under fire

Chapter 525 Fighting Purpose

Chapter 525 Fighting Purpose
The monkey was in a good mood. Immediately after the shot, a cloud of gunpowder smoke mixed with dust rose from the wasteland, withered grass flying around and screams.

After that, the brothers next to him fired a few shots, but they failed to hit the bandit observation post that was alive and kicking in the grass in the wilderness.

Holding the rifle, he kept staring at a palm-sized area near the gate of the courtyard.

After a long while, there was still no movement outside the village. The monkey was a little puzzled. The bandits and security forces have not shown their heads on the courtyard wall until now. This situation is really a bit strange. They should have also entered the village, but there was no movement!
The brothers in ambush were waiting for the bandits to enter the village. Could it be that the enemy was not fooled when they knew there was an ambush?Not only did they not climb over the wall, but no one ran on the road into the village

outside the village.

The platoon leader Zhi was terrified by the explosion just now. He could see clearly from behind that his capable general had just fired the grenade when he was hit by a bullet fired from the village!
The grenade that was not thrown out in time exploded violently, overturning the two men next to him. If he hadn't buried his head quickly, he might have suffered as well.

A group of people lay on the ground and did not dare to show their heads. The observation post next to them was clever and occasionally looked around to observe the movement in the village. They were not fools.

"Platoon leader, I see that one of those guys in the village is a good shooter. The brothers in front are already close to the courtyard wall. Now, do you want to climb the wall?"

"Have the third platoon leader entered the village?" The second platoon leader asked instead.

"Not yet, the situation in the third row is similar to ours. They are all waiting outside the courtyard wall, and they seem to be watching us."

"They are not afraid of anything, how did they change their temper this time?"

"In the last attack, several brothers died on their side. I think they are also scared."

"What are you muttering about there? Hurry up and call me into the village!" The adjutant of the regiment leader who supervised the battle lay on the ground and said.

The expression next to the platoon leader Zhi changed greatly: "Platoon leader, there is a guy with good marksmanship in the village, it would be too reckless for us to rush in like this!"

"Guo is so pushy, what can we do?"

"Do you want to put on a show?"

"Damn it, isn't it just a few security regiment soldiers? How powerful can he be? Hurry up and let the brothers prepare, the old way, first throw a grenade to clear the way, and the whole platoon will immediately enter the village!" The platoon leader Zhi also had no choice, There are orders from above, you can't disobey them!

Those surnamed Guo are not good men and women, if they don't act like they are fighting now, they may be killed by them later!Of course, if you enter the village, you will know how to fight ghosts
The platoon leader Zhi was not in a good mood. He came out for a long time and found nothing. Guo Zhi came to sit in the town again. Even if he entered the village and won the battle, his brothers could only grab some scraps at most. If they really wanted something good, It's not even my turn as the little platoon leader!If you lose your life, you have nothing!

It's definitely not good if you don't fight, and it's useless to think too much.

Until now, I still don't know what's going on in the village, how many people are hiding in the village, and how the firepower is. Judging from the gunshots from the village earlier, there is at least one platoon in the village!

If you attack from all sides, the people inside must be dispersed. If you are facing yourself, there are only a dozen or so. With a force of three to one, I can't even beat the security regiment?Thinking of this, the platoon leader Zhi gritted his teeth: "Throw the grenades first, and let me rush to the village!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his gun and shot it into the village.

Outside the courtyard wall, the bandit security forces lying on the ground who heard the platoon leader's order, no longer hesitated, and immediately got up and prepared to climb over the wall. There were many shooting holes on the courtyard wall, and they directly stuffed the fired grenades into the holes, and then Clinging to the base of the wall, they fled towards the village.

Around the village, there are ignited grenades everywhere, whirling with smoke and throwing them into the village.

Booming explosions came and went. For a while, gunpowder smoke billowed in the village, stones and rubble flew randomly, and several screams echoed over the village. Walls collapsed and houses collapsed, clouds of dust filled the yard and blocked the road into the village.
The village was immediately foggy, and Luo Fugui, who walked from the yard to the trench in the north, immediately shouted: "Don't panic, we can't see them, and they can't see us. We will fight according to the previous arrangement!"

As for the previous arrangement, he can't remember clearly. Anyway, he hid in a place where he could hit the enemy but the enemy couldn't hit him.
If you dare to enter the village from the main road, I will make you look good.

With a bang, the gun was pulled open neatly, and the trench mound was attached to it, and several soldiers nearby also placed the muzzle of the gun on the compacted trench mound.

Looking out of the village along the main road, at the entrance of the village 30 meters away, I can vaguely see a gray figure with a cat waist, turning around the courtyard wall in the gunpowder smoke, slipping against the root of the wall and slipping into the village, followed by one after another.
The daring and desperate guy who took the lead ran a few steps forward, immediately pulled out the grenade, fired it, and rounded his arms
Luo Fugui watched all this with wide eyes, adjusted the muzzle of the gun slightly, pressed the trigger and fired without hesitation.

He must be killed before he throws the grenade!
Da da da da Czech light machine gun howled suddenly. Amidst bursts of bullets, the bandit clutched a grenade as expected. Before he could throw it out, his body was involuntarily shaken by the high-speed bullets. A cloud of blood sprayed from the back, another cloud of blood mist.
Until he was hit backwards, and then crashed to the ground.

Those who followed all saw that unlucky guy was shot, and also saw the grenade that was still smoking and hadn't had time to throw it out. The crowd was scared to death by the raging machine gun bullets, and hurriedly lay down on the ground to find cover.

The unlucky guy lay on the ground still twitching, the smoking grenade in his hand fell to the side, until there was a loud bang next to him, his gray eyes looking at the sky full of gunpowder smoke filled with pain and fear, and his consciousness immediately fell into darkness.

Almost at the same time as Luo Fugui's machine gun fired, a series of rifles followed closely in the trench.

A wave of bullets flew arrogantly towards the group of bandits who had just entered the village and were lying on the ground.

Luo Fugui's machine gun raged on the ground for a while, emptying the magazine.

A group of bandits who were dizzy by the grenade finally reacted from the shock. The bandits lying on the ground were not vegetarians. They raised their guns and greeted the trenches where they fired.

A bandit held another grenade in his hand, hooked his little finger on the ring, raised his hand and threw the grenade in the direction where the machine gun fired.

It's a pity that he was lying on the ground, not too far away from himself, only five or six meters away. It's a pity that the grenade failed to fall into the trench!
Seeing this, Luo Fugui, who was changing the magazine, howled: "Grandma's patronage is just for the sake of shooting a gun, hurry up and throw a grenade at me to blow them up!"

Only Luo Fugui's subordinates were so stupid. If they were to be replaced by other Eighth Route Army, they would throw grenades first, then fire a few shots and finally charge.

When we arrived at Platoon Leader Luo, they were busy shooting because there were enough bullets, and the two hundred and five forgot to throw the grenade.

Hearing this shout, several soldiers immediately grabbed the grenade that had been placed in front of them
There was a loud bang in front, and the grenade thrown by the enemy exploded. Fortunately, the bombing point was a little far away, and everyone was in the ditch again. There was a burst of muddy rain in the sky, which made everyone in the trench shiver. color.

Seven or eight smoking grenades flew into the air and flew towards the entrance of the village. When the bandits who were shooting at the entrance of the village saw this, they screamed strangely and got up and wanted to run out of the village.

Luo Fugui's machine gun fired at the right time.

A string of bullets knocked the last shot to the ground, and the second wave of burst guns shot left and right in the crowd, and another bandit was beaten to death.
The other escaped bandits finally came to their senses and bought their backs to others. No matter how fast they ran, could they still outrun the guns?
Hurry up and grab the rifle and lie down on the ground again, adjust your posture and fight back!

Three people outside the village carried machine guns and carried ammunition. As a suppressive machine gun fire team, the machine gunner who had just come on as a substitute finally found a place and finally set up a machine gun position.

It's a pity that it is too close to the entrance of the village, and all the people in front of me are the figures of our own people!

Farther away, gunpowder smoke filled the alleys of the village, and it was impossible to see anything clearly, and the shooting range was narrow!can't shoot at all
The gunfire was intensive and the fight was in full swing!
Seeing the machine gunner clumsily holding the machine gun and not firing, the company commander Zhi became furious, kicked the guy away cursing, he wanted to go into battle himself!
Finally, the machine gun began to howl, and a wave of bullets flew out of the muzzle and rushed into the gunpowder smoke.

The regiment commanders are all here, and he, the company commander, has to lead the attack himself!He knows the virtues of his subordinates, and if the machine gun is fired on the opposite side, those guys will never stand still!

Hearing the sound of a machine gun coming from outside the village, Luo Fugui was startled, and subconsciously lowered his body. At the same time, he raised the muzzle of the machine gun, and by feeling, poured the last five bullets in the magazine into an unknown place filled with gunpowder smoke.
(end of this chapter)
 One more chapter, what about the recommendation ticket?


(End of this chapter)

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