under fire

Chapter 536

Chapter 536

Not long after the sun rose, a figure dressed as a commoner ran up a hillside quickly, lay down and looked northward.

Under the morning sun with morning mist, there are familiar ruins of villages on the hillside in the distance.

In the newly harvested crops outside the village, not even a single villager was seen.

Not long after, another figure came up to the top of the slope, but it was a well-dressed Eighth Route Army soldier.

"what's the situation?"

"There is a situation. There were people in this village when I came last time, but now I don't see anyone!"

"Well, you go and have a look first."

The people dressed up carefully retreated down the hillside and joined the vanguard team at the bottom of the hillside behind.

"Report to the battalion commander, there may be a situation in the village ahead!" It was Wang Pengying who came, and the supplementary team received a request from the security team for help. For some reason, the team came too late.

After a short time, the two left the team, each carrying a basket of herbs, and hurried from the road towards the northeast village.

The brigade of the rear company did not hide under the hillside, time was running out, and they had to march during the day!

The vanguard walking in front looked at the village that was getting closer and closer in front of him, and the two of them looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong!

The village is too quiet.

Although they already knew that the Ninth Company had inserted into the supplementary regiment's defense area, the vanguard soldiers were only happy. Together with the battalion commander, they had been dealing with the Ninth Company for a long time.

"Squad leader, could it be that we came late, and the security team was wiped out by the security forces?" a leading soldier couldn't help asking.

The squad leader frowned slightly: "Don't talk, let's pretend that we are passing by, and continue walking east after passing the village."

As pioneers, they must be bold and cautious. The two strode away on the small road more than a hundred meters away from the south of the village, as if they didn't care about the situation in the village.

The squad leader's idea was very simple. The two of them came here blatantly. If there were security forces in the village, they must have discovered it long ago. Keep a distance from the village. Even if there are security forces in the village, they may not be able to hit you.

It was already daylight, but the village was still silent.

"I'll go in and have a look first, you're in charge of the cover!" After finishing speaking, the squad leader threw the basket on his back on the ground, pulled his legs and ran into the village.

He felt that even if there were people in the village, the direction of defense should be the brigade behind the southwest. Even if there were people here, there must not be many.

A hundred meters away, after more than ten seconds, the squad leader rushed into the village.

Just after turning over a courtyard wall, a voice suddenly came out of the courtyard: "Stop, don't move, raise your hand immediately, or I won't recognize anyone with a gun!"

"Don't shoot, your own?" The voice startled the squad leader, but he was still calm and composed. He was wearing common people's clothes.

"My own? What the hell are you doing? Be honest!" The people in the house didn't plan to come out at all, and the muzzles of two black holes were placed by the window.

"What are you guys doing?" The squad leader raised his hand. He planned to admit that he was a security force first. The Eighth Route Army had a tradition of surrendering their guns and not killing them. It would not be too late to reveal their identities at that time.

"I ask you, how dare you ask me? You don't want to live anymore, do you?" A gun was put away in the room, and a figure appeared in the security uniform.

"Uh, I'm delivering a letter to the security forces!" The squad leader immediately said the words he had thought up.

"Hey, it turned out to be a friendly army. First put that guy on your back on the ground, and he is actually wearing ordinary clothes." The little soldier who came out of the room paused: "Hey, I think you look familiar."

The person on the ground also looked at the person in front of him who was wearing the military uniform of the Security Force, but this person had changed into a military uniform. However, Jiulian is only a small person, and he can get into an armored vehicle. The memory is deep, and he suddenly remembered: "Are you a monkey? "

"Damn, what part are you from?"

"Hey, I belong to Wang Penglian!" The squad leader on the ground quickly replied.

"Uh..." Houzi finally remembered that not long ago we had fought a devil together, although we were not very familiar with this person.

I have been a thief before, and my memory is not bad. I seem to have seen this guy: "What are you doing sneaking into the village?"

"Didn't your security team ask for help? We are here to reinforce!" The squad leader got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body: "Didn't your Ninth Company stay on the plain? Why are you back so soon?"

"We have driven the road for three days and our ninth company now has bicycles. Is the marching speed comparable to that of you bumpkins in the mountains?" Monkey replied proudly.


Half an hour later, Wang Penglian arrived at the village south of the security regiment's station.

Just arrived at the entrance of the village, a 27-year-old young man rushed over after receiving the news, stood at the entrance of the village, and stretched out his big hand to Wang Peng: "Let me introduce, my surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Yi. I am temporarily in charge of the security team's security work!"

"Director Zhang?" Zhang Yi had never met Wang Peng, but he had heard of the director: "Why are you here?"

Everyone used to belong to the supplementary group, but this time, for some reason, they all ran to the independent group.

"Hey, do you know me?" Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment, then approached Wang Peng and said in a low voice: "Let's talk about business first, you should explain to your comrades immediately, and don't tell anyone that this is the station of the Jiulian Company. Ask, just say it is the station of the security team!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Peng was suddenly alert.

"It's not interesting. This is the defense area of ​​the security regiment under the Security Force. Do you understand?"

"Uh, okay!" Wang Peng casually put his hand on the holster, the newly acquired speed machine has not opened yet.

Could it be that the security forces really took down the security regiment incorporated by the Ninth Company? Could it be that this director also voted for the enemy?

"Hey, don't be nervous, and don't look at me with that look. I know the relationship between you and Jiulian very well. Company Commander Hu will come over in a while. This time I have to humiliate you!" Zhang Yi seemed to have seen through Wang Peng. Thoughts, explained immediately.

Wang Peng looked at Director Zhang with some doubts, and asked in a low voice: "Isn't the security team incorporated by the Jiulian Company? What's going on?"

On the road north of the village, more than a dozen bicycles were heading south on the bumpy road.

The sharp-eyed soldier next to him immediately looked at the braid behind a certain figure, and immediately shouted, "Girl!"

"Shut up!" Wang Peng scolded.

After a while, the little girl jumped off the back seat of the bicycle behind Hu Yi.

Hu Yi put the bicycle into the hands of the soldiers next to him, took two steps forward, and suddenly smiled: "Your reinforcements came slowly enough this time!"

Wang Peng stretched out his hand and shook Hu Yi: "Haha, I thought you didn't come back from Pingyuan. I really didn't expect you to come back so soon! You're a shotgun!"

"Hey, Wang Peng, you two are so close, how did you get here?"

Knowing Xiao Hongying's position in Jiulian, Wang Peng was a little frustrated: "Look at what you said, if the advance team hadn't been found in the mountains, we would have arrived long ago!"

When the little girl heard it, she immediately blew up: "What? You found the advance team again? Where? What's going on?"

"A group of spies entered the mountain disguised as an eight-way team. After being discovered by the militiamen, they exchanged fire. After we got the news, the whole regiment was dispatched. But these guys are really strong enough to fight, so I let them slip away."

"Sneaked? Where did you go?" The little girl suddenly changed the topic: "No, how could the militiamen find out about the advancing team?"

"Since the headquarters was attacked, the division has strengthened its defenses, and the militiamen are all careful. During this time, our troops are responding to mass production, and there is no troop transfer. Those who don't work are all carrying guns. What else can they do?" people?"

"Ah? Those who dare not to work are suspected?" The little girl didn't know why she talked so much, and she didn't even interrupt Hu Yi: "Company Commander Wang, you have been traveling all night and haven't eaten yet, right?"

He used to call Wang Peng by his first name directly, but this time he was called to the position for some reason, but he demoted Wang Peng by one level, and without waiting for Wang Peng to answer, he immediately turned to his follower Xu Xiao : "Go get them something to eat immediately!"

Hu Yi next to him had time to meet Wang Peng. The two men seemed to have nothing to say.

Hu Yi didn't talk much, and he was a little embarrassed when he fainted yesterday.

While lying on the bed pretending to have a headache, he finally figured something out. If he hadn't heard Wang Peng coming this time, he wouldn't want to get up at all.

But Director Zhang took out his trump card: the location of Jiulian must be kept secret, and Wang Penglian knows too many people in Jiulian, so it is inevitable that news will be leaked.

That's why I had to get up, followed Director Zhang who had set off first, and rushed to the station to meet Wang Peng in the village to the south.

However, the sun in the sky today is really beautiful.

Sun on the body warm.

Although there is no one in the wilderness, it feels like the sky is high and birds can fly.

As for Wang Peng's discovery of the advancing team, it was in the mountains, so what do you care about yourself?

This chapter is over.

Two days of extra work on weekends.
Talking about the recommendation, the military is the most unpopular, and the few people who read it can’t blame the brothers. Looking at the top ones, most of them are crossing and cultivating immortals.

There is not much market for our kind of articles, not because no one writes them, but it is difficult to pass the review.

Let’s talk about recommendations: history, the highest recommendation is more than 20 a week, and the highest military recommendation is more than 4000. Our Jiulian only has [-] a week!

More than 100 a day, including the brothers who contributed half of the four big brothers.

Of course, one vote is fine, the first five hundred chapters, anyway, I haven't asked for a vote
So, please deserters, start reading next time, sign in every day, and vote for a recommendation (it doesn't cost money).

Of course, if you can subscribe, let's rush together
By the way, the overall military ranking has reached No.80.

I have the confidence to surpass those crossing classes.
What about the deserters?

 Thanks for the rewarding brothers, I will make a special trip to thank you another day.

  Let me tell you another secret, this book does not have the "full" version of the ban, because it's back to Xianda.

(End of this chapter)

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