under fire

Chapter 518

Chapter 518

The target was almost 30 meters away, and a security force responsible for observation finally emerged again.

The monkey was overjoyed, put his shoulder firmly against the butt of the gun, pulled the trigger suddenly, his shoulder trembled slightly, then his finger left the trigger position, quickly pulled the bolt, and pushed the next bullet into the chamber.

That guy must have been shot in the head, because at such a close distance, no screams were heard at all.

The muzzle of the gun swung slightly to the side, pointing directly at the withered grass that had been expected to be shaken by the feeling, almost without aiming.

Bang, another bullet was fired, and then immediately pulled back the rifle and bowed his head.

Immediately afterwards, the bandit security forces who were in charge of suppressing firepower in the wild grass fired back a volley of bullets, all of which greeted the monkey's shooting position.

The bullets hit the rammed earth outer wall with a loud puff, and several bullets even went straight into the courtyard through the shooting holes with the mouth of the bowl.

The Security Force is not a vegetarian either, a machine gun also opened its throat and howled.

The dense rain of bullets greeted the wall regardless.

As for not seeing the target, it is not important to the security forces.

Having entered the range of 30 meters, several grenades followed swiftly and flew directly towards the courtyard wall.

Boom boom boom, several deafening explosions sounded outside the wall, and the broken wall began to tremble.

The monkeys next to me were so frightened that they screamed loudly and quickly jumped up and backed away. Fortunately, although the wall was not high, it was still strong. Several were buried alive!

Away from the courtyard wall, several people rushed into the house, took cover, and directly yelled at the monkey: "Your mother knows how to play tricks!"

"They will be able to enter the village with one more charge. What are you dazed for, who are afraid of death? Hurry up and throw a grenade at me!" The monkey shouted angrily at those who fled to the back.

"What he said seems to make sense!"

"Then how many of us brothers will throw two grenades?"

The security force's suppression machine gun emptied a magazine, and they were surprised to see a few smoking iron bumps flying over from the sky.

With a strange cry, several figures jumped up and ran back!

The security forces are not stupid. They may not be able to fight tough battles on the battlefield, but their ability to escape is definitely no worse than anyone else!
Always an old oily son, knowing that the grenades thrown out of the village will never fly very far, so I will retreat first and then talk about it.

A series of rumbling explosions sounded in the security forces attacking from the east, followed by a few unlucky ones who hadn't had time to run back, and immediately there were miserable screams, and the sound resounded through the wilderness.

The platoon leader who was supervising the battle at the back was very dark in his heart. Although it was expected that he would be bombed by a grenade, he did not expect that those guys in the village threw the grenade so cunningly!

He clearly saw that a certain grenade exploded in the air before it hit the ground!

Seeing that the three or four brothers who were injured were still screaming strangely, more brothers started to retreat, and immediately shouted: "Go back to me, let me beat you into the village!"

It's a pity that the brothers under him all pretended to be deaf, and they had retreated almost 50 meters away. They seemed to understand the order of the platoon leader, turned around and lay down on the spot, and raised their guns to shoot.

That wall was met with immediate and insane vengeance.
Hearing gunshots from all directions in and out of the village, Company Commander Zhi in the north had mixed feelings of joy and sorrow. At first, he basically figured out the "approximate number" of the security team in the village.

Based on his experience, there are definitely forty or fifty people in the village!
Fighting this kind of village is the most troublesome. The opponent first took advantage of the favorable terrain in the village, and with those broken walls as cover, they are basically invincible.

Unless your strength is three to five times that of the opponent, otherwise, even if you enter the village, you will not gain much advantage.

I thought that there were only seven or eight security regiment soldiers who fled into the village, but I overestimated that they would respond, at most twenty or thirty.

It now appears that there is still a serious error in estimation.

Company Commander Zhi began to hesitate, whether to fight or not?
If they fight, it is estimated that both sides will suffer. If they don't fight, the anger will be hard to let go.

After thinking like this for a while, the gunshots in and outside the village gradually began to fade away again, and finally stopped.

His subordinates lay motionless in the weeds, and those wretched guys in the village stopped firing.

The two sides seem to be at an impasse again.

Did not directly pursue into the village, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Uh, it seems that I have to thank the machine gunner, if it weren't for the two shuttles, maybe it would have been ambushed early.

However, these mud retreaters from the security group can only use the favorable terrain to lay an ambush, which shows that the people in these security groups are not very good.

Company Commander Zhi began to consider various factors.

After a while.

He decided to do it!

Lao Tzu is a public security army trained by the imperial army, and his firepower is not weaker than theirs!

So far, the opponent has only one machine gun. Could it be that he is afraid of the security regiment organized by these peasants, bandits and rout soldiers?

If this is said, where will this face be left in the future?

This time, I came here to clean up the security team and surrounded him. If I don't come here for real, the commander probably won't give me a good face when I go back. What if that woman is also in the village?

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered to the machine gun team next to him: "Is that machine gun of yours a torch? Did you keep it to prepare cubs or something? Hurry up and hit me!"

The machine gunner has been waiting impatiently for a long time, and the machine guns of the second platoon leader attacking from the east are all fired. If you don't give an order, how dare I fight?
Now that the company commander has given the order, what are you waiting for?
Press the trigger without hesitation.

Da da da. Da da da.
Rapid three-burst shots rang out regularly, and a hail of bullets flew towards the village arrogantly.

As for whether he can hit the people in the village, he doesn't think about it.

"What are you lying on the ground pretending to be dead? The machine guns have started to be suppressed, spread out quickly, and charge towards the village from the two wings!" Company Commander Zhi immediately ordered with his neck swollen, and he almost buried his head in the man next to him. The guy in the soil was kicked and turned over.

The target was only [-] meters ahead, and the security forces immediately dispersed to avoid the machine gun fire in front of the village.

Keep a distance and crawl towards the village on the south side from both sides. No one is stupid enough to charge from the front. The machine gun in the village is no joke.

The action was quite methodical, covering each other front and back, and climbing forward alternately, this is the offensive routine taught to the security forces by the instructor of the imperial army.

Soon after entering the range of 40 meters, the one who rushed to the front immediately pulled out the grenade quickly, unscrewed the cover, pulled the fire and threw it forward.

He didn't intend to blow up those shameless guys in the village who only knew how to take cold shots. The main purpose of throwing the grenade was to blow up a burst of smoke in front of the charge, so that they could rush into the village in one go when the sight of both sides was blocked.

Although I know that after entering the village, as the offensive side, I will suffer a little bit.

But for my own side, the number of people is more than that of the village, and the advantages of both sides can basically be evened out.

In the past, the instructors of the Imperial Army said that the attack should be done in this way, so now I will do it.

The company commander was very satisfied with the uniform movements of the security forces.

Watching the attacking brothers in the distance taking the last step before the charge, hanging a bayonet on the muzzle of the gun!

In fact, the security forces have hardly practiced stabbing at ordinary times. The step of hanging the bayonet is purely because they think that according to the instructor's intention, they can visually oppress the enemy.

Even if your security team is good at defending, but I will deal with you one by one, are you afraid that you will fail?

The distance to the north of the village is 500 meters, and there are not many roads to enter the village. Most of them are courtyard walls repaired door-to-door by ordinary people. The houses that have been burned have basically lost their roofs.

For bandits who have been running in the mountains for many years, it is not difficult to climb up the wall and turn over the house.

The security forces running in the front threw their guns behind them, and with the momentum of running, they kicked on the wall and went up to the courtyard wall.

As soon as his head was higher than the courtyard wall, he saw a head in the courtyard that was almost as high as the courtyard wall.

Just as surprised as the one on the wall, the guy was holding a red tasseled gun, the tip of which was trembling slightly.

The vigilante was still rising due to inertia, and the trembling guy finally came back to his senses.

With all his strength, he pierced the shuttle in his hand towards the target ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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