under fire

Chapter 519

Chapter 519

The mountain wind is about to come, and the wind fills the building.

The bandits' bayonet fighting skills are really not very good, not even as good as those who have been using big knives and spears for many years, but the sharp bayonets will definitely give people a great shock.

Half of the soldiers from the security regiment had seen several big scenes with Jiulian, and the opponents were a bunch of bandits.

The militiamen of the public security team followed Luo Fugui's platoon, feeling tense and focused due to the sense of oppression.

"It's not good, platoon leader, those bandits entered the village through the courtyard wall!" The observation post lying on the top of the wall yelled at Luo Fugui.

It's not that Luo Fugui has never acted alone, and some regrets flashed in his heart. He didn't expect these bandits to be much more difficult than he imagined.

He originally planned to run away from the beginning, but now he is surrounded. At this moment, his big hand holding the handle of the machine gun trembled inexplicably. I am not even afraid of devils, but today I was bullied by bandits!
Can't stand it!
I have a machine gun!Scan a large piece!Thinking of this, I felt proud. Although I don't have much command experience, but I have followed Boss Hu for so long, who is Boss Hu?A leader who dared to fight the county seat, since he asked himself to lead the team, he would definitely not let himself jump into the fire pit!
Thinking of this, he immediately shouted, "Shoot them out for me!"

The soldiers next to him who heard the order immediately tightened the barrel of their guns, and without hesitation, rushed out of the trench and ran out of the village along the wall of the village.

He raised his gun and shot at the enemy who was climbing the wall and turning over the courtyard, and the ignited grenades were thrown out in disorder.

Hiding in the wall of the courtyard with a shooting hole, he shot coldly outside.

Da da da.
The machine gun in the village yelled again, and a shabby soldier appeared in the eyes of the company commander of the Security Force.

Company Commander Zhi was not surprised but happy, you have a place to hide and can't hide well, how dare you run out to die?What are you waiting for
Immediately ordered to the machine gunner next to him: "Hurry up and destroy that machine gun for me!"

The words just finished.

Puff puff puff. A rain of bullets came straight at the machine gun position, continuously hitting bullet craters in the wild grass, and billowing clouds of dust.

The blood from the shot was spattered everywhere.

Just now, a rain of bullets was swept out, and he returned the color to the village. The machine gunner who was firing was shocked, his body shook twice, and two machine gun bullets hit his body. He fell directly to the ground and twitched non-stop.

He didn't know how the machine gunner on the other side could find his position until he died!
It's a pity that he didn't know that the guy opposite was almost one of the machine gunners with the most bullets in the Eighth Route Army!When you fire a machine gun at such a big target, do you think it will be safe if you are farther away? Do you really think that the other party is also a bandit?
Before the dust cleared, the deputy shooter looked at the man pressing on the machine gun. There was a bullet hole the size of a wine glass behind him!Turning into a corpse, he finally stopped convulsing, and the horrible sight of bloody flesh frightened him into a petrified state.

It wasn't until Company Commander Zhi who was lying on the ground kicked him horizontally that he came back to his senses, and hurried forward, moved the machine gunner's body away, and prepared to fill his position and fire again.

On the barrel of the machine gun, there was still steaming blood, which made him terrified. His trembling shoulders finally touched the butt of the gun, and he pressed the trigger nervously with his fingers.

Da da da, a wave of bullets flew towards the village aimlessly.

A certain unlucky guy who was climbing over the wall immediately became the first target hit by the machine gunner's bullet!
This shuttle caused a group of security forces lying on the ground to turn around and curse: "Your mother, don't you have eyes, beat your own people? I'm ignoring your ancestors."

This wave of bullets was indeed too strange. Obviously, the bullets fired from behind must be shot by one of his own people, but they were aimed at his back!

What happened, the crowd was dumbfounded in shock.

The few who moved quickly got into the courtyard wall. They were facing hand-to-hand combat with the people in the courtyard, and all those who were climbing over the wall and entering the village quickly retreated.

A row of figures suddenly appeared on the wall of the small courtyard, holding old sleeves, and the black muzzle of the shell gun condescendingly aiming at the target.

The people on the ground outside the courtyard wall were terrified, hurriedly staggered up and turned around and ran away.

A row of gunshots rang out on the wall, and several corpses and wounded soldiers were left on the ground.

The security forces, who had been in the wild grass with the task of providing fire cover, immediately returned fire without any ambiguity, and suddenly the gunshots rang out intensively.

Several militiamen who had just fired the first shot on the courtyard wall before they could back down were hit by the counterattack of the security forces, were knocked over and fell backwards, and immediately disappeared on the top of the courtyard wall.

The distance is too close, and there is almost no need to aim, it depends on whose reaction is fast.

The bullet hit the wall with a puffing sound, and craters appeared one after another.

In this round, everyone suffered casualties, and no one took advantage of it!

Luo Fugui, who rushed to the outside of the village, just finished loading another magazine. Based on his feeling, someone must have been shot at the machine gun on the opposite side.

However, the machine gun on the opposite side didn't stop for a few seconds, and then howled and began to fight back towards the village.

Bullets are flying around, there is no trench in front of you, and it is not safe to lie on the ground, so you have to find a place to hide first.

He turned around directly and rushed into the gate of a yard next to him. In the dust that filled the air, he happened to see a figure running out of the yard with a bright bayonet in his hand.

The security forces who rushed into the yard were still dripping blood from the point of their bayonets, and the two of them were taken aback when they first met.

The security forces were in a hurry, and hurriedly pulled the bolt, and found that there was no bullet in the chamber. This guy was not slow to react. Seeing that a big man with a machine gun came in, he immediately stabbed the five big and three thick bears in the chest with a bayonet.

Luo Fugui's machine gun bullets also emptied. Seeing that this thing was coming very fiercely, he was forced to scream strangely, so he could only hold up the machine gun and try to block the bayonet.

Bang, the muffled sound of a shelled gun being ejected from the chamber sounded behind Luo Fugui.

Director Zhang Yi, who followed closely into the yard, embraced the fire.

The security army was shot in the chest, and the body that was rushing forward paused for a while, but continued to rush forward.

However, after being shot, his movements were affected, and Luo Fugui's machine gun was able to escape before the bayonet of the security forces entered his body.

He quickly returned the butt of his gun and hit the security guard's face directly.

The guy was hit half a spin by the powerful butt of the gun, and immediately became dizzy and fell to the ground.

Luo Fugui was so angry that he took out the shell gun hanging from his waist, pressed down the nose, and fired all ten bullets in the gun on the guy.

"Hey, I obviously hit him, how can he still move?" Zhang Daju was still a little dazed.

"If the shell gun bullet misses the vital point, the lethality is not great, er. This guy also wants to find a back before he dies. I guess, most of your bullets are reloaded." Luo Fugui almost saved himself. Director Zhang explained patiently.

"Reloading? No way?" Director Zhang looked at Luo Fugui who was changing the magazine for the machine gun, and asked suspiciously.

"I said. Why don't you look at this anymore? Are you still talking about this with me?"

"Hey, the security forces have already entered the village, now we have to beat them out!"

"What are you doing out here? Aren't we going to wait here for them to come in? Hehe, since they're here, I won't believe it if I don't kill them all this time." This guy suddenly remembered, don't just Sworn and swore, temporarily changed the words: "Also, next time you shoot with a pistol, it's better to shoot a few more shots."

If there is a confrontation, there may not be a conclusion on who wins and who loses.

Since Luo Fugui, who entered the village first, took the initiative, I will hide in the mouse hole and wait for you!
After entering the village, the two sides directly fought hand-to-hand. Long spears are not so effective.

It's time to show the power of the shell gun suitable for close combat.

Company Commander Zhi watched this wave of attacks from afar, and even though he was bombed, he was also sniped. Two machine gunners died, and it seemed that the casualties were not too great.

The total number of deaths and injuries on his own side was no more than a dozen!
Therefore, Company Commander Zhi thought it was worth it!
He saw with his own eyes that the figures of several brothers had climbed over the courtyard wall and entered the village.

Now that you have entered the village, even if you have the advantage of entering the village first, but I have a lot of people, so I won't fight you head-on this time, can't I blow you out house by house with grenades?

In this way of fighting, the instructor of the imperial army specially talked about how to effectively search and attack the village, which can greatly reduce the casualties of the attacking party.

This is the easiest and most effective way!

In order to save ammunition, the imperial army had encountered eight-way curtain-raising battles before, and the casualties were not small.

Eat a ditch to gain wisdom, I will not fight with you head-on, the so-called strengths of one's own, the weaknesses of the other.

Hehe, no matter how powerful your tactics are, they are scum in front of my absolute strength!
What's more, it's just you, the bandit security team who have no combat effectiveness and only know about sneak attacks!Could it be a member of Lao Tzu's security forces?

Now, everyone is in the village, and I have more people than you. I still don't believe that I can't kill your broken security regiment.

Thinking of this, Company Commander Zhi immediately yelled loudly at the front lying on the ground in a broken voice: "I always listen to everyone, now let me suppress them all, enter the village, and kill them all. !"

Commander Zhi has a beautiful idea, but unfortunately, he misjudged the strength of the opponent's troops hidden in the village!

Until now, he has not figured out who the opponent is!
But he was very lucky. For some reason, the troops that the opponent was supposed to reinforce have not been able to
(End of this chapter)
What about the good recommendation at two o'clock in the morning?
(End of this chapter)

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