under fire

Chapter 530 Political Commissar Strange Howl

Chapter 530 Political Commissar Strange Howl
The supreme commander at the gun tower was a devil captain, and he finally received the report until midnight. What he didn't expect was that the security team had learned to block the news!

The security group was clearly dispersed by the Imperial Association Army led by Guo Qing, yet they dispersed without chaos!
"Report to Taijun, Brigadier Guo took people away in the dark." A small captain of the investigative team who made up the report was bending over and panting heavily.

Captain Guizi was not an idiot to be able to sit in his current position. He had already seen the situation clearly.

He has no interest in the security regiment and the Imperial Army's dogs biting dogs. He just wants to confirm whether the group of fake security forces heading north ambushed Tubalu, a squadron of the Imperial Army in summer.

He has been pressing in the blockade ditch and did not go west. Firstly, he does not know the exact location of those Tuba roads, and secondly, he wants to see if the Tuba roads are in collusion with the security team. He stayed outside the blockade ditch and waited for a day, but he came here This result really surprised him.

"How was their fight?"

"There were heavy casualties on both sides. The people in the village only had old sleeved rifles, and the strongest firepower was only a machine gun, unlike the Tuba roads you told us to look for, Mr. Taijun!"

The captain felt extremely depressed. The group of Tubalu ambushed most of the squadron from Mei County, and then disappeared. The early sweep he had prepared lost his target again. It seemed that this time, he came out again without any results.

Turning to look at Xu Jinsheng who was sitting next to him, he spoke unprofessionally: "Xu Sang, the...information you provided seems...not very accurate!"

Looking at the fierce eyes of the imperial army, Xu Jinsheng couldn't help but stand up, "Report to the captain, I don't know about this, I will report to you as soon as I receive the news. As for the Eighth Route Army you mentioned, we also I really haven't seen it."

Xu Jinsheng is not very afraid of being able to get into such a position, but he has to do enough on the surface. He has two jobs, the captain of the investigation and the commander of the security force, and the imperial army majors in the city will give him some face. Is Captain Bird a ball?
The captain held back his anger, it wasn't worth it to get angry with them.

The bandits guarding a group of rabble fought each other for a day, with only a few dozen casualties, wasting his whole day, and immediately lost interest in this matter, and turned to a second lieutenant next to him: "The next thing is to leave I'll deal with it for you."

After finishing speaking, he got up straight away and walked out of the blockhouse. He planned to go back to the city overnight. The food in the wild is not good, and there are many mosquitoes.

The royal army is gone.

Xu Jinsheng couldn't leave, and the second lieutenant left behind was looking west in the dark, not knowing what he was thinking.

If I don't believe you, you are only a small team, and you dare to enter the quasi-security area at night?
Originally, they wanted to use the hands of the imperial army to wipe out the security regiment, but it seemed that the plan fell through again.

The result in the west was not ideal, but it didn't affect him too much. He just wanted to occupy that land and do business directly with Shanli!Now, it’s just a little less money, the impact is not big, it’s not small
Now that Guo and Sun Youshang have reached an agreement, there is no way to do anything about it for the time being. It's not that he can't beat Sun Youshang, it's because there are so many bandit commanders around who are staring at this place.
If you want to mess around in this land, you have to be immoral!

I am at least better than those bandits who can't read a few words. I haven't read in vain in those years, so I can still hold the coveted position of the detective captain. It's a pity that I can't win the land to the west, but That idiot Guo Qing was the one to take the blame for this conflict, and he didn't care about his own business.

"Taijun, how about assigning the tasks here to me, and I'll let someone take you to have some fun?" Xu Jinsheng walked to the second lieutenant and suggested.

The second lieutenant who had waited impatiently nodded in satisfaction immediately: "You, open the way!"

Xu Jinsheng nodded in satisfaction to his subordinates, who immediately understood that there were a few prostitutes in the nearby village, but unfortunately there were not enough of them, and it looked like they had to find some more, so they hurriedly whispered something to the brothers next to them.

Not long after, Xu Jinsheng explained a few words to the security forces in the gun tower, and then led his people to withdraw.

"Report, Guo Qing's bandits have retreated!" A soldier stumbled to the door of Sun Youshang, where the light was still on.

Sitting at the top was Su Qing, who raised her head and looked at the correspondent calmly without speaking.

Pu Buhuan, who was sitting next to Sun Youshang, didn't care much: "It will happen sooner or later. There is no food at the foot of the mountain, so of course they won't stay long!"

"Hehe, that's not the case. Guo Qing sent someone to negotiate with Chen Platoon Leader, and he paid us fifty guns, two thousand oceans, and one thousand rounds of ammunition. He also said that he would become a brother of the opposite sex with you, Commander." The situation is roughly stated. "What did you say? Chen Chong asked for several thousand catties of coal, and that Han Buyun promised one hundred tons?" Su Qing's eyes lit up.

"That's right, those bandits are really stingy! Platoon leader Chen is still worrying about this!"

"Do you know how much a ton is?" Pu Buhuan shook his head next to him. This guy is so cute.

"A ton? Isn't it a catty?"

"One ton is two thousand catties!"

"Ah? How much does that have?" The soldier began to snap his fingers.

Pu Buhuan has black hair, you can't pull your hair out! "That's 20 catties. Hehe, these bandits are so generous! They donated guns, ammunition, and coal. The coming winter doesn't look so sad!"

"In this case, everyone should rest early and go down the mountain at dawn tomorrow!" Su Qing, who was at the top, put down the pen in his hand, and his brows stretched slightly.

The correspondent has not received the news of the company commander's arrival.

Guo Qing didn't report the news that there were devils coming from the south of the station!He's not that kind. Besides, the security team is originally a team under the imperial army. What's the difference between saying it or not?
Late at night.

Political commissar Ding Deyi sat opposite head Lu at the broken table, holding the tea mug with both hands in a daze.

On the opposite side, Captain Lu stared at him without blinking.

After a long time, Ding Deyi raised his head, looked at Captain Lu who had been staring at him, and asked strangely: "You have been watching me for so long, and there are spots on my face?"

"Tsk tsk."

"Hey, are you out of your mind? Why don't you go to see your promotional Xi Shi, and see me?"

Head Lu changed his posture, propped his head on one hand and did not speak, which made Ding's heart shudder.

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, it's boring." Finally, he choked out the words.

"I said, old Lu, are you insane? Do you want to call the health team to take a look?"

"Call, of course you have to call!"

"Uh, I found that something is wrong with you today."

"Hey, I feel something is wrong too!"

"You mean Lao Qin and the others found the trace of the advance team again?"

Head Lu continued to look at Political Commissar Ding without speaking.

"When did you become a mother-in-law?"

Head Lu still didn't speak.

Ding Deyi got a little angry, stood up straight away, and walked around the room.

Head Lu followed Ding De with his eyes.

"Old Lu, let me say. What do you mean?"

Head Lu followed Ding De's eyes and suddenly smiled, but still didn't speak.

The political commissar walked back to the table and stopped, picked up the new tea mug and slapped it on the table. The force was so strong that he slapped it in half, and the water splashed all over Captain Lu. don't blink.

"You're really crazy." Commissar Ding shook his head.

"." The head continued to remain silent.

Ding Deyi suddenly understood: "If you have something to say, are you not approved by the report of the marriage? This matter should be treated differently. Think about it. The headquarters has just been raided by the devils. Now the situation is special. As the commander Of course you have to accept the arrangement of the organization!"

Bang. Head Lu finally moved, and slapped the table with a slap: "Haha, you finally got to the point!"

"Hey, I said that your conditions are all in line with the regulations, but there are organizational considerations in the organization, so you can't wait?"

"You keep talking!"

"You know that Commissar Liu of the rotation training team made a report, what did the teacher say?"

"How to say?" Head Lu's expression remained unchanged.

"The teacher said, if you can't even control the guy in the crotch, how can you make a revolution?"

"Interesting. Have you finished?"

"It's over, I want to ask you, what do you plan to do with Song Xiaoci?" The political commissar was puzzled, and continued after finishing talking.

"Don't worry about it!" Shaking his head resting on his hands.

Ding De was taken aback, sat down at the table again, and raised his head: "Lao Lu, to tell you the truth, Xiao Song is a good girl, and our teacher is famous, hehe, if you make a fuss, you will definitely become the teacher of the whole teacher." celebrity!"

"Hey, why are you always pulling on me?" Head Lu propped his head and spoke calmly.

The political commissar said earnestly: "I know you have a good impression of her, and she accepted you, but this matter... you really have to control the things in your crotch!"

"What are you talking about!" Captain Lu was a little displeased.

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. If you don't hold back, the consequences will be very serious. I have to warn you. Forget it, I still have to send someone to stare at you every day!"

"Are you finished? Haha" Captain Lu smiled jokingly.

"Hey, it's over." Ding Deyi couldn't figure out what he was doing!
"Then let's talk about the guerrilla leader surnamed Liu brought back by Lao Qin!" Someone rarely showed a winking look.

"Ah? @#¥&" The political commissar couldn't hold the kettle firmly, he shivered and froze.

Bang, the kettle fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

The temperature of the water in the kettle that is not very insulated is not low.

For a long time, in the tent of the regiment headquarters, there was a strange howl from the political commissar: "Ouch!"

 Political commissar Liu (regimental level) of the rotation training team typed the marriage report, and Teacher Liu's reply was the exact words.

(End of this chapter)

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