under fire

Chapter 531 The village is calm

Chapter 531 The village is calm
Autumn is high and fresh.

The moist mountain breeze is blowing, nourishing the dry and water-deficient barren mountains and fields.

The scouts followed the retreating security forces for thirty miles!
At dawn, he rushed back to report to Chen Chong to make sure that the security forces had really retreated.

The cooking team built a fire to boil water for cooking in the village. There were still about twenty wounded people in the cottage. We had to check the situation before deciding whether to take them in. Who knew if the security forces would kill them?
There were more graves in the North Valley. Chen Chong, who had walked out of the North Valley, returned to the village, but he always felt that something was missing. Maybe it was the lack of people in the village, which seemed very peaceful.

Maybe. He suddenly became the highest commander here. He was used to being commanded by others, and now he has to make his own decisions about everything, so he felt that it was easier to be a small squad leader and platoon leader.

There was no way to be idle, so he personally led people to clean up the smoky village made by the security forces. Fortunately, the security forces did not set fire to the house, but there was no need for the soldiers to repair the house.

The soldiers were cleaning everywhere in the village, chattering in twos and threes about the battle that happened two days ago, everything seemed beautiful and peaceful.

The original residence was tidied up again, and after the bed was made, I lay down on it, feeling a little unaccustomed.

Standing up and carrying a gun, he habitually wandered around the village.

Soldiers salute from time to time, this feeling is actually not bad.

More than [-] veterans who came down from the village were released to be on duty, and most of those who stayed in the village to work were recruits who had just been recruited.

Most of these soldiers had been bandits in the past. It has to be said that the instructor Pu Buhuan really has two hands, and he managed these old bandit recruits submissively.

Of course, the recruits are not convinced. Even if Park Buhuan is injured, many people who have practiced martial arts are not his opponents!
The main reason is that Park Buhuan's big guy is the only one in Jiulian except Luo Fugui, and he is still the strong type who can withstand beatings

Hitting him three punches and one kick can knock people down and make them unable to get up!

The bandits are dissatisfied with other things, but they are convinced by fists from the bottom of their hearts!
Not to mention that Park Buhuan has not yet been able to shoot with one hand, and no one among the recruits can compare.

When training shooting, the target is set directly 200 meters away!Most of the bandits were dumbfounded with old sleeved pistols, how could it be compared?
But now, under the leadership of Chen Chong, the recruits fought against the security forces together and won the victory.

They get along fairly well with each other.

As for the security group, it is no longer the security group of the past. Although it is still called the security group to the outside world, how can these old gangsters who are about to become elites fail to see some clues!
"If this platoon leader Chen says it's not like this, I'll take off his head and use it as a urinal for you!" The two sweepers muttered in low voices, and compared their hands when they were speaking.

"What's the matter, it's not bad to be an eight-way street. These days, I only have to beg for food, so I can do anything!" The other laughed.

"Would you do it if I told you to sell your ass?" Another asked with a wicked smile.

"Damn you, old man"

The two immediately wrestled together.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chong didn't want to worry about it, so he turned around and left.

There are more than a dozen newly recruited soldiers from nearby villages in the team. These young people are out of tune with these old gangsters.
Find something to do when you have nothing to do!Carrying water, chopping firewood, and several of them carried hoes to dig in the field outside the village.

No water, no use digging!

Chen Chong's one hundred or so people were naturally divided into five groups!
Veterans, recruits, recruited security regiment soldiers, wounded soldiers on the cottage!Those sacrificed soldiers buried in the soil

"Report, the company commander is back!" A soldier hurried into the village, gasped for breath before remembering something, and hurriedly saluted.

Chen Chong was stunned, overjoyed in his heart, and tightly gripped the shoulder strap of the rifle in his hand: "Where is it? Take me there quickly!"

After speaking, the two went straight to the intersection outside the village.

Behind the two, when they heard the news, they immediately put down their work and ran out of the village.

Wang Liujin led the team and entered the village first. Several people took off their sand-filled military shoes and sat on the millstone outside the headquarters compound, with his weapons and equipment next to them.

A special smell spreads out

Inside the house, Hu Yi put his hat on the table, unbuttoned his military uniform one by one, and untied his sweaty leggings to dry on a horizontal wooden pole. The coolness of the room made him feel comfortable all over.

Chen Chong next to him read with excitement, and reported the situation after Hu Yi left one by one.

Seeing that Hu Yi changed clothes, Chen Chong hurriedly picked up the half-cold earthenware teapot on the table, turned over the upside-down tea bowl and poured water into it: "Hey, those bandits are really not a thing, they made all our pots and bowls Most of it is gone."

"How about the loss?" Hu Yi was washing his face, pulled his face out of the basin, and asked casually with a long breath.

"Sixteen people were killed in our platoon, and there were more than [-] lightly or severely wounded. They all stayed in the cottage. We originally planned to fight the bandits to the death, but I didn't expect the surname Guo to send someone to negotiate, and then they withdrew yesterday when it was getting dark." Chen Chong's tone was low.

"When will Sun Youshang and the others come back?" Hu Yi stopped his movements, turned his head, and interrupted Chen Chong's chanting.

"Yesterday, after dark, I arranged for the correspondents to go into the mountain. It is estimated that the news will be delivered in the middle of the night. If they leave after dawn, they will probably arrive in the afternoon." After Chen Chong finished speaking, he thought for a while and quickly added: "Uh, Director Su Definitely will come back together.”

While the two were talking, Ma Liang, Zeng Nansheng, Zhang Yi, and Wang Liujin walked into the headquarters one after another.

Ma Liang went directly to Hu Yi's side and spoke first: "Company commander, after the devil's security forces on the blockade line withdrew last night, they didn't show up again until morning!"

"Sit first." Hu Yi put the towel on the wooden stand for the washbasin that only rich people had, and turned to face the crowd.

After sitting down, Zeng Nansheng said immediately: "Xu Jinsheng sent someone over, saying he wanted to talk to Commander Sun."

Hu Yi sat directly at the top, and thought for a while after hearing this: "It's not a big deal, but it's not easy to deal with. Let him wait first, and say that Commander Sun is on the cottage and is not free now!"

Xiao Hongying in the yard turned her head and looked at the headquarters from the gate, and there was a circle of people around again. She probably wanted to talk about those trivial things again, and she was not interested in that.

Turning around, she looked at the circle of soldiers around her.

Most of them are veterans who have just returned from Chen Chong's subordinates, and they are listening to her adventures of going out this time!

"You know how to drive an armored vehicle? Just blow it up!" A soldier immediately questioned the girl when she turned her head.

"Hey, I don't believe what you say, but you, Tian Sanqi, and those idiots from the security regiment, can you, number one hundred and ten, take down a county town? Or is it in an enemy-occupied area?" The other didn't believe it either.

"That is, you think we are all fools?"


Everyone shook their heads in chatter.

The girl raised her pigtails and smiled: "Hey, do you know where Tang Dagou is?"

"Didn't you just say that he was injured? The instructor carried him back to the mountain." A soldier next to him immediately cooperated.

Deser girl stared wide-eyed: "Then you think, how many devils will be required to pay for Tang Dagou's injury?"

"That guy is so good at marksmanship, what you said seems to make sense." Another soldier nodded.

There are still some naysayers: "That's not right, what do you mean by taking down the county? According to you, you haven't been bragging about your marksmanship all the time, so why don't you go and take down Meixian? "

"Have you seen this gun before?" The little girl didn't get angry, she smiled and took the upper gun from Xu Xiao who was pawning next to her.

The soldiers next to him had already noticed that the rifle in Xu Xiao's hand was different from others. Everyone knew that this strange looking rifle with a telescope must be a girl's new weapon, and no one dared to touch it.

Seeing that the girl brought it up on her own initiative, a soldier immediately stretched out his hand to look at it, but was slapped back.

"Let me tell you, this gun is very accurate. Of course, no one can do anything to him except me!"

"Shh, who are you bluffing?" There were disbelieving voices around, isn't it just a rifle, isn't it a rifle if you put a telescope on it?
Still the same bolt, same trigger?

(End of this chapter)

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