under fire

Chapter 524: Here Comes a Deadly Person

Chapter 524: Here Comes a Deadly Person

A team of more than ten horsemen appeared in the northern wilderness.

The one who came was Guo Zhi, the head of the Bandit Security Army, Guo Qing's younger brother. After joining the security army, he heard that Company Commander Zhi said that he had been surrounded for a long time, but he didn't even enter the village. The subordinates muttered for a while, and immediately began to form troops.

A few riders scattered outside the village, conveying the latest attack order from the head of the security forces: directly enter the village, whoever dares to retreat will be shot on the spot!
The stalemate on the battlefield was finally broken.

Luo Fugui in the village watched the security army dispatch troops and generals, and took another full-scale offensive. Immediately, he screamed strangely, and the orderly began to convey his order: retreat as the advance, let the security army enter the village, and fight in the streets!
In other words, so many ditches dug in the village have not yet played a role.

This battle is different from a pure ambush battle, and dug fortifications through the ruined walls, it is more similar to a positional battle!
In the village, dilapidated houses, courtyard walls, sewers and trenches are densely covered.

Regarding commanding the battle, Luo Fugui actually had no idea at all. He stayed with the rotation training team last time and even ambushed a squadron of devils. Not a lot.

Since the head of the regiment personally came to press the formation, the attacking bandits fought very resolutely. This time it was different from the previous attack. They first threw grenades to blow up a cloud of gunpowder smoke and dust, and then immediately crawled forward on the ground quickly.

The rifle shells in the rear immediately fired at the village in disorder.

The people in the village seemed to disappear suddenly, and they didn't fight back at all!

If it was said that they had no bullets, the bandits would not believe it even if they were killed.

The bandits dared to attack the village because they heard that the security regiments in the village were still carrying spears and big knives. If this is the case, why worry?
The attacking bandit security army has a company strength and can move nearly a hundred.

The tens of numbers Luo Fugui platooned, plus the police team who stayed behind, were also close to a hundred.

As soon as the battle started, it seemed to be one-sided, only the bandits were roaring with bullets.

The explosion of the grenade finally approached the courtyard wall again.

Monkey took six veteran soldiers, plus five soldiers from the public security team, and twelve people guarded the south.

The dense gunfire made these veterans brought by the monkey finally get into the mood slowly, and even temporarily forgot that they had ever been deserters.

Now that you have worked eight ways, the veterans, although they cherish their lives, were bullied by a group of bandits. Now you can't run away, you eggless bandits, with guns and grenades, you beat me up! Disgraced, how can you bear this tone?
If the devils attack, I can make Lao Tzu surrender!
But how many of you brigands with half-grown hair dare to go to Tai Sui to break ground?
Do you really think that Lao Tzu is a soft persimmon?

I have suppressed bandits before!

This time they took advantage of the location and played defense. These bandits didn't even have a cannon.

Do you think that I have practiced martial arts in vain for so many years?
Of course, through the attack that the bandits were repulsed, their attack seemed to be in style, but in fact there was no trick at all.

I thought that the front and rear teams were divided, and they were arranged to have firepower to suppress them, but they were in a messy formation, and the attack was not decisive, and they dared to attack the village with random shots.

Really ignorant people are not afraid of the sky falling.

Such a good opportunity made several soldiers feel that they could take advantage of it!
By the way, do you think it's safe to crawl in the wild grass?
On the battlefield, can you really save your life by being careful?
A few veterans cursed at each other, but they all retreated into the roofed house obscenely, preparing to leave the courtyard wall for the bandits to climb!

As for the way into the village, several Eighth Route Army members were hiding in the trenches that had dug the road and waited in full force, stretching their necks and waiting impatiently.

The monkey was lying in the ruins of the dilapidated hall facing south, with a burned black broken table with a missing leg on its head.

There were also some broken items on the table, which were mainly used to defend against grenades.

Under the lowered curly hat like Hu Yi, a pair of ugly eyes looked out through the main door to see the swaying weeds brought up by the bandits when they crawled, with a ferocious expression full of teasing.

Fighting against a gang of bandits, there is no need to be nervous, so the sound of rapid breathing in the room became smooth and normal.

In front of him, there is a Hanyang factory full of ammunition, and his favorite [-]-ring speed machine is placed next to the rifle, within reach!
On the battlefield, the shell gun is not very useful, but the rifle is more powerful.

Seeing that the security forces are about to enter the village.

A voice suddenly appeared in the dense rain of bullets: "Everyone inside, listen to me. If you come out and surrender now, I will spare you!"

No one in the village responded, maybe the bullets whizzed too loudly, and the villagers didn't hear it.

But the village has never fought back. Except for the gunshots of the bandit security forces attacking outside the village, there is a dead silence.

Suddenly there were voices from all around to persuade the villagers to surrender!

Another loud voice came from the north: "I am the head of the Security Army. Ah, it seems that everyone has been in the cottage before and is friends on the same road. This is the last chance for you to immediately put down your weapons and come out to surrender. After leaving our brigade commander, we can still be brothers in the future, when the time comes, we will eat, drink, and sleep with women together!"

"Your grandma's idea is so beautiful! How about you vote for us, and let's make a fortune together!" Luo Fugui couldn't help answering these familiar routines.

"Hey, you little people, even if I vote for you now, how dare you?" The voice was mocking.

"Ah?" Luo Fugui suddenly ran out of words.

After being stunned for a long time, Platoon Leader Luo hurriedly asked Director Zhang next to him: "Are they really going to vote for us? Can we?"

Zhang Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Do you hear that tone of voice, as if he wants to vote for you? Don't you understand what he said?"

"Who knows?" Luo Fugui was counting the number of people with his fingers. If they really voted, it would be really difficult.

Zhang Yi was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "It seems that we can't say to let them fight devils with us, right?"

"We are the security team under the devils. You can weigh this up yourself?" Luo Fugui was stunned for a moment: "We are the security team now. If we want to say it, we can only talk about the imperial army. Do you understand?"

Zhang Yi's eyes were full of black lines, and he swallowed back the words he had planned to persuade the bandits to abandon their darkness and turn to the light: "Get lost!"

"Since you don't want to give you face, then don't blame me for being cruel. Brothers, beat me into the village! The first one to beat the village will be rewarded with twenty oceans!"

South of the village.

The monkey lowered the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the swaying dry grass outside the gate.

A bandit lying on the ground throwing a grenade should have already started the fire, and smoke was rising from the wild grass.

Bang, a bullet left the chamber.

Bang, there was also a shot from the window in the room next to the monkey.

The monkey has been staring at this guy for a long time, just waiting for this opportunity. If luck is good, the guy who is still holding the grenade should be lying on the ground at this time.
Boom, there was a loud noise among the attacking bandits, and the two figures were thrown high.

There is blood mist in the gunpowder smoke!
That guy must be an old hand too, because every time he pulls the grenade, he doesn't throw it directly, he always delays it for a second or two before throwing it!

The monkey finally seized that second!
Several shrill screams sounded not far outside the village.

That nasty voice.It was so loud that it overwhelmed the gunshots fired by the attacking bandit security forces.

 In January 43, the Northern Bureau decided to re-establish the Sixth Branch School of the Anti-Japanese University based on the first, second, and third battalions of the basic department of the Anti-Japanese University General School, and to re-establish the No. 1 branch school of the Anti-Japanese University. The temple is directly under the leadership of the [-]th.

  The original basic subjects were expanded into the first, second and third teams, and the fourth team was newly formed, with more than 1600 teaching staff and students.

  On May 43, 5, the school officially started.Xu Shen* is the principal, Yuan Zi# is the political commissar, Hu Han* is the head of education, and Zhang Li* is the director of the Political Department.

  Not long after school started, more than 3 Japanese and puppet troops encircled the headquarters of the [-]th Division. The teachers and students of the sixth branch cooperated with the main force to smash the enemy's cruel "mopping up" many times.

(End of this chapter)

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