under fire

Chapter 520 The Beaten Mouse

Chapter 520 The Beaten Mouse
A few bandits hid quietly in the village, quickly and silently pierced through the walls, drilled through the houses, and marched among the ruined walls.

There was a loophole in Luo Fugui's arrangement. Most of the people were arranged in a courtyard near the outside of the village, and trenches were dug on the way into the village. Unfortunately, the bandits never entered the village from the main road.

This group of bandits consisted of five people. They moved swiftly into the yard, and directly exchanged fire with those who were ambushing in the yard.

This group of old bandits is powerful in combat. The warriors with rifles and spears are no match for the bandits. After a few rounds, all five soldiers in the courtyard fell into a pool of blood. Only the bandits were hit when they jumped off the courtyard wall. One, it doesn't look like it's going to work.

A bandit stepped forward to inspect and then turned his head: "Second brother, the little dog is dead!"

"Give him a good time!" The leading bandit looked helpless.

A bayonet was immediately inserted into the heart of the brother who was staring in pain with big eyes and bleeding from his mouth and nose.

The bandits' attack was successful because the leader of the bandits was holding a refusing gun in his hand. During the close combat, the five soldiers barely had time to react, so they were all knocked down, and the bandits who were following up replaced their bayonets.

The bandits grinned grimly and quickly sneaked into the house from the small courtyard, before heaving a sigh of relief. Guigui Chongchong watched for a long time by the window, and found that almost no one noticed the movement in the courtyard.

The leading bandit had rich experience and thought for a while: "Let's advance to the village!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay in the house at all, and directly climbed over the wall of the backyard in a wretched manner, scouting the road in front and guarding at the back, and continued to flee into the village.

As for whether the brothers in the nearby yard rushed in, no matter how hot the gunshots and explosions outside were, the few people didn't care at all.

The little bandit leader, who was walking like a cat with his waist down and a mouse, got into the highest compound in the village and stopped. Based on his feeling, he should have reached the center of the village, but he didn't even meet a single person.

The four bandits gathered together to discuss. From their point of view, the village was empty, so the members of the security team were probably hiding near the outskirts of the village.

Everyone was hiding, but they couldn't find anyone from the security team in the village. The little boss hesitated, should he call back?
But the brothers behind didn't follow up, and it was a little troublesome.

So, he decided to find a place to hide first and see the situation before talking.

Since your security team can hide in the yard, don't I know how to hide?

There are only so few people in your security team, I'll hit you coldly one by one, and it's okay to clean up you slowly, right?

Thinking of this, the little boss immediately ordered a bandit to climb to the top of the highest wall to observe the surrounding situation.

The bandits who received the order threw their guns behind them, drilled into a dilapidated house, stepped on the mess of unburned household items and climbed up the corner of the wall.

Using both hands and feet, in a cloud of dust, it quickly reached the top, and as soon as it emerged, a head poked out from the opposite side of the wall!
The Jiulian observation post on the wall had heard movement next door, and was going to probe to see who the hell was running back against orders.

As soon as he showed his head, he was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the head on the opposite side

The two looked at each other first, and then they both opened their mouths wide open like a ghost, looking at me and looking at you, bastard staring at Mung Douyan.

Apart from the different shades of color, the military uniforms of the two sides are not much different in style. However, the five-color cap emblem on the military cap of the security forces is different.

"you you?"

The observation post had already seen someone entering the village, but they didn't expect the enemy to sneak into the center of the village and hid in the next room. He immediately pulled out his pistol, lowered the nose of the aircraft, and prepared to fire at the security forces who fell down.

Because he wanted to hide the position of the wall all the time, for the convenience of observation, he built a lot of broken objects under his feet, and stood firmly on the broken objects.

Seeing the other party pull out a gun, he gasped. Three souls lost two souls, and fell straight back.

The three people standing in the room were leaning against the windowless window and behind the doorless door. They saw the brother who climbed the wall fall off the wall and were about to laugh at it, but they saw a head and a black hole protruding from the top of the wall. muzzle.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly raised their guns to shoot, and the person by the door rushed out from the door.

The muzzle of the shell gun in the hand of the observation post on the wall was the first to flash a burst of flames.

The observer fired a shot first at the guy standing by the window who was lifting the buckle gun based on his feeling.

Immediately afterwards, he aimed at the side of the window by feeling and was about to squat down, and the bandit who raised his rifle fired another shot.

Finally, he turned the gun and pulled the trigger on the bandits who fell among the rubble.

The advantage of a good position was brought into full play, and he fired three shots in a row, accurately hitting two standing and one lying targets.

The three people in the yard, with unwilling expressions on their faces, howled.
In the end, the one who was shot was facing the sky, still struggling in pain in the rubble, staring at the person on the wall with big eyes of fear, with a look of reluctance on his face.

The little boss who was the first to be shot was shot in the chest and couldn't move. He never expected that he would capsize in the gutter after hunting wild geese all day long!
This time, maybe it was the last time I saw the sky, and the sky was still blue like that.

It's a pity that, as one of the thirteen Taibao in the cottage, I would die at the hands of the miscellaneous security guards on the wall.

The observation post fired the gun quickly and fiercely, without stopping in his hand, and immediately fired at the body that was still wriggling on the ground. The bullets puffed into the flesh, and the three most aggressive heroes trembled several times, and finally stopped moving. The blood that flowed out quickly joined the dry ground.

The observation post raised its head, changed the magazine, raised the gun, and aimed at the doorless doorway where a bandit fled just now.

"Report, a security force team has been found on the east blockade!" A squad leader of the special agent platoon rode a bicycle and quickly ran into the deserted village.

Hu Yi was startled, and raised his head: "How many?"

"A total of six raids were found, and there were almost a hundred people in each raid. There should be six companies! The situation in the north, we didn't send people to stop it before, so I don't know for the time being!"

"Have they passed the blockade ditch? Now!"

"Temporarily stop at the blockhouse in the blockade ditch, but... it seems that there are black dogs behind, probably Xu Jinsen's people! Their location is here." The soldier moved closer to Hu Yi, pointed at the map, and remained silent for a long time.

"You just need to tell me where they are." Hu Yi was helpless. There were too many illiterate people, not only the Jiulian, but also the secret service platoon. At this time, he could only stare at the map. The local soldiers of the security regiment probably memorized the names of the places.

Hearing the soldiers finish the place names, Hu Yi immediately lowered his head and marked: "Keep watching them!"

Hu Yi frowned. Lao Zhou didn't send back any news until now. The security forces are gathering in the east of the blockade ditch at this time. Don't think about it. Most of them got the news that the guy surnamed Guo was playing the security team and wanted to take advantage of this group of bandits. It's a chance to fight with the security team, so I stopped by to see if there is any advantage to take advantage of!
"Brother, why don't I take someone over there to have a look?" Ma Liang, who had been silent beside him, immediately stood up and said to Hu Yi, who was looking at the map.

"Look? What are you looking at? Do you think your few people can defeat the security forces?" Hu Yi continued to mark on the map without looking up.

"If you can't beat me, I can run. If I can't, I can use a grenade to show them some color and see who dares to cross the blockade!" Ma Liang was a little uneasy. Not long after I came back, something happened.

Another small body rushed into the village: "Report to the company commander, the squad leader is surrounded by security forces!"

Hu Yi was taken aback, looking at Xu Xiao who was panting: "Surrounded? What's going on?"

"Because the enemy has not been found to be active near the village in the north, the squad leader asked the monkey to take people to the enemy's lair for a surprise attack, intending to attract the enemy to the village. Unexpectedly, the monkey attracted a company of the security force, and the squad leader hurriedly asked me to come back and report." Xu Xu Xiao Xiao's words, if you are not familiar with Jiulian's situation, you will not understand at all.

Hu Yi knew that the original plan was to let the mules attack a small group of enemies, and then gradually lead the security forces over. He didn't expect a large group of people to come. However, he was not surprised by this. Arrange, and the enemy will do what they want!
As for a company of bandit security forces, Luo Fugui's fear of death gave him the opportunity to prepare in advance in the village. Luo Fugui brought five No. 60, and the weapons and equipment were even stronger than the real security forces. How big a problem?
Thinking of this, I asked Xu Xiao again: "How many people did you say came?"

"A dozen or so chased me, 32 surrounded by the east of the village, and 33 to the west. The rest of the security forces were all gathered together. I don't know the number." Xu Xiao scratched his head annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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