under fire

Chapter 513 Extravagant Papyrus

Chapter 513 Extravagant Papyrus

The devils tried to trap and starve to death in the mountains through the newly dug blockade ditch, newly built gun towers and strongholds.

Through the combination of such points and lines to control the surface, in order to achieve its goal of "ensuring the occupied area".

It is also forbidden for ordinary people to live, farm or even enter the non-public security area, and those who violate it will be killed.

The people in the villages outside the blockade ditch were lured or forced to move to the public security area. All the houses within ten miles outside the ditch were destroyed, the wells were filled, and the trees were cut down. There were too many trees, and this job could not be done. "Good citizen certificate" is strictly controlled.

By artificially creating no man's land through the blockade ditch, those people who left their homes to the enemy's war zone had no house to live in, no land to farm, no money to live on, and they were always on the verge of death due to lack of food and clothing.

And in the face of the rare drought in the past few decades, the number of ordinary people who starved to death in the area where the enemy ensured public security cannot be counted.

A few people had to take risks, ran back to their hometowns again, and were continuously raided by devils, coupled with the pervasive investigation team, traitors, arresting people and informers, in the no-man's land, ordinary people could not survive at all.

Even if the Ninth Company comes, it can only carry out base construction in the semi-hilly area on the edge of no man's land.

In the past six months, Lao Qin has kept a low profile in the quasi-security area, strictly controlling the people who enter, only allowed to enter but not to exit.

According to the fact that there is no food in the first place, they have been looking for Li Youde, a big landlord, to join him.

After dark, a team slowly entered Li Youde's model security area from the quasi-security area, and headed west along a certain road that had been arranged in advance.

Until midnight, the team passed through the Meixian Model Public Security District declared by the devils without any danger!

Maybe the security forces forgot to collect the suspension bridge, and the team passed the gun tower at the foot of the mountain with great fanfare.

It was another early morning, except for the singing of birds and insects flying in the mountains and the gentle breeze humming, there was silence.

On a roadside hill, there are two figures hiding.

A soldier who was bored and biting grass roots was startled suddenly, and quickly opened his eyes to look into the distance.

After a while, he whispered to the side: "Hey, someone is here!"

Immediately, a figure emerged from the nearby bushes, looking in the direction pointed by the sentinel.

In the distance, two figures appeared on the mountain road.

And one mile behind them, more and more figures appeared around a corner of the mountain.

The two veterans walking on the path, carrying heavy burdens, looked exhausted.

The figure is slowly approaching.

"Hey, it seems to be from Jiulian!"

"Why are they running back?"

The sentinel immediately raised his head on the mountain bag and shouted: "Stop!"

The people below were startled, subconsciously went to the side of the road to hide, pulled their guns and raised their heads to look around nervously.

Glancing at the sentinel who came out, the two of them immediately came out of the hiding place, and sat down on the side of the road: "Your grandma is yelling, go back and call someone, I'm shocked!"

The soldiers who came down from the hill looked a little surprised at the stretcher team behind, there were dozens of stretchers!

The one who was sitting on the ground reluctantly stood up, fumbled in the bag for a while, discharged a bridge bullet, and threw it over: "For you!"

"Hey, why are you back?" Looking at the top soldiers of the Ninth Company, the sentinel of the first company quickly took the bullet and asked with a smile.

"Send the wounded! Send supplies."

"Wounded? There are so many, are you going to die again?"

"I want you to take care of it! I can't run anymore, so hurry back and report."

"Hey, the two of you ran such a long distance, is this wire on your back?"

"You know what a fart, this is called a telephone line, do you understand?"

"Phone? What's that?"

"Aren't you looking for smokes, kid? Hurry back and call someone!"

"Okay." After the soldier finished speaking, he turned and ran along the mountain road towards the wine station.

The soldier on the hill looked enviously at what happened below, he couldn't leave his post.

After walking for almost one night, the team was extremely exhausted.

The stretcher is a long way.

It has entered the continuous defense zone, and there is no problem in terms of safety.

The team took a long walk on the mountain road.

I have already encountered a company of sentries, so there is no need to hurry on my way.

Lao Qin roared: "Rest in place!"

Could it be that Tian Sanqi, who was empty-handed and didn't even carry his beloved bayonet, staggered a few steps and sat opposite Lao Qin who was lighting a cigarette.

The two sat opposite each other on both sides of the mountain road, and Zhu Er who was next to him hurriedly pulled his hat to fan Tian Sanqi.

On the stretcher on the ground, Tang Dagou was looking at the busy figures before and after Osmanthus fragrans, his eyes following Gulu.

Lao Qin struck a match, lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and said to Tian Sanqi: "The injury on your back hasn't healed yet, you should stay on the stretcher, it's not far from the wine stand gone."

"It's not easy to walk, and it's hard to walk on a stretcher, and the sports injuries heal faster!" Tian Sanqi took the water bottle that Zhu Er handed over, and took a big gulp.

"You should drink less water when you are injured, don't you know?" Lao Qin frowned and said slowly.

"We are in good health, everything is fine."

The sentinel on the mountain poked his head out and looked enviously at the soldiers of the Ninth Company who were carrying large bags and stretchers on the mountain road below.

Half of the team of nearly 200 people carried stretchers.

Judging by their appearance, Jiulian probably lost "half" this time.

Lao Qin exhaled another puff of smoke, which was blown away by the mountain wind.

Looking at the vast mountains and going out for several months, I have always felt that I am not used to it. Finally, I returned to the mountains where I had been away for almost half a year. Every pore in my body felt comfortable.

About half an hour later, Lao Qin heard snoring everywhere, and he was going to sleep again, and he didn't know how long he would sleep, so he might as well go back to the wine stand first.

He stood up and patted the dirt on his clothes: "Keep working harder and go back to the regiment for lunch!"

The team finally set off slowly.

After walking for a few miles, the mountain wind blew
A soldier with sharp eyes found that in the ravine, a piece of straw paper was blown by the mountain wind and flew around.

Subconsciously asked the soldier next to him: "Hey, why is there such a thing in this mountain?"


"It's kind of like straw paper!"

The straw paper that suddenly appeared in the mountain made Lao Qin stunned for a while.

In the past, the Independence Group was so poor that they didn’t even have enough clothes to wear, let alone have papyrus in the last hut!

People in the mountains usually use Vitex and stones to solve hygiene problems.

This thing that appeared suddenly, the key point is that the dirt on it is quite fresh, no more than a day old at most!
Only rich families can use straw paper, and there must be no one in the mountains. Either it is a soldier, but the soldiers of the company must not be able to use it!
"Where did this come from?"

"Blowing from the west. Soldiers answered quickly."

"This is weird!" Lao Qin realized that the problem was a little serious.

Either a devil or someone else, Balu does not have that condition.

At least, the independent group at the wine station did not have that condition!

A platoon dispatched by a company, together with a platoon from the People's Rear, received wounded soldiers from the Ninth Company and sent supplies back to the regiment headquarters in a mighty way.

The soldiers, militia, villagers and others saw this posture and consciously stepped forward to help.

Jiulian finally returned to the wine station, and the village heart was overjoyed.

The militiamen tried their best to keep the stretcher from shaking.

All the soldiers except the sentinels stepped forward to help and make room.

Uncle Niu stood at the door of the kitchen and looked around for a while, and immediately ordered the lunch that had been prepared earlier to be set up.

Head Lu, who was waiting at the gate of Peng, was pacing back and forth, and stepped forward a few steps, but saw Lao Qin salute with a gloomy expression: "Hello, head!".

"Hey, there are a little more wounded, and they're all back, so you don't have to give me a look, do you?" Captain Lu said with joy.

"Go in and talk." Lao Qin looked serious.

Head Lu was a little puzzled, stopped asking, and went back to Independence to command the tent.

After a while, Captain Lu's voice came from the tent: "Xiao Bing, quickly get the political commissar!"

"The political commissar has gone to Qingshan Village, I'm going to call!" Xiao Bing outside the tent hurriedly shouted.

This chapter is over.

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(End of this chapter)

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