under fire

Chapter 514 Commander Luo

Chapter 514 Commander Luo
The soldiers of the public security team, not to mention going to the battlefield, have not even conducted basic training systematically.

Zhang Yi followed Luo Fugui and led most of the "platoon" back north into the village.

Although the public security soldiers have not fought any battles, they have been fighting against the enemy in the hilly area at the foot of the mountain.

Investigate enemy agents, weed out traitors, work for the family members of the security forces in the gun towers, and check everyone who enters the base area.

From time to time, he had to go to the county town to find out news, and occasionally to attack the detective team that had been left alone and was stained with the blood of the people.

"Hey, your grandma, you're an action captain, with a hundred and ten people, you've been here for a few years, and you've only killed one devil?"

"Do you think the devils are so easy to fight? You may not even see the devils in the mountains!" The action captain's neck was full of veins.

"Hey, I'm fine, I really haven't even seen a ghost." Luo Fugui replied solemnly!
Not fifty people died under Lao Tzu's machine gun, but at least twenty or thirty!Countless wounded!
I even used a gun tower to roast devils alive!
You can beat a devil like this, how can I compare with you?
It's like when I'm feasting on dozens of roast chickens in a restaurant, I'm going to compare you with a beggar who is showing off a piece of meat in the bowl?
So, he suddenly didn't want to talk about it with him.

Now, he is the boss of this platoon, so with his always low-key personality, he must be low-key, right?
These guys from the public security team followed, making it clear that they wanted to divide the dirt and not seize it. They didn't understand the cruelty of war at all. Let them see how Jiulian made them stunned!

Zhang Yi, who was walking in front of the team after entering the village, couldn't stand Jiulian's lazy style!

According to the legend, there is no such thing as walking like the wind, only a swaying and sparse team.

Not even the county brigade militia!
From the operation captain, I learned about the configuration of the Ninth Company, and I also knew that there was a special agent platoon in the southern team. The Nineth Company had nearly three hundred people!
It was obviously a battalion, but Hu Yi was still just a company commander.

There is a special agent platoon!No wonder, so well equipped!

As for Jiulian's past, I haven't found out yet.

It's a pity that even though he was of a higher level, that big and thick bear clearly didn't take him seriously!
In other words, he has never had the experience of commanding so many people to fight against the enemy. He has always been fighting guerrillas on the plains, and every time he brought a dozen people to play tricks on the enemy.

The platoon leader is actually a company commander, but there don't seem to be many recruits in the team.

He no longer frowns, mainly because he feels that there is no need to worry about the division's special agents lining up behind.

Almost everyone in Jiulian has a gun, and he began to think about how to talk to Jiulian about the seizure later.

Looking at the front team, there are two Czech-style guns and one grenadier, all made in Hanyang, and there is no old sleeve, and I am very envious.

Although not as powerful as the two sleeping platoons in the southern village, these weapons are at least much stronger than the main force of the supplementary regiment.

In his eyes, Luo Fugui's [-]-something team is still well-equipped!
This row of long-mouthed trains run at any time, and as they learn more, they become more surprised, and after being too surprised, their mood finally calms down.

He also finally understood Hu Yi's arrangement, and first showed his weakness with a small group of enemies.

As for how to fight an ambush, he felt that he had to discuss it with Platoon Leader Luo. He could also learn some experience from the regular army, right?
"Platoon Leader Luo, look, shouldn't our village be arranged first?"

"Arrangements? Boss Hu said that there should be only one platoon of security forces. Do you need to arrange?"

"I mean, do you want to capture the highest point first, and then build a few machine gun positions?"

"Hey, you have a good idea. I think so too." Commander Luo immediately ordered the monkey next to him: "Dig ditches, set up bunkers, and open a few holes in those courtyard walls."

The commands are simple and rude.

Suddenly, I remembered the time I ambushed the Devil Squadron with the rotation training team: "Hey, dig up all the roads in those villages!"

"Isn't it enough to dig a ditch? Digging the road loose, are you going to plant crops?" the operation leader asked at a loss.

"If you tell you to dig, you can just dig. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Luo Fugui imitated Boss Hu's tone with an ugly face.

Luo Fugui regretted that the person next to him who did not make a mistake could let him kick him.

This ambush is related to the safety of everyone present, so those who dig the trench should do it immediately!
Don't have a hoe? The Ninth Company has an engineer shovel!
Jiulian has a pickaxe, the guy who saves his life, he has already brought it with him.

Not long after the start of work, the public security fighters took the initiative to take over the job of digging the ditch from the soldiers of Luo Fugui's platoon.

After half an hour.

Thirty people from the public security team were sweating like rain, rounding their arms and working hard, while sixty people beside them were yelling and directing.

"Dig deeper into this place!"

"Your side should be connected to that side of the yard!"

"Dig a hole all the way into the yard!"

Luo Fugui always felt that he had forgotten something, and after a long time he remembered that he had to find some people to bring the security forces over.



"Take your two brothers to the north. If you find security forces, if they walk slowly, you can shoot them a few times to make them come faster!"

"Yes!" Monkey, who had just been promoted by Luo Fugui as the acting monitor of Tang Dagou's class, immediately cooperated, and the soldier's salute was really standard!

The posture is in place, the head is held high, and the imposing manner is still weaker than that of Commander Luo. The main reason is that there is a big difference in body size between the two.

"Wait, your grandma, big man, you follow the monkey to attract the security forces, what are you doing with a machine gun? What if you scare them away?"

"Uh, well, shall I bring more shell guns?"

"Get out!" Commander Luo waved his hand.

Digging ditches and pine fields in the village continued to be in full swing.

It was about [-] meters away from the north side of the village before digging a ditch to set up a position. Burnt wood kept covering the chaotic debris in front of the newly dug out machine gun base.

Shooting holes continued to be fired on the walls of the courtyard.

Those who climb the wall try to find a way to make two places where they can accommodate their voices.

Zhang Yi murmured to the action captain in a low voice: "You will follow Platoon Leader Luo throughout this battle, and take notes of the first sentence he said. Be careful and see how he fights the enemy. Let’s make a summary and pass on the experience.”

"Didn't the regiment train us?" the captain asked with blinking eyes.

"You know what, the training in the regiment, tell us how to arrange the coordination between the sword and the buoy, the fast ones go up first, and the slow ones throw grenades. Is it fun to shoot with long guns and short guns this time?"

"I don't think their arrangement is very reasonable!" The captain hesitated for a while, but was still ready to express his opinion.

"Eh? What's unreasonable?"

"Look, if the enemy really comes in from the north, even if there is only one platoon, it's impossible for more than 30 security forces to rush into the village, right? In the end, they have to charge and fight with bayonets! I think many of them don't even have bayonets. No, Chief, do you think we should remind Platoon Leader Luo?" The captain suggested.

"makes sense!"

"Also, how do they know that the enemy is coming from a platoon, why can't it be a squad or a company?"

"It makes sense!"

"If there is a stalemate with the enemy, they don't even have a reserve team. Can this work?"

"You are not bad, you have fought against the enemy for so long, and your experience is better than that of me, the bureau chief! This is right to the point!"

The two watched Platoon Leader Luo leading the people, giggling and carrying charred logs to set up obstacles everywhere, and occasionally pointing fingers at the public security soldiers who were digging ditches and pine roads.

The two felt very uncomfortable, you look at me and you.

Do you want to go up and tell Plato Leader Luo that his arrangement is unreasonable?
(End of this chapter)

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