certain distance from these five big and three thick guys.

Looking back at those guys who snatched the machine guns in their hands just after eating, they were all gone.

I just saw the action captain who came back with me last night, turning out from the village, and immediately yelled: "Come here quickly."

"What's the matter, Director Zhang?" The operation captain hurried forward.

"You immediately arrange for people to go to the northern village, let our soldiers withdraw, and leave two soldiers who are familiar with the environment there to cooperate with the brother troops to complete the combat mission." He suddenly felt that he had to spend some time chatting with Company Commander Hu, Judging from the equipment of Jiulian and these people, it is really not necessary to fight all the security forces.

"Do you want to keep a few more?" The captain frowned, the meaning couldn't be more clear, I cooperated with you to fight the security forces, won't you give me points for those captured?
Zhang Yi immediately came back to his senses: "Well, you're not bad, you have to make arrangements for this matter, uh, don't come back, just let Xiao Li bring the 'militia' back!"


"Wait, let the comrades with guns come back. In other words, just cooperate with them to bring swords and spears!"

"Hmm... you guys... this arrangement makes sense! Hehehehahaha..." The bear next to him grinned. What kind of plan did they come up with, so that they could hide it from the bear who is always thinking about it?

Hearing these words, Zhang Yi felt a little uneasy. Who the hell is this person? It is better to get to know him first and talk to him: "What should I call this comrade?"

"You're welcome, we're on our own, and I'm the one who will lead the team to the Yin Security Army!"

"Ah?" Zhang Yi was a little confused, the one in front of his feelings was the one who was about to go to war, so what else was there to say?

I actually thought that the people who left just now were the ones who played big swords in front of Guan Gong and threw it at my grandma's house. Fortunately, I have rich experience, and my face is not red and my heart is not beating: "Didn't Company Commander Hu say that it has been arranged a long time ago? Why are you still doing it?" Didn't leave?
"Eh, even if you set out to ambush the enemy, you have to eat enough, right? The emperor is still short of hungry soldiers, right?" Luo Fugui drank the porridge in front of him in one gulp and got up.

"I said this captain, we will be comrades-in-arms later, don't we need to get in touch first?" The bear walked up to the captain of the action team and opened his ugly triangular eyes.

The action captain, who was about to turn around after pulling two corns, stopped quickly. So this is the one who will go to the north to direct the ambush of the security forces?Look at this body, if you fight with a bayonet, tsk tsk, there is nothing to say, just this size can scare the security forces to death!

What's more, it's so stupid that it's the Eighth Route Regular Army!
From the looks of it, there must be nothing to say about victory in this battle.

 What about the recommended ticket?

  Too lazy, the mules have started to take the initiative to fight the bandits, what's the point of the deserters leaving them moldy, so I can reward Luo Fugui with a few military tickets, right?

(End of this chapter)

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