under fire

Chapter 517

Chapter 517

After hitting two shuttles, the security forces all lay down on the ground and disappeared among the grass.

Guessing that it would be useless to fight again, Luo Fugui simply dropped the machine gun and shrank his head.

The soldiers who emptied the bullets in the magazines all shrank their heads. They were too far away from the enemy. In this wave of shooting, almost none of them hit the security forces. However, this did not prevent them from bragging and exchanging ideas with the people next to them. .

Those who hid in the ditches in the village fired cold shots, and the counterattacks of the security forces didn't even hit a single hair of the soldiers!

As the gunshots stopped in the village, the security forces in the north stopped getting up and rushing forward, and the two sides confronted each other.

In the wild grass.Except for a few howls from bandaging the wound, all I could hear was my own panting and heartbeat.

"Platoon leader, there is a situation!" The observation post suddenly howled.

Hearing the sound, Luo Fugui probed his head, looked left and right, pulled the binoculars together with his eyes, and looked at the rifle with a white towel on top that suddenly appeared in the open wilderness in the distance.

Rock back and forth.

Nearby, several soldiers followed the platoon leader out to watch the excitement. Paluo Fugui slapped the one next to him who raised his head to the ground, turned his head, and cursed at the subordinate who had just retreated into the ditch: "What are you looking at? Grandma's Whoever probes again, I will let him charge now!"

"Platoon Leader Luo, now that the security forces have pulled up the white flag, are they going to surrender?" the captain of the public security operation next to him asked excitedly in a nervous tone.

Luo Fugui shook his head, shook off the dirt from his hat, carefully looked at the wilderness opposite again, and said casually: "They want to negotiate terms with us!"

"Negotiate conditions?"

A voice suddenly came from a distance: "Listen to me, everyone in the village. If you don't come out again, I will call in immediately and let you stay!"

Luo Fugui was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied in a loud voice: "If your grandma has the guts to charge again, I will beat you all into sieves!"

"Hey, I'm so ruthless, I ask you, we lost a dozen brothers yesterday, did they fall into your hands?"

"You mean those dozen or so idiots? They dared to attack us. I caught them all. What do you want?"

"Oh, don't say that the men won't give you a chance. Everyone is Chinese. As long as you let them go, I will give you a chance to live."

"Let them go? Just because of your shameless mouth?"

"You really want to force us to do it? You will regret it at that time, hehe, but it's too late!"

"Slap me if you have the ability, and talk about those useless farts!"

"Your grandma is a fucking black tiger village! You don't want me to give you face, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" Company Commander Zhi looked at the three dead and six injured subordinates next to him, his jaw crooked in anger.

Turning your head and looking around, you can see that the second and third platoon leaders under the two wings are already in place, since you don't surrender, then I will fight!Don't believe me, so many people can't beat your mud-legged security team who are mostly farmers: "Brothers, hit me!"

The shell gun in the hands of company commander Zhi opened fire first.

With machine guns on the front, he planned to use the firepower from the north to attract his men from other directions to attack.

From all directions outside the village, when they heard gunshots, the security forces quickly lay down on the ground again. The platoon leader who had just returned waved his hand: "What are you pretending to be dead? Hurry up and attack the village!"

After finishing speaking, run to the village first!
A group of men got up from the ground, followed the platoon leader Maoyao and rushed into the village, shooting as they ran.

After entering 100 meters, the platoon leader gave an order, and all of them lay on the ground and continued to crawl forward.

Under the current situation, according to the usual training, you should directly charge, and you can charge into this village in less than half a minute!
As for the marksmanship of those people in the village, no one knows. Whether there are machine guns in the north or not in the south is also unknown. Be careful, there is no need to take that risk.

After entering the threatening range, they climbed more carefully, spread farther, opened up the distance and pressed on all sides, half of them attacked, and half of them lay in the wild grass and raised their guns for cover, and then moved forward alternately. Got it?
Full-scale attack, simple and effective tactics, I will bully you if there are few people, if you dare to shoot, the black muzzles of more than a dozen rifles are always looking for targets!
The observation post that had been hiding immediately noticed this situation, and immediately realized that something was wrong. These security forces were more difficult to deal with than devils. This was the standard way of fighting for bandits.

He ran to the village quickly, and another observer immediately filled his position.

The monkey in the east climbed up the wall and looked around quickly. The number of security forces crawling over was not too many, more than a dozen, almost one squad.

Just as the security guard who raised his gun fine-tuned the aiming of the muzzle, the protruding head retracted immediately.

The monkey slipped down from the top of the wall, and put the rifle on a shooting hole that was almost chest high on the wall. A guy not far to the east was looking out.

The muzzle of the gun has been pointed at the slightly lower fluffy grass as a reference target. If the observer does not change his position and probes again, the monkey is sure to hit it!

At the same time, he opened his voice and howled: "Listen to me, lower the muzzle of the gun later, and shoot freely within 20 meters to the left and right of the probe!"

On the top of the wall just now, I could see the formation of the security forces from above. They were divided into two groups, front and rear. After about ten meters away from the front, the front began to guard. Someone would show up. The rear team climbed forward until they passed the security team and continued to People in front of and just in front of and behind exchanged positions with each other.

"I can't even see the target, it's a fart!"

"That's right, wouldn't it be better to wait until they rush into the village?"

"Our position is in this village. If we agreed to launch an ambush, we will fight coldly here. How good it is!"

The monkey immediately turned his face: "I*Your mother, stop talking about those useless things with the old man, and hit you if you tell me to hit you."

Seeing that the monkey's answer was not polite at all, a character next to him was immediately unconvinced: "One of your mother's acting monitors really thinks you are Tang Dagou, what the hell are you?"

The monkey was furious, wishing he could rush over and kick him a few times: "You guys"

"Hey, squad leader, don't get angry, you've seen it too, no matter where the security forces come into the village, they're going to die, the mule platoon leader shows off his machine gun, can we be as knowledgeable as he is?" the big man hurriedly persuaded.

The monkey looked at the big wooden figure, and put on a pair of trousers with those guys: "We don't have machine guns here, no more than the other three sides. The village is flat and there are shelters everywhere. It's hard to hit them once they come in, and they don't get stuck first." Sooner or later, the enemy must crawl over here!"

"Monkey, you kid is really afraid of death, so just say it, don't make such detours here. Even if devils come in, there are still so many of us here, you are afraid of a ball!"

The monkey rolled his eyes with anger, and couldn't explain the reason to these bastards: "OK, don't do anything now, and those guys will touch the village later, you will cry! Those shameless people who entered the village are worse than devils! "

After finishing speaking, I am ready to take the lead

(End of this chapter)

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