under fire

Chapter 535 Excited to faint

Chapter 535 Excited to faint

"Here we come, we're back!" a soldier shouted on the mountain bag next to him.

Three pairs of binoculars were immediately placed on the eye frames, and they wandered around to aim at the mountain road to the west, but found nothing.

"Hey, you have to go up to see it!" The sentinel on the mountain waved to the four people below and shouted again.

No one cares about him.

Luo Fugui took advantage of the moment when the little girl stood up, and quickly trampled the "county town" on the ground to pieces with his big feet, then lay back directly, took a long breath, and looked at the sky full of sunset.

Hu Yi put down the binoculars, paced back and forth, hesitated a few times, and finally held back, not going west to meet him.

The two leading soldiers first appeared in the field of vision. When they saw the four masters of the Nine Company on the road in the distance, they hurried forward: "Report to the company commander, hehe, why are you here?"

"I'm back." Only Ma Liang replied.

The four people, including Ma Liang, didn't even look at the two of them. The vanguard shrank his neck and quickly stood behind the four of them, grabbing the water bottle and pouring it into his mouth.

The vanguard soldiers who were ignored did not dare to speak indiscriminately. They looked at each other, and one of them hurriedly reported in a low voice: "That. Commander Sun and the others will be here soon!"

It was boring, and the soldier was not annoyed, so he stretched his neck to look around.

The tired team finally appeared, and the leading soldiers stopped and quickened their pace when they saw a few people at the entrance of the village.

After hesitating for a moment, he quickly gave up his position at the head of the team and let Sun Youshang go to the front.

Sun Youshang's eyes lit up, and he immediately fastened the buttons of his open military uniform one by one, and straightened his military cap.

The team quickened their pace.

Hu Yizai saw that beautiful figure as soon as he appeared from the corner of the mountain road, and a smile quickly appeared on his calm face.

She in the team also saw him at the entrance of the village at a glance.

It's useless to say that lovesickness is useless, but melancholy is madness.

Hu Yi suddenly felt extremely calm, and everything around him seemed to be moving away. He used to laugh at himself secretly that he was in deep pain in the past, but now it disappeared.

Pretending to be calm and narrow eyes, with joy, suddenly felt a little swollen in the head, it should be blood rushing to the head, bit the tip of the tongue, forced the spirit, and felt that the soul was floating.

"Oh, the company commander has woken up!" A voice ran out of the house with joy.

Hu Yi heard the voice running away, and then a burst of intensive footsteps came.

Feeling head swelling and body pain, it is difficult to open your eyes, the blurry roof gradually becomes clear, trying to recall everything that happened.

"Fox, you finally woke up!" The little girl's joyful voice came.

Hu Yi quickly turned his head and looked around, and immediately found her standing at the door, just looking at each other, but was blocked by the girl who ran in. The figure at the door seemed to be blushing, turned around and left without entering the door.

Withdrawing his gaze: "Girl, what's wrong with me?"

"Hey, some people fainted when they saw some people!"

Hu Yi recalled the scene before he passed out, it was too embarrassing: "Hey, I guess I fell asleep because I was too tired, I still have a headache!"

Coming in with the girl, He Gensheng who was at the bedside suddenly said, "Mr. Hu's pulse is normal and beating strongly. It is estimated that he has not slept for three consecutive days and three nights. He is sleepy!"

"Your grandma, when did you learn to feel the pulse?" The big and thick bear next to him immediately sneered.

"I, Dr. Wu, told me!" He Yaosheng got up while collecting the guy.

"Doctor Wu? Don't you mean the youngest Wu from Beiwang Village in the east?"

"So what?" He Gensheng asked calmly.

"It is said that five out of ten patients who have been treated by him will die. Then that idiot who is called 'doctor half-dead' will feel the pulse?"

"Then what's the matter? I've asked all the questions. All the patients he died were terminally ill. Usually, little patients are not allowed to look at them." He didn't know how to use that thing, but he had seen people use it before, and anyway, he stuffed it into Hu Yi's chest.

He found this advanced medical equipment among the odds and ends that Luo Fugui brought back last night.

"Your grandma, let's talk about it, no matter what the disease is, he takes two medicines! One medicine for men and one medicine for women. It's strange if he can cure the disease!"

"The fox just woke up, what are you two arguing about? Get lost!" The little girl became more and more outrageous after listening to these two bastards.

Seeing that Hu Yi was fine, the spectators in the house immediately turned around and ran away.

Li Youcai was sitting in a chair by the window on the second floor of Chunxiu Building, when he heard the sound of warblers and swallows outside.

When the door opened, Li Youcai didn't bother to look back, knowing that Li Weiwei had gone upstairs: "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, second brother is mighty, this Chunxiu building has been changed to Li."

Li Youcai looked out the window in a daze: "If you fart, let it go!".

Li Weiwei smiled flatteringly and closed the door, pulled off the police cap and hung it on the coat hook on the wall of the room, put an oiled paper bag in his hand on the table, pulled up a stool and rubbed against Li Youcai and sat by the window, lowering his voice: " Second brother, look, I brought you another roast chicken, hey, try it, it’s still warm."

"I can't afford not to go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, and to be courteous for nothing!"

"Hey, second brother, what you said is really good..."

"The more you mess around, the less promising you are! You came here early in the morning."

"Can this compare with you?" Li Wei immediately hit the snake with a stick: "Second brother, you can see clearly!"

"Are you hurting me and are you planning to dig a hole for me? Then I have to give dates to you two?"

"Second brother, I really didn't intend to trick you last time. Who knew that Li Yong's mother-in-law would trouble you?" Li Weiwei quickly finished his explanation, and changed the subject: "You and Jin's mother opened this Japanese girl business Not bad!"

"Early in the morning, you're going to vent your fire, go by yourself, and I'll be the one to blame!"

Li Weiwei didn't pick up on this, and still smiled obsequiously: "It doesn't matter if the Japanese mother's door is closed, but the voice is different, hey, I have a good deal here!"

"Well, it's rare for me to have a few days of leisure and no time for business!"

"Tax collection!"

This word finally surprised Li Youcai. He turned his head to look at Li Weiwei, blinked his eyes for a long time, and his face was gloomy: "I told you last time, don't meddle in the matter of the detective team, you want to wait for me to tell you Do you collect the body?"

Li Wei quickly moved his head closer: "Top-secret news, Nanfang Balu fought a big battle with the Japanese, have you heard?"

"Top secret? You mean that Eight Routes took down Hua County?"

"You know this too? After this battle, the imperial army stepped up the blockade of supplies. Now the blockade we dug has also played a role. According to a brother in the southern stronghold, the detective team set up a checkpoint there to collect taxes. , that money was taken softly!" Li Weiwei's voice was inaudible.

Li Youcai slapped Li Weiwei on the head: "Do you remember what I told you last time?"

"Second brother, you are a hero if you know the current affairs. If we find a chance to kill Shen, the detective team will be your world, and I am in the police force. What?!"

"I really didn't see it, when did you have such big ideals?" Li Youcai narrowed his eyes slightly: "Do you think the good things in this world can fall on our heads so easily?"

"Second brother, look, you built the blockhouse, but it all fell into the hands of the surname Shen. He set up a card to collect tax money, but what about your share!"

"Since when did you lose money?"

"Hey, that's what my uncle meant. The Battalion Commander Wang of the Security Army sent someone to find my uncle, saying that this guy surnamed Shen eats too much alone, and he doesn't even pay taxes on his goods, so he is going to get rid of him." , hold you up."

Li Youcai thought for a while: "Li Youde is really advanced, and his hands are long enough. If you are willing to listen to the second brother, don't meddle in this matter!"

"That's what the second sister-in-law meant." Li Weiwei blinked and looked at the dog traitor.

"What second sister-in-law?" Li Youcai was stunned.

"This is the eldest sister-in-law here, isn't Lin Xiu the second sister-in-law?" Li Weiwei pointed with a terrified expression on his face.

"If you get involved again, you won't even know how you died!" Li Youcai reprimanded him sternly.

"Second brother, it's easy to get on the boat, but it's hard to get off the boat. Speaking of these years, if I really don't have a backer, sooner or later I, the captain of the police force, will be blacked out by the action team!" Li Wei quickly explained.

"Let me tell you, you don't eat your next meal. You really care about family and state affairs." Of course Li Youcai knew that Li Weiwei, like Lin Xiu, had joined the action team a long time ago, but he didn't care much, just like him. It's like stepping on a few boats. In troubled times, those who live well have no two paths.

"Second brother, this order was given to the second sister-in-law."

"I'll arrange for you to go back to your hometown tomorrow. We can't get involved in this matter, do you understand? Maybe we all have to be buried together."

Li Youcai suddenly figured out some details.

 Thank you Hanjiang Chuxue for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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