under fire

Chapter 533 Confidentiality Drill

Chapter 533 Confidentiality Drill
Different times have different rules.

Some people have summed up that "dictatorship is needed in wartime, and democracy is needed in peacetime".

Director Zhang confidently left the headquarters compound of the security regiment.

After talking to Company Commander Hu, he realized that the combat troops did not have any secrecy system at all!
Such an important base of the security regiment is actually riddled with holes and loopholes everywhere. As for what is kept secret, few people know!
Not to mention what the object of confidentiality, principles, and measures are, it is impossible to talk about it!

The difficulty is greater than imagined. The independent group has stayed in the mountains for a long time and has little contact with the outside world. It is enough to stand on a guard and post a guard to guard against strangers. Therefore, it is understandable that there are no secrecy measures, but the struggle situation in the plains is completely different from that in the mountains. , traitors are running rampant, and if one is not careful, the whole army will be wiped out.

Therefore, he felt that the Ninth Company had to improve the confidentiality measures, because it was related to the safety of everyone in the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment!
He believes that he has the ability to change all this.

Therefore, after he came out of the headquarters, he directly asked the uninformed action captain to return to the Union County Government with the reinforcements.

Immediately call a meeting of several subordinates who know the situation of Jiulian.

The next work is not complicated, first arrange all the newly recruited security forces to the cottage, and then catch a few who are not strict with their mouths as models, and carry out public education.

The most important thing is absolutely not to let the news that the security regiment was replaced by the Eighth Route Army leak out!
Hu Yi immediately started to arrange the mixed formation of the troops. Anyway, it was a veteran of the Ninth Company and an recruited veteran. Not only did they sleep, but they even had to go to the bathroom together.

If spies have been infiltrated in Jiulianli, then cut off the spies from the outside world!
The police patrol suddenly appeared in the village, and the soldiers of the Ninth Company were confused, but ignored it.

The work of reorganization was first carried out in the village.

Two veterans who were about to go out to change their posts were walking out of the village with their guns on their backs.

The two were chattering excitedly while walking, and a guard at the entrance of the village saluted and suddenly said, "Can you shut your mouths?"

The two people who were talking turned their heads to look around, and found that it was an unremarkable-looking soldier from the public security team and a soldier from the secret service platoon on duty at the entrance of the village.

Usually, there are dark time whistles at the entrance of the village, and they are all outside the village. This is the first time I have seen a clear whistle at the entrance of the village in broad daylight!

The soldier from the public security team stared at the two of them with a gloomy face, and the special agent platoon was winking at the two of them and shaking their heads.

"Never mind your business." A veteran squinted his eyes slightly, not quite understanding the meaning of the secret service's deployment, and even more dismissive of the soldier from the public security team.

The Gongzi soldiers did not back down: "What I said... you'd better keep it in your heart!"

"I remember your grandma!"

"You have to be responsible for your words. Of course, in order to attract your attention, I think you can take a day off!"

"Rest? Your tone of bad public security team is really affecting me to change the whistle and I will kill you." The two veterans who were talking about the little girl talking about the process of fighting devils in the morning on the way out of the village, went out this time and sacrificed a few more comrades in arms. I was in a bad mood at first, but now someone interrupted the conversation, and I immediately got angry: "What kind of bird is here? Why don't you stay cool!"

Another soldier next to him directly rolled up his sleeves: "What are you looking at, get out of here, you are a bad public security soldier who dares to go to Jiulian to act wildly, and you dare to tell me to shut up, are you looking for a smoke?"

The public security soldier did not get angry, and looked at the two calmly: "Then don't blame me for being rude!"

After finishing speaking, he waved to the side, and the soldier in the special agent platoon looked embarrassed, directly raised his gun, and pointed at the feet of the two of them.

The two soldiers squinted slightly, a little dumbfounded. The secret service platoon and the Ninth Company were so good that they could wear a pair of trousers. They didn't speak, but shot their guns. This was a naked provocation!

No matter how you say it, you are staying on your own territory. What kind of thing is your public security team?Your spy arranges a guy who eats inside and outside, and I will deal with you later!
"Give me the two guns!" The public security team directly ordered the secret agents to line up!

"You" the two veterans were about to fight back, but they suddenly stopped moving.

Because, a small pigtail was protruding from the roof where the two soldiers stood guard, and they were watching the scene below with a smile on the roof.

A soldier patrolling outside the village happened to turn to the entrance of the village. When he saw this scene, his eyes lit up: "Haha, I caught two undisciplined idiots again. I think the confinement room is almost full!"

The two veterans who had been shot were buzzing in their heads. Because they had to change the whistle, they had just woken up, so they didn't participate in the reorganization of the company.

She had no choice but to look at Xiao Hongying with a mournful face.

Unexpectedly, the girl on the roof didn't know what medicine she took wrongly this time, she didn't care about it, stood up from the roof, jumped directly from the two-person high roof, patted the dust on her clothes, and was about to leave.

"Girl, what's going on, you're bullying our Jiulian, and you don't care about it?" A veteran couldn't help but hurriedly said.

"Hey, I can't control your big mouth, can I? Go to the confinement room and stay there, Director Zhang is lecturing there!"

After hearing the girl's words, the two soldiers did not dare to speak again, so they had to follow the spies to the confinement room next to the village headquarters.

Leave the entrance of the village and go to the village.

The two veterans quickly approached the special agent platoon escorting them: "Brother, it's not good for you to do this?"

"Oh, what's not so good?"

"Which game is this playing? Until now, I haven't figured out which one I've committed?"

The secret agent thought about it for a while: "The company is working on keeping secrets, so I will remember it, don't ask what shouldn't be asked, don't say what shouldn't be said, understand?"

"This? Didn't Secretary Su tell you all about it before? Besides, we didn't ask anything, did we?"

"It is not allowed to talk about military secrets at ordinary times!"

"Hey, the conscience of heaven and earth, even one of us doesn't know what we are talking about. Can this be considered a secret?"

"The people in the public security team don't know about it?" the special agent platoon suddenly asked triumphantly.

"Uh..." The veteran was stunned: "But they stay here and don't leave, so can't we talk?"

"I just want to let you know the confidentiality measures. Wait a moment, you go to the confinement room to study the regulations, and you will understand what can be said and what can't be said!"

"Ah? In our station, what can't you say? Even if you want to learn, you have to be notified first, right? You are a surprise attack and play tricks. I think you do it like this. We probably have to catch almost all of us!" "The old soldier was upset, and he was really not reconciled: "Speaking of which, I have to change the whistle. If you delay the important events in the company, be careful, I will beat you!"

The secret agent platoon didn't care about the veteran's threat: "Hey, you really should take care of your big mouth. There are only a few people in the public security team, and they turned our ninth company's old bottom upside down in one afternoon. Do you think we are here? How long can we keep the secret? If the devil finds out that our Nine Company is here, what do you think will happen?"

"You poor spy platoon, you always talk about the word 'Our Nine Company', and you don't even look at your ugly face! Can you be called Nine Company? I'm ashamed of you!" Veteran Without answering his rhetorical question, he quickly caught the loophole in his mouth and sneered.

The secret agent platoon blushed: "You leaked my identity as a special agent platoon, at least three more days of detention!"

"Let's tell your grandma, there are only three of us here, who should I tell?" The veteran immediately became angry and his voice became higher.

There was a plop, dust was flying, and a soldier slid down from the broken roof next to him. He looked at the three and smiled triumphantly: "Hey, grab two more, you two idiots, do you really think there is no one around here?"

"Are you free to do something? What are you doing on the roof?" The old soldier was a little confused.

"Hey, I can't say it!" The soldier patted the ashes on his body, walked up to the two veterans, and muttered softly: "Practice!"

After finishing speaking, he regained his calm expression, walked along the base of the wall to the gate of the yard, and knocked on the door.

After the door was opened, another unknown soldier came out of the room. Judging by his appearance, he should be a new soldier recruited by the security regiment during this period of time!
Together, the two immediately spread their legs along the wall and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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