under fire

Chapter 523 Take the initiative

Chapter 523 Take the initiative
A team of twenty or so bicycles galloped crookedly in the wilderness to the east. There were two people in one car.

On a small gentle slope in the distance ahead, there were two gray figures lying on their stomachs and looking out of the blocking ditch in the distance to the east.

Seeing the team coming from behind, a scout stepped back for a distance, guessing that he could not see his figure in the distance, so he got up, ran down the gentle slope, and went directly to Hu Yi, who was at the head of the team: "Report to Company Commander Hu, Behind those security forces came another group of devils, the number of which is unknown."

The team stopped behind the gentle slope, there was a bang, Hu Yi jumped out of the car, jumped out of the back seat, pulled the water bottle and poured it into his mouth.

Hu Yi set up his bicycle, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the scout on the hillside in the distance, and ordered in a deep voice: "Stop moving forward, rest where you are!"

The team that had driven for a long distance finally had a chance to take a deep breath. After setting up their bicycles, they immediately fell to the ground in one piece.

Hu Yi led Wang Liujin to follow behind the scouts, and several of them ran to the top of the gentle slope quickly. The soldiers lying on the ground looked nervous and quickly gave up the best observation position.

Hu Yi occupied the observation position carefully camouflaged by the soldiers, and took out his pocket watch to check the time. After the long march, his heart was beating so hard that he could hardly feel the rhythm of the pocket watch.

Put away the pocket watch in his pocket, pull out the binoculars and look into the distance.

More than a mile away, a lot of people were sitting in a mess around the blockhouse. Turning the camera around the blockhouse, I finally saw two devil cars and three motorcycles.

Looking carefully at the wasteland east of the blockade ditch, it seems that the security forces have no plans to block the ditch for the time being.

The sudden appearance of a large number of enemies made it impossible for Hu Yi to judge the enemy's situation. He turned around and asked the scout next to him: "Have they sent anyone to cross the blockade?"

"No, it's just that about half an hour ago, the security forces lowered the suspension bridge, and the devil officer entered the gun tower and never came out again!"

Hu Yi didn't ask any more questions, and looked around for the terrain around the gentle slope. There was nothing to hold on to!
Here is connected to the plains. This gentle slope is about a mile long from north to south, almost parallel to the blockade ditch dug by the devils in the east. The surrounding area of ​​the gentle slope is too wide.

Wang Liujin next to him put down his binoculars and said nervously, "Commander Hu, the enemy has assembled so many, but they haven't moved yet. What are they going to do?"

Hu Yi thought for a while: "They...maybe still waiting for news from us!"

Wang Liujin quickly suggested: "Judging from the reconnaissance along the blockade ditch, there are too many enemies. It will be a matter of time before they come over. We can't fight head-on. Do you think you should consider retreating now?"

"There are few people in our area, even if the devils occupy it, it's useless. Judging from the current situation, their target can only be the security group. Since they are waiting now, let's cut off their sources of news first!" Hu Yi The idea is very simple. The security regiment here is also an area occupied by devils in name. If they lead troops to destroy the security regiment directly, then what will the traitors who have defected to the devil think.

Wang Liujin immediately understood Hu Yi's thoughts, and asked subconsciously: "This place is so big, it's too difficult to cut off their sources of information. All right, I'll make arrangements right away, but I don't understand. Strength, it is no problem to directly unplug the security team, but what are you doing here?"

Hu Yi frowned and did not answer his question.

Wang Liujin went down the hillside, and he was going to arrange for soldiers to block all intersections.

After a long while.

After deploying the soldiers of the spy platoon, but blocking all intersections to the east, platoon leader Wang and Zeng Nansheng went up the hill one after another.

"Is there any news from Lao Zhou?" Hu Yi asked Zeng Nansheng, who was sweating profusely.

"According to the news from the inside, the Devil originally had a plan to mobilize in autumn, but for some reason, they moved up the plan!" Zeng Nansheng took a breath, and briefly told Hu Yi the information sent back by Lao Zhou.

"This is also an occupied area. What are the devils doing here?" Hu Yi frowned. The situation was somewhat different from his guess.

"The devil mobilized a brigade, and dispatched a regiment of security forces from nearby Wang Ziquan, plus a regiment of security forces from the guards of Xu Jinsheng's family, plus a detective team, a total of more than [-] policemen. The target of the mopping up is probably this area." Zeng Nansheng looked worriedly at the distance to the east.

"No, they let the security forces surnamed Guo come over first, isn't that right?"

"Lao Zhou analyzed this matter. The enemy's target is probably the coal mining area in the north of us. This is a letter from Lao Zhou," Zeng Nansheng said while taking out a note from his pocket that Lao Zhou sent someone to bring over. Pass it to Hu Yi: "The letter said that he was just guessing."

Hu Yi took it and read it quickly: "But this can't explain the reason why the enemy blocked the ditch and assembled but did not act."

Wang Liujin said suddenly: "I said, could it be that the enemy deliberately let the security forces and the security regiment fight to the death? They are just showing their faces here, which is equivalent to suppressing the security forces with the surname Guo. As for whether they can take it down?" The security group, the devils don't care, and they must have other purposes, so they didn't cross the blockade."

Hu Yi froze for a moment, then shook his head: "Well, this possibility is very high."

Wang Liujin went on to say: "According to the current situation, if only relying on those security forces, he may not be able to defeat us. Besides, since the devils' main target is not us, don't we... There is no need to fight them head-on. Besides, there are no pots and pans here that are worth fighting with devils! Didn't you say that the enemy advances and I retreat?"

Indeed, the villages on this land have been burned several times by devils, and they can't be ignited again.

But to say that the devils are afraid of being ambushed is definitely not justified. On the plains, almost no one would dare to provoke the devils.

The devil came here, but the blockade ditch was sweeping westward, so the real purpose of the devil should be to let the bandit Commander Guo take down the security team near the eighth road in the mountain, because the surname Guo has been massacring anti-Japanese fighters without mercy!
The devil's loyal traitor surnamed Guo, it's useless to let him stay in the devil's security area, he can play his role only by arranging him to this quasi-security area!
This possibility is very high. If Guo Qing is allowed to occupy this area, it will be equivalent to setting another nail for the Eighth Route Army who originally had few roads into the mountains.

The area at the foot of the mountain is too large, and the hilly area cannot dig a blockade ditch, and the devils have no way to invest more troops. It is the best way to let these hardcore traitors participate in blocking the eight-way access to the mountain!

Devils don't want to see united Chinese, even if they are bandits, they want to make them make some noise from time to time.

Although it is only a guess, this possibility is the greatest.

For a moment, the hillside fell into silence, and no one spoke.

After a while.

A braid led Xu Xiao slowly up the back of the gentle slope.

Xiao Zhui'er immediately lay half on the ground, pulled the binoculars from Hu Yi's hand and looked east.

"Hey, don't show your head, there's a devil on the turret looking at us with a telescope!" Wang Liujin quickly reminded.

After a while, Xiao Zhui'er turned his head and lowered his voice and asked, "Hey, there are so many enemies on the other side? What's going on?"

"I haven't figured it out yet!" Wang Liujin replied seriously.

"Hey, there seem to be quite a few devils. Hey, fox, why don't I try to shoot them twice?" The little girl looked at Hu Yi and suggested.

"Just talk about it, one or two miles away, you really don't need money for bullets?" Wang Liujin next to him was stunned, and immediately sneered.

Xiao Zhui'er looked at these two hundred and five: "Since you can't fight again, why are you still lying here? Why don't you shoot them twice and let them pass the blockade ditch!"

"You have a good idea! Attract the devil's security forces, and then we run away desperately?" Wang Liujin had a black thread. He understood what the little girl was thinking. She just wanted to shoot twice and let the devil's security forces chase after her. Pass the blockade ditch, and then she will be able to shoot black guns!

"It's better than basking in the sun here!"

"Grandma, don't you look at how many people are there on the opposite side? The northern artillery building and the southern artillery building are all in this situation, you know?"

"How about that? We have bicycles. I don't believe he can beat us with two legs?"

"Hey, the [-] cannon on the butt of the car is just a decoration? Don't say you didn't see it. That big guy can hit five or six miles with one cannon. Where can you go?"

Hu Yi suddenly thought that when the enemy advances, he retreats, when the enemy retreats, he pursues, when he is tired, he disturbs.
Instead of guessing the enemy's movements here, it is better to take the initiative to lead them to run!
As for speed, although the devil has a car and a motorcycle, he can only rely on two legs in the hilly area where there is no road!
As long as you don't stop, the devils will have time to shoot!
If you don't take the main road, the devil's security forces will have nothing to do with Jiulian, who can ride a bicycle.

Wang Liujin arranged for some soldiers to stop the devils from delivering the letter.

Although there are few bicycles, there are not many people staying here. In terms of mobility, they are definitely far superior to devils.

(End of this chapter)

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