under fire

Chapter 521

Chapter 521
The fleeing bandits got close to the wall and quietly walked around, planning to approach the target of the wall from the edge of the house in the courtyard.

He quickly went around to the window next to him, took out a grenade from the grenade bag, and unscrewed the back cover cable quietly to start the fire. The ignited fuse smoked.

When the observation post looked around, I just saw a light mist rising from the window, and instantly understood that the guy who ran away was under the window.

Finally understand what that guy wants to do!Feeling bad, he was quick to think, and instead of jumping down to find cover, he grabbed the top of the wall with both hands and climbed up. Without his intention, a black whirling thing flew in from the window.

As soon as he climbed to the top of the wall, the hand grenade exploded as soon as his hand landed, and the shrapnel flew around, setting off the messy civil debris in the house. A piece of shrapnel sliced ​​open his calf, which he hadn't had time to put away, and the shock wave lifted him off the wall and fell down. wall.
There was a buzzing in my head, and I felt as if I could still move. I didn’t know where the shell gun in my hand had fallen, and I scratched around with both hands, but I was still able to move. It seemed that there was nothing wrong?

I hurriedly struggled to get up, only to realize that I was falling on the wall-climbing thing I had killed, luckily!
The body was covered with dust, and the blood from the scratched calf was sticky, mixed with burnt ash, and turned into a puddle of brown.

His immature face was full of ashes and dust.

Finding the shell gun next to him, he quickly grabbed it and squatted against the wall to be vigilant.

A burst of dust filled the air.

Then he bent down and threw the rifle under the body of the bandit who was killed to his back behind him.

After a long while, seeing no movement, he quickly jumped two steps between the ruined walls, went to the side of the bandit leader who was beaten to death, pulled the shell gun that guy was still holding in his hand, and walked vigilantly along the house where the bandit left just now. The door flashed out.

It was only after I came out that I remembered that I was serving as an observation post.

Such a big movement must have attracted attention. The bandit who ran away is probably nearby, so I have to kill him.

With some pain in his head, he staggered along the base of the wall, looked at the footprints on the ground, and moved his steps along the base of the wall.

There was a sound of footsteps, and seeing five soldiers running from the south, they must have been attracted by the explosion just now.

Seeing the observation post, several people breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey, what happened to the gunshots and explosions just now? I thought the enemy had entered the village!"

The observation post was finally relieved, and yelled angrily: "Be careful, there are enemies who have touched the village. There are four in total. I killed three of them, and one threw a grenade just now. I almost got reimbursed by me!"

"Hey, are you injured?" A militiaman hurried forward, pulled out the bandages and began to wrap around the observation post.

The observation post froze for a moment, handed the rifle to the militiaman, and turned his head: "There is still a gun in that room, you can find the bullets yourself, don't run around, the enemy may be in the next room! Search quickly!"

"You said that the platoon leader and the others had machine guns, and they were fighting fiercely at this time. Why did the enemy run into the village?" A soldier asked while running after the observation post.

"How do I know that these bandits are attacking the village in a swarm, and we have few people, so we may not be able to guard against it!"

Several people turned around a wall vigilantly, but they didn't find anyone. The person who brought the people over immediately ordered: "The footprints are going to the south, let's chase after them!"

"You chase first, keep two people to guard the small courtyard, and I have to show the platoon leader an eye!" The observation post was bombed by a guy, but he didn't intend to leave the small courtyard with the highest wall in the village.

South of the village.

A group of bandits and security forces were crushed in the grass 70 meters away from the village, and they fired at the people in the yards where the shooting holes were opened in the village.

No one could see anyone, the bandits had rich experience, and they would change places with one shot, and they didn't give a chance to those who fought back through the thick courtyard wall.

"Quickly withdraw, this is not the way to fight!" The bandit platoon leader who was pressing bullets into his rifle couldn't help but sighed.

"That's right, platoon leader, we didn't have cover, and we didn't have heavy firepower. We hit this village and injured several people. If we charge again, I don't think we can make it back alive!"

"I'm surprised, how can these security team members fight like this!"

"That's so strange, their commander used to be a soldier of the national army, maybe he trained him."

"No, they didn't throw the grenade when we rushed to the village just now, but they did it after we threw the grenade. Think about it, there must be something wrong!"

"If there is any problem, they must be short of ammunition."

"No, they wanted us to enter the village on purpose."

"How is it possible? If there are too many of them, why don't we just wait until we enter the village to fight? It must be that they have few people, so they can't defend against such a large area."

"Well, what you said is not bad, so let's try another place later."

"But, what happened to the gunshots and grenade explosions in the village just now? Could it be that the company commander and the others have rushed into the village from the north?"

"It's very possible. If that's the case, what are we waiting for? Let's move to the two sides. Even if these guys can defend from the front, I really don't believe that there are so many of them, and even the place next to them is full of people. Change to another place!" The platoon leader After finishing speaking, he immediately ordered with a grim face: "Listen to me, don't get close to the yard where the guns were shot, and let me rush over from the side!"

Luo Fugui originally thought that commanding nearly a hundred people to attack a platoon of bandit security forces would not need to worry too much, but he didn't expect that the bandits came far more than expected. That time when the training team ambushed the devils, that's why he made a decisive decision, and it was true that he had no choice but to do it in advance.

But now that those bandits were directly charged into the yard, his heart sank. He was even more worried that those bandits in the north would charge again. At this time, he was a little anxious to report the machine gun shooting from the shooting hole. .

More importantly, although there were a lot of bullets coming out this time, if they continued to shoot like this, they might run out of bullets at some point, and those long guns and short cannons would all become fire sticks.

However, he did not let his men give up shooting.

The tactics of these bandits are clear to him, and there are only five or sixty people who can fight on his side. After they are dispersed, to defend such a large village, there is a serious shortage of troops, so they can only burn bullets.

Of course, this is just his opinion
Since the bandits had entered the village, the number of them should not be large, so the captain of the public security operation was immediately asked to take half of the militia squad with guns to the village to check the situation.

Fortunately, Company Commander Zhi's command of the battle is also half-baked. The best way to fight such a siege of a village is to concentrate on attacking one point. As long as you avoid the machine gun in the village, it only takes three to two minutes to break into the village.

It's just that the security forces who came from bandits are used to the method of forming troops to encircle the village first and then rob. As for the tricks of the instructors, they have long since forgotten all about them after the gunshots.

Turning a frontal breakthrough into a stalemate!

Until now, he didn't even know how many people were in the village and how many people were defending in front of him.

Based on experience, judging and estimating based on the gunshots in the village, it is impossible to exceed 40 people anyway, unless... these security groups are really pretending to be pigs and eating tigers!

There were not many people in the security team, some of them ran into the mountains, and some remained in the cottage.

Then, there must not be many people in this village!

It has to be said that Commander Guo's information on the soldiers of the security regiment was quite accurate.

It's just that no matter how bad his company commander is, he can't imagine that the people in this village are not the security regiment soldiers who fled here after they fought here!

So far, twenty or thirty people have been killed or injured on my side, so I'm going to retreat, it's too embarrassing!
In the brigade, if you want to get along well, you have to have someone under your command, otherwise it's impossible. Therefore, such a large number of casualties made his heart bleed!

If you give up now, if the commander wants to occupy this land, what I do is purely nailing the commander.

Therefore, he felt that it was better to wipe out all the people here!After all, if you fight more and fight less, you still take the initiative to retreat, and you have to be laughed out of your teeth when you say it, and there is no way to deal with the commander after you go back!
In other words, I spent the whole night in the village yesterday, and saw the commander's face very ugly this morning!

Because, at the security regiment station, not even a single ocean was caught!

When I came out, I brought a company with me, and my original plan to make a fortune in the security regiment garrison also came to nothing, so I just took advantage of chasing down the despicable raiders, and I went out to do some activities to get some property, but I actually encountered such a situation. embarrassing thing.


There is no news about the squad I sent to search and rob in this direction yesterday. If nothing else, it was probably cheated by the security team in the village in front of me. This revenge will be avenged!
Maybe there are some important people in this village!Since they are big shots, then the things they wear have some meaning, don't they?

(End of this chapter)

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