under fire

Chapter 541

Chapter 541
It's cooler in the mountains.

The perishing surnames who fled in Qingshan Village borrowed old walls to build a lot of simple huts, and the vicinity of the village is still desolate and ruined.

Even in broad daylight, except for a few children hiding behind the wall and looking around, there is not a single idle figure in the village.

The sentries outside the village were not familiar with the soldiers who acted as the vanguard of the special agent platoon, so they didn't step forward until they saw the little pigtail and the big and thick bear behind them, and they immediately let go and reported to the regiment.

Seeing a familiar place, the team quickened their pace.

The villagers at the wine station who hadn't received the sentry task, who were busy in the fields, stood up from the ditches, immediately put down the things in their hands, and stepped forward excitedly, ready to help the soldiers of the Ninth Company with large and small bags.

The villagers were much bolder than before when they ran as soon as they saw the team.

"Hey, girl, why did you come back? Lao Qin and the others have been back for several days!" The big girl asked, holding the girl's hand.

Looking at figures in various clothes slowly appearing in the wilderness outside the village, Xiao Hongying's eyes widened: "Why are there so many people?"

Fleeing outside the mountains!
"I've heard of people running from the mountains to the outside, and there are people running into the mountains. It's so new!" Chen Chong was a little puzzled.

It's not his fault, his hometown is in the mountains, the land is not three feet flat, the conditions are far worse than those of the security regiment, and he didn't follow Hu Yi to the plains. Although he heard about it from the soldiers, he never saw those hungry The situation of the dead people, so he didn't know the real situation of the people on the plain.

When I came back along the way, I was carrying food on my shoulders and had to lead the team. I had no chance to communicate with the brother troops, so I said this.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." The little girl frowned and glared at Chen Chong.

"Speed ​​up and go back to the wine station for lunch."

"Hey, that company commander Hu only eats two meals in the regiment." Da Ya looked at Hu Yi with the brim of his hat curled up a little timidly.

Eating two meals means eating one meal around ten o'clock in the morning and another meal at night.

Now at this point, the group has just eaten the first meal, and the next meal will have to wait until it is almost dark.
The thin villagers carrying grain staggered south, but their eyes were full of joy, and the smell of wheat on their shoulders was comforting.

The hands holding the bag were trembling.

"Starting tomorrow, eat three meals." Hu Yi took off his hat and fanned the wind.

"Hey, Boss Hu, two days ago I heard from Lao Qin that the teacher had given an order to save money." Luo Fugui moved closer to Hu Yi.

"Let's go!" Hu Yi said nothing.

Hu Yi stood in front of the sign with the words "Wine Station" after half a year's absence.

There were several neat rows of thatched huts on the open space, and there were no busy figures on the other side of the river.

The river was nearly half shallow, and several villagers from the wine station who were fishing in the river with their nets stared blankly at the returning team.

The recruits were dumbfounded when they saw the legendary heavenly wine station. Could it be that the Nine Company's garrison, which is like a fairy, is this broken place?

Soldiers on the plains are of course "more knowledgeable" than bumpkins in the mountains!
The veteran took the recruit straight to his former hut.

After Lao Qin greeted Hu Yi, he led the recruits into the den that had been vacated earlier.

Although simple, but clean.

The head of the regiment and the political commissar stood at the door of the tent, smiling, as if watching a married daughter go back to her natal family, looking at the huge team, more like a mother-in-law watching a son-in-law, and there are quite a few cubs brought back!

Hu Yi hurried to the independent regiment headquarters to report.

The girl next to him led the telegraph soldiers and went straight to the cooking class. Uncle Niu at the door of the kitchen grinned to the back of his head.

At the door of the ward of the health team, the big dog with its hands hanging on its chest looked at Hu Yi and grinned silly
"Hello, head of the regiment! Good morning, political commissar!" The standard of military etiquette is the same as that of the independent regiment.

"They're all back?" The political commissar counted the backbones of the Ninth Company one by one with wide-eyed eyes.

"There is a squad left for the security regiment." Hu Yi said a squad of thirty or so.

"Wang Xiaosan didn't come back?"

"The political commissar knows everything!"

"Go into the room and talk about it." Head Lu next to him smiled and turned around, entering the tent.

"Stand at attention, look to the right!" Park Buhuan was shouting the password on the playground of the security forces.

"turn back"

"walk in step"


"Take a break."

The actions of the team are uniform and the instructions are executed in place.

The expected swaying did not appear, and there was not a single case of indiscrimination between left and right that is common in the Eighth Route Army.

This surprised the freshly appointed Instructor Pu Da. This queue was even more orderly than that of the secret service team at the headquarters!
How can we use a clean and neat evaluation?This queue is simply a model in the military!
Didn't it mean that the security forces were vulnerable?

This is more imposing than the Japanese troops I have seen. What kind of practice is this?
Wang Jingchang, the deputy head of the team who was standing in the team himself, also had a black thread. The instructor from the security team had his cowhide blown into the sky when he received the wind last night, but why is this training exactly the same as the one taught by the Imperial Army?
I spent a lot of money to hire such a guy as an instructor?
Damn, it was overshadowed by the security team!

This is his first thought many times since morning.

I was pulled out early in the morning and ran a big circle around the county town, almost seven or eight miles. I didn't even catch my breath, and I continued to practice?
According to the password that the prostitute is shouting now, it seems that most of the next time he is standing in line to show his power?
Sure enough, the guy stood on the rostrum and said: "Soldier, the most important thing is to obey orders!"

Listening to the familiar rhetoric, Deputy Wang Tuan almost fainted, damn it, this time it's a big loss.
Deputy Wang Tuan immediately winked at his subordinates.


"Say!" Come, Pu Buhuan's eyes lit up, stabbing soldier, hehe, I have been doing this for a long time, just waiting for you to come out and be a chicken so that you can kill it for the monkeys to see.

"I want to go to the latrine!"

"Put it in my crotch!" Pu Buhuan's face darkened.

"I want to get a tuba!" The soldier refused to let go.

"I know you're going to get a tuba, but after running such a long way and sweating so much, you can still urinate that I have your last name!"

"You are an instructor, I can really pull it out, but you and my surname don't matter, but I only have this suit." The security squad leader rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it's pretty easy to say, you only have one suit of clothes, right? That's your own business!"

The security squad leader glanced at Deputy Wang Tuan out of the corner of his eye, and seeing Deputy Wang Tuan shook his head.

Answer quickly: "Report, I obey orders!"

Pu Buhuan was stunned, is this guy a shrinking turtle?

Under the autumn sun, Pu Buhuan did not speak, and began to pace and look at the soldiers in the first row one by one.

The law and order soldiers kept their eyes straight and ignored the instructors who passed by.

Pu Buhuan nodded secretly in his heart, this group of security forces is really not bad, it's a pity that they turned to the enemy.

What he didn't know was that Wang Jingchang's subordinates, after nearly a year of training by the devils, stood in line like this every day, even if he was a pig, he could learn to walk backwards and forwards according to left and right.

What's more, the perverted devil instructor was originally a professional trainer, so the standard of the security army's ranks, even Park Buhuan couldn't find any faults.

According to this situation, the combat effectiveness of this security force is absolutely not bad!
However, it is a fact that the security forces are vulnerable, isn't that right?

(End of this chapter)

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