under fire

Chapter 534: Village Entrance Scene 1

Chapter 534 The scene at the entrance of the village

When the sun was about to set, a team was on the trail out of the mountain.

Seeing that they were not far from the station, the soldiers were very excited. Even after driving for half a day, they still talked and laughed along the way.

Rather than saying that the security forces were repulsed, it would be better to say that the security forces retreated on their own initiative.

In any case, it is a good thing that the enemy is gone and the base area is back in our hands.

middle of the line.

Under the military cap, there was a flushed face with a white neck, short neck-length hair shaking from side to side, and fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

The graceful military uniform is full of chest.

After walking such a long mountain road, but for some reason, she didn't feel tired even though her legs were a little sore.

The wide-browed and narrow-eyed face flashed across my mind, and for some reason, I suddenly thought of him.

Sending someone to inform Jiulian to come to help, she knew that the main force of Jiulian had gone to the plains, so it was impossible for him to show up.

She told herself in her heart: The retreat of the security forces must have something to do with him, so he must be back!

He is a fighting machine, he can always defeat the enemy, even if he goes on missions in the plains, he will definitely come back smoothly.

He should be back!
The autumn mountain wind was cool, and the bushes in the valley rustled, insects buzzed all around, and the sound of footsteps and equipment hitting the body was endless.

Suddenly the cheers of soldiers came from ahead, and the smoke from the village below the mountain was already seen.

She finally calmed down and stopped thinking about him...

I began to think about the reasons why the security forces came this time. The security regiment developed a base in the quasi-security area. In addition to fighting against the enemy, they also had to fight against those traitors who wanted glory.

The task of armed work has just begun.


Hu Yi sat on a rock under a big tree in the north of the village to enjoy the shade, occasionally looking up at the mountain road to the west.

Xiao Hongying and Luo Fugui squatted on the ground beside Hu Yi.

On the ground, a "county town" was built with soil, and two people, one big and one young, were fighting indiscriminately inside and outside the "county town".

Chen Chong ran over from the village to the side of the three of them: "Company Commander, these soldiers are all our own, do they need to learn the secrecy regulations?"

"Do you have an opinion?" Hu Yi was expressionless.

Standing behind the girl, Chen Chong took his hat and fanned the wind: "I think it's enough for the recruits to learn. Sun Yi is doing this round of drills and eavesdropping everywhere. Half of our company's soldiers were arrested by him and locked up. I think he This is purely making trouble, er, I am not against him engaging in secrecy training, but this is too much, it seems as if our soldiers will definitely defect as long as they are captured by the enemy."

Hu Yi turned his head and glanced at Chen Chong: "If you are captured by the enemy, will you rebel?"

Chen Chong was stunned for a moment: "Caught by the enemy? Even if our soldiers run out of bullets and fight with bayonets, it is impossible for our soldiers to surrender!"

"What if you were stunned by enemy shells and captured?"

"Even if I'm captured, I'll still kill the devils. Killing one is enough, killing two is enough!" Chen Chong's tone was a little excited, and he turned his head to look at Luo Fugui: "Do you think so?"

"Your grandma, what are you asking me for!" Luo Fugui cast Chen Chong a glance.

"I mean if you are captured by the enemy, you will definitely surrender!"

"I voted for your grandma, don't you know about fake surrender?" Luo Fugui glanced at Hu Yi with a guilty conscience, and muttered: "Didn't Boss Hu pretend to be a detective team and voted for devils?"

Hu Yi had black lines all over his head, and turned his head: "Girl, what do you think about conducting secret drills?"

With braids on his head, he kept a close eye on the enemy's layout in the county seat on the ground, without raising his head at all: "Secrecy work has to be done, a sheep's head got into our regiment, and the whole regiment suffered heavy losses. Under the nose, as soon as the news leaks out, the devils will hit the door of the house in half a day!"

"That's right, the intelligence work needs to be strengthened. You see, Lao Zhou has been in Pingyuan for several days. We don't know anything except for a letter!" It's a rare and serious addition.

"What else do you want to say?" Hu Yi was neatly dressed and sitting upright.

"No, Wang Liujin is following Zhang Yi as a follower, arresting people everywhere in the village, making a mess!" Chen Chong thought for a while.

"Is everything arranged in the cottage?"

"All arrangements have been made. One wounded man died today. He Gensheng is busy on the mountain. He plans to carry all the wounded soldiers down tomorrow. The mountain lacks water, and the wounded have to scrub their bodies. It is not good for them to stay on the mountain."

"The veterans and the recruits are all arranged?"

"It's been arranged, that is, I think those recruited security forces should know our details!"

"Then you still think there is something wrong with Director Zhang's arrangement?"

Are we not going back to the mountains?Chen Chong finally plucked up the courage to ask the question he had always wanted to ask.

In his opinion, the Eighth Route Army should stay in the mountains and leave the troops in the mountains. Can it still be called the Eighth Route Army?

Hu Yi was stunned by this question.

That's right, everyone was used to staying in the mountains before, and many soldiers brought out from the mountains are not very used to this kind of life.

No matter how poor the mountains are, there is no shortage of water!
On the plains, not to mention washing face and laundry, even drinking water is difficult.

"Mule, you've been playing for so long, I think it's impossible for you to put all your soldiers on the city wall." Chen Chong was attracted by the offensive and defensive battle between the two of them in the county.

Luo Fugui, who had been exposed, became angry with embarrassment: "Your grandma's, you haven't even seen the county town, you have the ability, come here!"

"Who said I haven't seen it? I have been to Meixian several times! Let me tell you, you can't beat this, don't you know how to escape?"

"Escape from your grandma. There are armored vehicles, warehouses, and big restaurants in Laozi County. Can you escape?"

"So this house in your county is a roast chicken shop? I thought it was the headquarters?" Chen Chong suddenly realized.

Not long after, Ma Liang ran over again and saw the four great gods greeting immediately: "Hey, are you all there?"

"You don't go to train the recruits assigned to you, what are you doing here?" Luo Fugui's defeat was decided, he had lost interest in chasing and beating the little girl, and turned his head to look badly at Ma Liang who came running over.

"Brother, I think, what the chief said really makes sense." Ma Liang reported solemnly.

"Uh, what really makes sense? Let's hear it." Hu Yi raised his brows.

"I think... As a combat force, although we have been emphasizing combat effectiveness and the soldiers are proud of having a good gun, I think we really need some people to do other things..."

"Go ahead." Hu Yi nodded.

"For example, in the cooking class, it is already very difficult for them to carry those pots and pans and food. If they carry more than a dozen catties of guns and ammunition, it is really difficult for them. Moreover, every time they go to the battlefield, they are also the last ones."

"Haha, your grandma, you dare to say that about the cooking class? I don't think Wang Xiaosan will kill you." Luo Fugui fanned the flames and gloated.

"I just think that our team should be divided like the regiment headquarters, with special personnel responsible for ordnance, food, sanitation, and enemy workers. Of course, there are special people in charge of money!" Ma Liang put forward his own ideas, and added another sentence : "Money must be managed in a unified way!".

"What did you say?" Luo Fugui next to him turned his nose up when he heard that there was someone in charge of money, and yelled at Ma Liang: "He can scare even a broken public security team? Why are you following him blindly?" coax?"

"Hey, this is also for the development and growth of our Jiulian!" Ma Liang refused to budge.

"Then why are you targeting me?" Luo Fugui looked hostile.

"When did I target you?" Ma Liang said solemnly, "Mule. I'll tell you clearly. I already knew about your private gold bars. This year's severe drought has starved so many people to death. Haven't you seen it? What? Now that our team is short of money to buy food, you don't want to hide it anymore!" Ma Liang immediately sold Luo Fugui.

"Where did you see that I have gold bars?" The mule said with a guilty conscience but was confident.

"Mule, do you still remember how your mother died?" Hu Yi who was next to him suddenly said.

 Thanks to the canned fish, the confrontation person, the source of the river, and several 9507, 1989, 7775 brothers for the rewards, they deserve it

(End of this chapter)

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