under fire

Chapter 516 Negotiations

Chapter 516 Negotiations
As time went by, those who hid into the village security team were surrounded by groups.

Those who shouted changed three times, and the people in Poluo Village didn't say anything at all. It seemed that they didn't intend to come out and surrender at all.

Company Commander Zhi became more and more angry, his eyebrows were knit together, and he kept walking back and forth on the road.

Until the two platoon leaders at the side came to report in person: "Company commander, what should we do now?"

Company Commander Zhi thought for a while and asked, "Are you sure they are still in the village?"

The leader of the second platoon replied: "It must still be there, only one ran away, and a squad has been arranged to chase after them. For the rest, I heard a noise just now."

"You didn't go into the village to confirm it for me?"

The two platoon leaders looked at each other and looked at each other. If you don't go in, what are we doing?

"Company Commander, those guys are probably hiding in there to suffocate, why don't we go in and be sniped?" The third platoon leader replied cautiously.

"Well, what you said is also reasonable. Uh... don't you have long mouths? Don't you know how to shout?" Zhilian was furious.

"Ah?..." By the way, I can hear you clearly when you shout here. By the way, can I steal your limelight.

"You two, you three give me an idea!" Company Commander Zhi ordered the three generals.

"Why don't we try shouting a few more words, and let's just hand in our guns and not kill?" the platoon leader finally spoke.

"Do you think I'm the Eighth Route? Why don't you hand in your gun?" Company Commander Zhi said with a black line.

"If they are willing to speak up, it's time to wait!" The second platoon leader immediately laughed.

Suddenly a voice came from the village: "If you have the guts to come in, I told you not to come or go!"

That voice made all the security forces immediately lie down subconsciously.

"This madness is beyond bounds, big brother, I'll lead someone to rush in immediately!" The first platoon leader couldn't stand the excitement immediately.

"Hey, as long as people are in the village, I can rest assured!" Company Commander Zhi was overjoyed when he heard this, and shouted at the second and third platoon commanders: "What are you still doing in a daze? Go back quickly and take people to listen to Lao Tzu's orders. Let's fight together on three sides. Straight into the village, I'll take his mother's life!"

"Okay, this time I will cut off a hundred and eight skins with the knife myself, so that he can still breathe!" The second platoon leader with a fierce look on his face immediately got up and ran westward with both hands.

"One row, let me rush to the entrance of the village!" Company Commander Zhi waved his hand, but he himself did not move.

There were more than forty bandit security forces in the back. Under the leadership of a platoon leader, they spread out in a line directly on the spot, and ran towards the village with their waists bent.

There was a sudden sound of machine guns.

The team running to the north was shocked. At this time, they had just entered the 100-meter range, and the platoon leaders on the east and west sides had not yet reached their positions.

The figures in the wilderness near the village immediately fell down. The machine gun stopped for a while, and then it rang out again. The security forces who were about to raise their heads to look around were so frightened that they quickly buried their heads in the soil.

The trajectory of the ballistic is a bit tricky. With the sound of puffing, the bullet penetrated into the soil, and a cloud of dust was raised. A few strange screams resounded in the wilderness. The security forces were lying on the ground. Arrogantly, he got into the bodies of a few unlucky ones, splashing a cloud of blood mist.

Luo Fugui, who operated the machine gun himself, finished firing two magazines in one go. The people next to him who were holding rifles were hesitant to shoot. At such a long distance, the security forces were lying on the ground again, so it was strange to be able to hit them.

However, the platoon leader gave orders, and the sparse rifle fire from the north finally sounded, and gradually became denser.

Not long after, gunshots rang out from several other directions.

Platoon Leader Luo probably forgot to give orders to several other directions. Hearing the sound of gunfire, the fighting was not considered intense.

The first time he came into contact with him, he was crushed and beaten by a machine gun. Company Commander Zhi was a little panicked. Hearing the gunshots, the village security team must be indispensable!A group of subordinates are subconsciously fighting back
The other party is afraid that there will be twenty or thirty!
Fortunately, they are all surrounded now. I didn't go back to that class yesterday, so I seem to be active in this area, is it possible?
"Company commander, do you want to send someone back to call for reinforcements?"

"Thank you for your mother's help! Dozens of them were lost on the way. I heard that the company of the security regiment that went into the mountains to chase the fleeing security regiment lost nearly half, and another company surrounded the security regiment's cottage. The others were looting everywhere and returning Looking at those villagers, Commander Guo only has one company now, can he not keep it according to Commander's temper? Do you think he will call people for us to use?" Company Commander Zhi calculated for a long time, and finally made a rough calculation Troop strength.

"Huh? Didn't we come out to be a little six or seven hundred, and there is no one left before this battle starts?" The whole row of subordinates was stunned.

"Don't they have a machine gun in front of them? You immediately lead people to pull them away on both sides. I don't believe that we don't enter the village from the main road. His No. 23 security regiment can still do more than my hundred-odd security forces!" Judging the opponent's strength by listening to the gunshots, Company Commander Zhi felt that he should have figured out the strength of the security team in this village this time.

There are only 400 people in the security team. I heard that many of them died during the internal strife, and they were transferred by the headquarters of the security army to the south to cooperate with the imperial army. Dozens of them ran into the mountains yesterday. There are dozens of people who are still resisting, so how many people can there be here?

It is easy to pull people on the plain, but is that gun so easy to use?

Didn't see that the eight roads in Lianshan are all big blades with red tassel "guns"!
The gunfire in the village stopped, and the bandits lay motionless on the ground, waiting for the company commander's order with their hearts pounding.

"Listen, people inside, you should understand that I'm surrounded by Laozi now, if you surrender now, Laozi will keep you alive." Someone shouted again under the order of Company Commander Zhi.

The sound of broken gongs floated across the wilderness and into the village.

Luo Fugui, who was leaning against the wall gun, was stuffing cornbread into his mouth, looked at Zhang Yi who was nervous next to him, and grinned: "You are so nervous, they dare not come in at this time!"

"I remember that Company Commander Hu's order was to ambush the security forces. How can you ambush when you start fighting so early?"

"Don't worry, as long as our machine gun doesn't fire, and occasionally fires two shots, they will think we are out of bullets, understand?"

"how do you know?"

"I am the roundworm in the belly of the bandit!"

"Then what should we do now?" Zhang Yi asked immediately.

"Hey, why do you all like to ask this idiot question? You can wait for it! Hold on for a while, Boss Hu and the others will come soon?"

After eating and drinking enough water, the bear suddenly thought of something, got up immediately, poked his head out of the courtyard wall, and shouted to the outside of the village: "Your grandma, I am waiting here for the bearer of Heihuzhai Come on, if you have any seeds, let them come! If you don’t have any eggs, go back to the milky baby in the cottage!”

"Ah? They are also brothers from the Shanzhai, big brother, will the flood wash over the Dragon King Temple?" The platoon leader was stunned when he heard this.

"Attack your mother! They are originally bandits. Uh. They are heroes of the green forest. They don't listen to orders and dare to attack us. If we don't clean them up, where will we put our face?" Company Commander Zhi Yinhuo immediately up.

"Company commander, don't get angry. I think this matter needs to be discussed..." As the number one general under the company commander, the platoon leader who could read a few words thought for a while and suggested.

"Fuck away!"

"Look, after we joined the imperial army the year before last, we were put together by the imperial army because of our rapid development last year, and all our team members were arrested, even most of the guns were confiscated. If it weren't for Wang Ziquan's duplicitous intercession, maybe we would have grass growing on our graves now!" The leader of the row had some insight.

"Don't talk half of your mother's words. I know all these things. What does it have to do with beating these dirt... and beating those guys in the village?"

"Look, the commander has finally relocated all these belongings. If it is really planted here, it won't be worth it?"

"That's right. We are the security group that came here to provoke us. We might be stabbed in the back. Could it be Li Ying's bastard?" Pay attention and analyze it.

"So what if you have it, so what if you don't? In this world, whoever has a gun in his hand can live a happy life." A row of long smiles with a serious face.

"It makes sense, then tell me, what should we do now?"

"Negotiate with them!"

"How can we talk about this without the commander nodding?"

"Let's chase it out, who knows who we are chasing after?"

This chapter is over!

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(End of this chapter)

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