under fire

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

The mouth is dry and the tongue is dry, and the listening is not enough.

It was noon when the little girl sitting on the millstone repeated everything.

There are more than 100 numbers around.

Even the soldiers who participated in it in person were surrounded, and the other end was almost going up to the sky.

On the square in the south of the village, there was a loud noise from time to time. Wang Liujin's special agent platoon soldiers were teaching the recruits to ride bicycles!

There is no idle moment to vent the inexhaustible energy...

The forehead was sweating from the sun, and there was still a neat queue waiting.

"Your mother, you have to carry it with him. Wherever it falls, you can let the handle lean, oops." Before finishing speaking, there was a bang, and the two of them fell together.

"Oh, you idiot, hurry up, next one!" The special agent platoon soldier got up, kicked the two hundred and five asses, and yelled at the silly recruits lined up next to him.

A soldier ran forward excitedly
In the room.

Hu Yi looked at Zeng Nansheng: "Then arrange it like this. You are familiar with the situation here. You can arrange the work of the hiding people in the nearby villages. In addition, you can find a way to organize a group of people to come and cut trees!"

"Cut down trees? There is no shortage of firewood now. You mean to build a house for the winter?" Zeng Nansheng asked suspiciously.

"No, cut down trees and set up telephone lines."

"What? Put up a telephone line?" Zhang Yi next to him was taken aback.

"The sacks on those mule carts are full of iron wires. We are going to pull a telephone line from here to the blockade blockade." Hu Yi said unhurriedly.

"Ah?" Zhang Yi was stunned.

You, the security team, are the only ones who have played with this most advanced high-tech?It is said that even the teacher is not so rich, what is your trouble?
After all, this is the junction of the enemy and the enemy. If you pull the phone line, those traitors and lackeys will not see it. Do you still want to pull the phone line into the blockade ditch?Are you going to vote for the devil?
Hu Yi ignored Zhang Yi's jaw that fell to the ground.

Among the supplies brought by Lao Qin, there are also telephone lines, and they are planning to pull a line directly from the artillery tower at the foot of the mountain to the wine station on the side of the independent regiment!

Zhang Yi, who came back to his senses after a long while, picked up his chin and asked, "But, the 'wires' on the mule cart are not enough for the 30-mile road to the blockade ditch, right?"

"I don't know enough. Isn't it everywhere on the plain? Let's go get some at night and come back?"

"There's something I need to talk about." Zhang Yi followed suit.

"You said."

"Why did you pull the phone line to the blockhouse?" Zhang Yi asked warily.

"Well, I have to trouble your public security team. You know the gun tower coming from the main road. I want you to help replace all the security forces in Libai with ours!"

The idea is crazy!Zhang Yi was stunned again.

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn't speak, Hu Yi said, "In the eyes of the enemy, we are the security forces, right? Let's pull a telephone line over here, do you think there is a problem?"

"I don't think it's okay to use people to send messages. This is too ostentatious, isn't it? It seems that such a thing has never happened in our Eighth Route Army!"

"The Eighth Route Army didn't have armored vehicles before, so we still have them?" Hu Yi was a little dumbfounded.

"I have to report this to my superiors." Zhang Yi thought for a while.

"You don't need to bother to report this matter. This is a matter of our work team. You'd better not interfere!" Hu Yi suddenly looked a little ugly, and thought for a while: "Your superior is the Anti-Japanese Democratic Coalition Government, what do you think? .necessary for 'them' to know?"

"That's right, okay, I still have something to say." Zhang Yi also felt that it was wrong, the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

"You said."

"About Luo Fugui's killing of prisoners on the battlefield!" Zhang Yi paused: "It is said that this matter is not my responsibility, but he obviously violated discipline. How do you think this matter should be handled?" This matter was pressed in Zhang Yi's heart. like a rock.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. You should not know it in the end. If someone asks at that time, just say that it was my order!" Hu Yi replied decisively.

"Hey, that Company Commander Hu, I think it's best to report this matter. If it is found out in the future, no one can afford the consequences. Maybe it will destroy Platoon Commander Luo." Zhang Yi tried to persuade him.

"Do you think that under such circumstances, with so many enemies around, how can we have more people to watch over them? Besides, I have also heard that all the wounded are killed, so we have no choice."

"However, the obvious battle is over." Zhang Yi insisted.

"When did the battle end? The devils are still burning, killing, and looting on our land, and these vigilantes who are helping tigers are surrounding them." Hu Yi couldn't help but get angry.

"Don't be impatient with me. I'm doing this for the good of Chief Luo. If it's really found out, can you bear the consequences?" Zhang Yi couldn't help getting angry, so dumbfounded, I'm not lower than you!
"Why was it found out?" Hu Yi's eyes were piercing.

"Uh" Zhang Yi was stunned: "Well, since you insist on insisting, I reserve my opinion, and there is something I have to do a review, I..."

Hu Yi didn't give him a good look, although the reinforcements he invited from the security team said, "Don't be mother-in-law."

"I inquired about your Jiulian."

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"I mean. I didn't do this on purpose. I originally asked the police soldiers to ask some questions about you soldiers, but in the end I found out everything about your Ninth Company and the work team!" Zhang Yi smiled wryly.

"That's okay, just keep it secret."

"No, I've put all the soldiers who know the situation under surveillance. If the news leaks out, the consequences will be disastrous." Zhang Yi looked serious.

"It's not that serious. When has the devil been polite to us?"

"No, what I mean is that your Ninth Company's awareness of secrecy is too poor, and this aspect needs to be strengthened. If Company Commander Hu doesn't mind, I know some secrecy work, and I can help guide you on this matter."

"Awareness of secrecy?" Hu Yi had never considered this question before. He was startled and suddenly thought of the big-nosed sentry who had been a deserter in the regiment before. The pre-combat intention has long been known to the enemy.
Even the siege of the headquarters this time is related to the failure to keep secrets in place!

Although the person in front of me is not very polite, it seems that he should be a capable person!

"Thank you so much!" Hu Yi was not hypocritical.

"Don't thank me first, I'm also paying for my crimes." Zhang Yi smiled wryly, but he was also secretly happy that he could lead the team to train with Jiulian!Let's say, who doesn't want to improve their combat effectiveness to fight devils?
In the past, even if I was number one hundred and ten soldiers, I had to hide from the devils in the previous class when I saw them.

From the past of Jiulian, we know that they dared to attack a squadron of devils with one to one force. What a courage!
Not to mention that one platoon dared to hit the devil county!
"It would be great if you could come to our Jiulian!" Hu Yi squeezed out a smile.

"This is not going to happen. By the way, I have another problem." Zhang Yi said seriously.

"Please speak!" Hu Yi had black lines all over his head. The director really had a lot of questions, so he used "please" in his words.

"Our public security team wants to train with you, and we hope Lianchang Hu will be successful!"

"No problem." Hu Yi readily agreed.

"In addition, I think it's best not to pull the phone line. The so-called big tree attracts wind, and we don't need to be so conspicuous in front of the devils." Zhang Yi advised Hu Yi. In his opinion, although the phone line is important, it is nothing compared to a secret Development base is more important!
Zeng Nansheng who was next to him suddenly interrupted: "You guys have been arguing for a long time, and people can't get in the way. Then Xu Jinsheng sent someone to bring a telephone line to us. You can call us anytime!"

"Ah?" Hu Yi was stunned: "You mean, we can even save the phone line?"

"Really?" Zhang Yi's eyes also brightened. How good is this security force?I just mentioned this issue on my side, and the security forces took the initiative to send this great thing of a phone call to the door!

(End of this chapter)

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