under fire

Chapter 526 Melee Artifact

Chapter 526 Melee Artifact
"Damn you!" Company Commander Zhi was scratched by a stray bullet on his arm, and immediately fell to the side, but he did not forget to curse.

The machine gunner next to him hurriedly supported the crooked machine gun, and fired like the company commander just now.

He really wanted to shoot in bursts like the company commander, but he couldn't grasp the rhythm at all. As the muzzle of the machine gun jumped again and again, the bullets he fired were also high and low.

The bandits lying on the ground were scared out of their wits by the suppression firepower from their own side. The bullets above their heads fluctuated from time to time. How the hell is this suppression?You are teaming up with the gun-raiser in the village to suppress the old men, and you will go later, and there is no end to his legs!
Lie on the ground trembling, fortunately, the bullet did not go through the hole
After the bandage was finished, Company Commander Zhi gritted his teeth and yelled and cursed: "You are a bunch of bastards, you are still fucking stupid, let me climb over the wall and go in! Stay at the bottom of the wall and don't move. I will give it to you in a while." Two shuttles, let me see if you can move!"

A group of old gangsters who stayed at the base of the wall and competed with the people in the yard were stunned when they heard the company commander's shout. You commanded twenty people, but they couldn't beat them from the front. You asked the old men to climb over the dead wall and go up. You have to become a target. Is this something that humans can do?

Since the company commander gave the order to die, it would be impossible not to enter the village. That guy is also a cruel and merciless person, so he can do what he says!
Those guys in the village had only one machine gun, and they were guarding the way into the village from the north.

Since climbing the wall is too risky, let's think about it first.

The old bandit is an old bandit, and he immediately thought of a way: I can't get in, so I can blow up your courtyard wall and assemble it?
I kept cursing those idiots in the three directions in my heart. The security team over there didn't have machine guns, so why haven't they been able to break into the village until now?
I keep expecting in my heart, if only a few other directions enter the village
No good news came.

A bundle of grenades was immediately concentrated, and the two bandits immediately tied the grenades together with leggings that were so smoked that they couldn't open their eyes, pulled out seven drawstrings, and then stuffed the grenades into a lower shooting hole. Pull all the strings.

The two guys pulling the string immediately turned their heads and ran away along the wall.

With a loud noise, more than half of the courtyard wall collapsed, and the remaining section was also crumbling.

Cluster grenades are quite powerful. In fact, the first grenade to explode will detonate the other grenades.

But this time, the rammed earth wall was blown up, so the effect of the blast is not to be questioned, but there were too many clods lifted into the sky, and a burst of lumpy soil rained within 30 meters of the courtyard wall.

The clods of soil were smashed down, and the security guards with their heads uncovered were smashed together with those in the courtyard and screamed wildly.

On the contrary, the few people who were close to the base of the wall had nothing to do because of the angle of the fallen soil clods.

"Shoot those bastard bandits for me!" said one of the shift assistants in the courtyard. The cat bent down and leaned against the side of the window to take a look. The ten-meter-wide courtyard wall fell down, and immediately threw the rifle away. After reaching behind, he pulled out the box cannon on his waist.

The trembling public security soldiers who followed immediately leveled the old slide and gripped the breech bolt tightly.
After the loud noise, Luo Fugui looked out from the trench panting heavily. After the grenade he threw just now exploded, the road into the village was denser with gunpowder smoke, and he couldn't see anything.

Based on my feeling, the courtyard wall on the east side of the north must have been blown into a hole by the bandits.

However, there is no need to worry at all, I am not afraid of you bombing, but I am afraid that you will not enter the village!
The gunpowder slowly rose into the air, watched carefully for a while, and did not rush to follow the soldiers to the courtyards on both sides.

Judging by the current situation, the enemy must not be able to come up, because the bandit machine gun outside the village hit him harder than him!
The line of sight is really bad, who knows what's going on at the entrance of the village?
I can't see the effect of the wave of grenades just now, and I don't know if all the bandits who entered the village lying on the ground were killed?

Gunshots continued from other directions, and the bandits even dispersed their forces to attack in an all-round way. Luo Fugui was overjoyed. I was afraid that you would concentrate on attacking. Come in handy.

The dozen or so bandits who were attacking from the front were frightened by the wave of grenades, and the opponent's machine gun stopped, but the machine gun behind them kept firing.

After greeting the machine gunner's ancestors for eighteen generations, the bandits began to retreat out of the village lying on the ground.

The front is full of gunpowder smoke and it's pitch black. If you rush in, what if you make a mistake and hate the family for thousands of years?
The courtyard wall was blasted, and squad leader Zhi didn't dare to go in first, and a group of his subordinates lay on the ground like ostriches, not even looking at him, for fear of being discovered by him.

Bury your head in the soil and be the vanguard of the assault, can you be that material?
Fortunately, Company Commander Zhi from behind yelled again: "Your mother has such a big gap, what are you still doing there? If you don't move, I will attack you!"

With the sound of the shelling gun fired by Company Commander Zhi, the things on the ground quickly got up, and burrowed into the gap without saying a word.

"They are really reckless bandits!" The platoon officer opened his eyes wide and couldn't help murmuring, his hands trembling with excitement.

A voice came from the gap: "Damn, are you looking for death by running so fast?"

"Hey, don't push me, okay, hey, hey, it's impolite for you to push me again."

"I think it's still safe to climb over the wall!" Under the wall, two figures were caught in a large crowd.

"Second brother, after the grenade goes off, let's rush together, shoot as soon as we find any movement, and pay attention to those doors and windows after entering."

Look at this situation, there are brothers in this team.

"Brother, don't talk about it, I know it all, and be careful of those holes in the wall!" The immature young man didn't care.

"That's all right, I'll charge first later, you cover me." Of course the big brother has to protect the brother.

"That won't work. If you rush in first, you can get [-] oceans. If you want to take advantage of this, let me tell you, there are no doors!" The brothers didn't appreciate it at all.

"You little bastard, you deliberately want to piss off your big brother, don't you?"

Several grenades were thrown into the yard again.

A bang.

"Come on!" The Zhi platoon leader at the back stayed at the base of the wall and waved his hand, giving an order.

The military orders fell like a mountain.

A group of people waited with cats on their waists, no longer being cautious, turned fiercely out of the base of the residual wall, and rushed into the gunpowder smoke along the gap!

Those shooting holes in the house that were just pulled out, one gun and one eye.

The muzzle is facing the notch.

The eyes stared nervously at the shadowy figures that appeared in the smoke.

It was the first time for several public security fighters to participate in such a "large-scale" battle, and they were determined with tension.

At such a short distance, there is almost no need to aim, and the hands holding the gun are soaked with sweat, and have to be wiped on the clothes constantly.

No one dared to disobey the order to wipe the ground or the wall with their hands, because it might bring dust into the gun.

"Fight!" The squad deputy next to the window jumped out first, facing the window, imitating the company commander's tone, put the shell gun flat, and kept pulling the trigger against the figures rushing in.

He didn't use bursts.

I heard from the company commander before that in the continuous firing state, a box of bullets can be fired in three to four seconds, and the jumping muzzle will seriously affect the shooting effect.

Single shots are more accurate.

The shell gun that does not need to be pulled may not be very lethal, but it is definitely a melee weapon.
Immediately afterwards, muzzle flames burst out from the shooting hole next to it, and bullets rushed towards the figures in the gap.

(end of this chapter)
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(End of this chapter)

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