under fire

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

The advance team appeared in the north of Qingshan Village, and the news quickly spread to the independent group.

The whole regiment was mobilized immediately, and most of the harvested grain was transported to Sanjiaji. The soldiers of the three companies in a row left a main platoon, and the rest went into battle. Two posts and four posts guarded the major intersections.

After the autumn harvest, things were relatively free, and the militiamen were also organized to take turns to guard the trails in and out of the mountain day and night.

Everyone knows that the advancing team is so powerful that even Hu Yi almost died in their hands!

Therefore, no one takes it lightly. There is only one mobilization for the whole group this time. Once you find a team with more than 30 people in action, don't make a fuss!

Either wait for the team to go far away, or quietly report to the regiment relay before the team arrives.

In the big tent of the wine station.

"...This time the action is so big, even the slightly wounded volunteered, I don't believe that he can fly into the sky with his advancing team!" Tuanzhang Lu said while studying the map carefully.

"What if the advance team has already left the mountain?" The political commissar sitting next to him looked at the documents and guessed every possibility.

Head Lu didn't raise his head: "It's unlikely, even if they know the path that Jiulian often takes, but if they really go out overnight, it's impossible for the eyeliner we arranged in the gun tower not to know!"

The political commissar looked at the document in his hand: "Alas... this day and night defense, when will it be big!"

"We have found the place where they last appeared. You see, it is only twenty miles away from us. Think about it, if their target is us, how dangerous would it be?"

"But where did they go?" The political commissar glanced at the map, not very familiar with it, so it was difficult to speak.

"Hey, since he's here in the poor mountain valley of our independent regiment, we have to give him some eye drops, right?" Head Lu changed the subject: "Since he doesn't like us, let's play dirty with them, Lao Tzu Don't let them capsize in the gutter this time, I will."

"It's okay, what do you do? Do you want to change your surname to Song?"

"Hey, how can you, the political commissar, talk like that in front of this great enemy?" Head Lu raised his head: "You went to talk to Captain Liu again?"

"Hey, forget it with your dog's mouth, have you ever thought about it, devils frequently appear in Taihang South District, who will their target be?"

Head Lu didn't think about it at all: "Of course it's our division headquarters. Last time the devils raided the headquarters, uh, they also found our division headquarters. Fortunately, the division headquarters moved three hours in advance. Hehe, this devil must not be reconciled, but they I can really think, most likely want to kill the carbine!"

"It's been almost half a year, and I returned the carbine, thank you for thinking it out!"

"As long as their target is the division headquarters, the large army of devils can only encircle the mountain from the east and west at the same time. As long as we have a solid defense on the road from outside the mountain to here and to the supplementary regiment, other than raids, other than raids, he wants to There is no door to enclose!"

"You are so inflated that you think you can defend against the devils on the East Road with the independent regiment?" Ding Deyi shook his head: "I think, to be on the safe side, we still have to gather back the troops we released."

"It's hard for us to occupy a foothold in the plain. Don't you, the political commissar, feel it's a pity to withdraw people now?"

"We don't need to withdraw all the people. You have also seen the current development momentum of the Ninth Company and the Second Company. Leave some people in the plains and withdraw the main force?" the political commissar suggested.

"We only have two companies, where's the main force?"

"Two companies? Now Guangjiu Company is almost forming a group! You are still laughing." The political commissar couldn't help laughing: "Winter will always come back after spring! If it weren't for the drought, in my opinion, We can still develop and develop”

"What you said made me feel a lot better!" Captain Lu dropped the pencil, pulled the tea mug from the table, and brought it to his mouth.


"Report!" The guard's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in!"

It was the division correspondent who came, followed behind the guards, rushed into the big tent of the Independence Regiment, gasping for breath: "Report to Commander Lu, Political Commissar Ding, there is an urgent dispatch from the division!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully took out a document from his pocket and handed it to Captain Lu with both hands.

Head Lu immediately picked up half of the pencil and signed for it. The correspondent turned around with a salute, trotted out of the tent, and followed the guard who brought him in to the kitchen.

"Look, we're showing our faces this time!" Head Lu handed Ding Deyi the page of orders from the division that he had just read.

Continue to the second page by yourself

"Show your face? Say what?"

"The division received a report from the supplementary regiment and immediately asked all ministries to strengthen their defenses. At the same time, they really asked for local troops to be transferred into the mountains!" Regimental Commander Lu made a fool of himself, but couldn't help but smile all over his face.

"Why are you in a hurry, and you didn't transfer our independent group!" Political Commissar Ding read halfway, and then continued to look down: "Oh, the sixth school starts early? The school is located in our independent group? The teacher is scheduled to come over next month to prepare? "

"Hey, how proud do you say this is?"

The political commissar frowned: "Don't be too happy, the troops from the plain are going into the mountains, and the school is also set up in our independent regiment. How do we deal with the food?"

"What's the rush? Let's make preparations in advance. Such a major event has caught up with our independent group. What a face. How dare you ask the teacher for food?"

"There is a severe drought this year, and there are so many refugees outside the mountains. If another army comes from the plain, what will we do with the food?" The political commissar is worried and wants to scold your mother. Vinegar is expensive.

"Don't we have a big local tyrant in our hands?" Captain Lu reminded.

"You mean Li Youde?" The political commissar shook his head: "There are too many of us, and we have to help the supplementary regiment from time to time, how can we do with his little food?"

"You must not underestimate these people. Also, do you think we should beat Jiulian, a local tyrant?"

"You don't even spare your own people?" The political commissar had black lines all over his head.

"You political commissar forgot that they are now a security regiment. Isn't it logical to buy food from enemy-occupied areas?"

"Don't talk about it. Now that the price of grain on the plain has doubled, where do you ask them to buy it?"

"It doesn't matter where you buy it, the key is that Jiulian can now enter the enemy-occupied area!"

"So what, even if you have money, you can't buy food." The political commissar worried.

"Yes, we can't buy it in Jizhong, can't we buy it further north?"

"You're talking too far. Also, what do you use to buy it? Where's the money?"

"Don't call me poor, Erniu Han, how many gold bars do you think he gave you in order to be on the study list?"

"Oh, you... You are really abject if you don't do intelligence work."

"Don't be so ugly, she came to me first"

"You agreed, and then you let me take the blame for collecting money for the list?"

"What are you talking about? Our Eighth Route Army should have handed over her to the public. She is also a soldier of the Eighth Route Army now. What's the problem with handing over?" Lu Tuan didn't care.

"What did you call our Eighth Route Army?" the political commissar was angry.

"Hey, what kind of anger are you making? Let's go to the plains this time and see those people starving to death. Which one do you choose?"

"I don't want to talk to you about it, how are you preparing for the school list this time?"

"Since the commander thinks highly of our independent regiment, we have to give the commander some face. This is the list. You can read it first." After finishing speaking, the commander Lu took out a neatly folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket.

Ding Deyi took it over and looked at it, and was stunned: "What a big handwriting, the teacher asked you to arrange people to go to school, and you have smoked half of the backbone of the whole regiment? Uh, this Han Erniu is illiterate, you Did you really put her in?"

"Hey, aren't the militiamen also soldiers?"

"But you let him tie up with the mule, er, Luo Fugui, isn't that right?"

Head Lu smiled triumphantly: "What does that matter? As long as there are no. Isn't it convenient for us here!"

"Why are you in a hurry, don't you have to wait until next spring for the official start of school?"

"We have to get the preparations done first, don't you think?"

"You mean, put the school here?" The political commissar frowned.

Head Lu waved his hand: "You really didn't understand the meaning of the teacher? This time I won't be stationed in school, and I will use battle instead of training!"

"I'm only worried about food."

 First of all, the No. [-] school is really not the way we know that all the students stay together to study, but a learning method in which the company and the rotation team enter the enemy-occupied area and learn while fighting.

  Secondly, the No. [-] branch of the No. [-] branch school is near the location of the No. [-] Company (if you really want to study the map).

  Furthermore, about Er Niu's going to school, there are real people and real stories, but the names are different, and the martyrs don't allow us to make up.
  And some of the students in the sixth branch school are the children of the generals of the national army, don't you know?

  The seventh branch school even opened a class for female students.

  As for traitors, there are few capitals in idle, in fact, there are so many that people can't understand
  Tribute to the unswerving martyrs
  I'm afraid of harmony, so I won't talk about it.
(End of this chapter)

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