under fire

Chapter 522 Sincere Suggestions With Attitude

Chapter 522 Sincere Suggestions With Attitude
The security forces were dispersed, unable to form an oppressive advantage locally, which gave Luo Fugui's platoon every opportunity to defeat them.

What worries Platoon Leader Luo is that up to now, the long-awaited reinforcements from Boss Hu have not arrived yet!
Disappointment is disappointment, since there is no movement of reinforcements in the company, then you have to persevere first!
The gunpowder smoke still lingers outside the north of the village. In the sun, a bead of sweat dripped from Luo Fugui's forehead. He held a machine gun in one hand and looked out of the firing holes. He turned around and sat against the courtyard wall.

Pressing a round of bullets into the empty magazine, he complained: "Dog R's security forces ran into the village while I was not paying attention, and they didn't take the road in pursuit."

He didn't even think about it, how could the bandits dare to go straight with his machine gun?
Hearing Luo Fugui's complaints from the side, Zhang Yi couldn't help turning his head and asking, "Platoon Leader Luo, your independent regiment is really rich, but why haven't we heard of it?"

"Grandma, what do you mean by asking that?"

"You are so powerful in combat, and our police team also wants to learn from you in the future! Fight devils better!" Director Zhang replied sincerely.

"Learn from us? Just the old swords and spears in your hands? I see that you can't keep up with our Jiulian even if you die!"

Listening to the soldiers of the Ninth Company who were extremely proud, the soldiers of the public security smirked and were not sad but happy. Director Zhang was speechless with black lines, racking his brains to find words to deal with
"There is a situation!"

A low cry from the former enemy observation post next to them made the spirits of several people in the yard tense up again.

Standing up quickly from the ground, a cloud of gray dust rose from the uniforms of the security forces into the air, and then diffused in all directions. After reaching a high point, it rippled and fell in all directions.

Luo Fugui and Zhang Yi heard the sound of the enemy's machine gun in the wilderness. Platoon Leader Luo immediately pulled the machine gun out of the shooting hole on the wall, pressed the trigger, and the bullets shot out gracefully. When Lao Tzu fired a gun, he was able to retaliate naturally.

For a moment, the open wilderness was extremely noisy, and the noisy bullets whizzed back and forth, and it was very lively!

The battle scene was extremely intense and spectacular, and everyone who participated was full of enthusiasm, and the sound of bullets entering the wall and earth was loud!

Take a closer look, one side is lying in the weeds and just shoots without moving, and the other side is wretched in the courtyard wall of the village, swaying a dense rain of bullets. Under such circumstances, no one can hit anyone!
Bullets don't just fall from the sky, they don't come easily.

Not long after, the gunfire gradually subsided again, and the back and forth shooting came to an end again, and the stalemate between the villages and fields returned to calm again.

Luo Fugui shook his head, shook off the dust from his hat, carefully poked out half of his eyes from the shooting, looked across to Tian Huangye, and shouted casually: "I x your grandma whose surname is Guo! Let's see if I don't beat you into a hornet's nest!"

After finishing speaking, he drew the machine gun and shrank under the wall to change the magazine and press the bullets.

After a while, no more shots were fired in the wilderness, and he fired back directly: "I'm the [-]th generation ancestor of your security regiment, who hid in the village as a turtle. If you have the ability, come out and fight!"

How dare your grandma fight with me?

Luo Fugui was furious. If it had been a few months earlier, he might have had to flirt with them. Now that he was richer, his mentality was completely different: "Your grandma, I won't beat you until your mother doesn't even know you!" , my surname is not Luo!"

"Luo? Hehe, broken mule? You dare to come out, I want your mother to look good!" The other side sneered.

Luo Fugui didn't pay any attention to it, and pulled the machine gun, and he hugged the position where he was shouting based on his feeling.

There was a burst of panic and scolding from the opposite side: "Hey, you don't even say hello when you shoot. I x your mother x your grandma x your whole family xxx your ancestors for eighteen generations!"

Luo Fugui didn't intend to give the opponent too many chances this time, he hit Zhongji with three shots, and the first bullet was aimed at the vicinity of the shouting voice.

Until, a certain voice hissed loudly: "Oh!"

The sound stopped.

Luo Fugui once scolded the puppet army on the battlefield, and later learned that no matter how loud the roar is, it can't hurt a single finger of the enemy.

Therefore, even if he has big lungs and a thick voice, he is full of breath in his voice, and his momentum is so powerful that his voice can shake thousands of miles, he simply gives up and fights back with a machine gun!
No matter how fierce you yell, I can kill you with a single swipe of the shuttle. Even if you lose your life, I will scold you no matter what!
To show off the advantage of tongue?To learn the tricks of those little women?Lao Tzu is now in a different situation, and Gun Zier talks about his superiors and inferiors!
With this shuttle, he directly knocked down the opponent who fought back!
The two sides fell into silence again.

"Platoon Leader Luo, there don't seem to be many enemies in the north, so why don't we take a step back and wait for them to come in and lay an ambush?" Director Zhang was very worried about being surrounded by the enemy.

"Ambush? They knew we were guarding here, and he would be so stupid to come in and wait to be shot?" Luo Fugui immediately refuted.

"Uh, what I mean is, anyway, they don't know our number, so we show weakness first and lure them into the village. As long as they dare to come, our soldiers from the public security team don't have very good weapons, but if we fight them, I guarantee that the fighters will definitely be able to defeat two with one!"

"Really so powerful?" Luo Fugui asked curiously.

"We have been training for a long time." Director Zhang looked proud.

"Then how about you go out of the village to fight the bandits, and I will provide us with all-round fire support?" Luo Fugui sincerely suggested.

"Uh..." Director Zhang was dumbfounded, our Eighth Route Army didn't all help each other, what do you mean by this shameless trick?
So, I quickly replied: "I mean we fight the enemy's ambush, not to fight a positional war with them!"

"Oh, there are a lot of people on the other side. Do you think you can match the colors that you can't match?"

"Aren't you still there?" Zhang Yi couldn't help getting angry when he heard Luo Fugui's words obviously looked down on him.

"You see in our team, except for the most useless idiots, how many people do you think have bayonets?"

Director Zhang looked around with black lines all over his head, as if he really did what the panting bear said, and thought for a while: "Hey, let's just wait here like this, what if the security forces have reinforcements? "

"Hey, even if there is another devil squadron, he can't do anything with me," Luo Fugui replied with a proud face.

Director Zhang looked at the village's defensive position full of loopholes, and shook his head speechlessly. I really don't know where his confidence came from. He was angry when he came to reinforce the security regiment. The independent regiment was also a reinforcement. ?
As the commander of this battle, platoon leader Luo Da, I feel unreliable to myself!

If the enemy had premeditated it, wouldn't his group become sheep and tigers?

As for the firepower configuration of the independent regiment, only this aspect is worth following to learn something real.

"Hey, platoon leader, but now we are surrounded by people, I think. Let's change into ordinary people's clothes and get out." The subordinate next to him heard the sound of horseshoes outside the courtyard wall, and asked casually.

"Common people? On the battlefield between the enemy and ourselves, the enemy can let you go. They have horses, so we don't have them? I think there may be something wrong in the middle? Do you understand?" Luo Fu glanced at the north from the entrance of the cave, and saw a cloud of dust Rise up behind the security forces.

(End of this chapter)

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