under fire

Chapter 542

Chapter 542 The Duo

Although the formation is the basis of bravery on the battlefield, it does not represent combat effectiveness!
The queue of the security forces stood very decently, and Park Buhuan became interested in going to the queue.

Suddenly, someone in the team under the autumn sun started to yawn!

Someone is smoking opium!
This is about to die, but also let go of my heart.
If he really wanted to train the public security army into a force with strong combat effectiveness, he was absolutely confident. Wouldn't that make the Eighth Route Army feel uncomfortable?

In addition to military training, the Eighth Route Army attached great importance to ideological work. As for the security army, it lost its backbone from the moment it surrendered to the enemy.

Looking blankly at the team that started to lose shape: "Disband!"

The training in the morning came to an end, and the security forces dispersed.

Deputy Wang Tuan looked around, and looked at Pu Buhuan in front of him with trepidation: "Instructor Park, what do you think of my brothers?"

"The foundation is good, let's see the shooting ability of the brothers in the afternoon!"

"Hey, our brothers are usually lazy, bullets are expensive, and they don't usually shoot much!"

He finally understood the weakness of the security forces. As an instructor, of course he knew that good marksmanship comes from bullets.

Therefore, although the Eighth Route Army also has this shortcoming, everyone has practiced the unique skill of fighting bayonets. Although they are still not well-trained opponents of devils, they can completely crush the security forces.

Out of the corner of Pu Buhuan's eyes, in the scattered team, several soldiers fell limply while running, got up in a panic and continued to run to the kitchen. They looked like they were afraid that they would run too slowly and have nothing to eat, how could they be soldiers at all? Demeanor?

Shu stretched his brows and smiled: "It seems that Captain Wang has not paid less attention to the brothers!"

Wang Tuan's deputy smiled brightly: "Don't mention that! These idiots have trained well, but every time they go out, they completely lose the face of me, the deputy commander!"

"How do you say that?"

"The first marksmanship is poor. Of course, it's not my brothers' fault. Our guns are too bad. They can't compare to the [-] rifles of the imperial army. It's not that we can't afford them, but the imperial army has clearly ordered that no one can use their standard rifles."

"Well, I don't blame the brothers." Park Hwan nodded in agreement.

"Second, every time they go to the battlefield, these guys are terribly afraid of death. If they don't hold guns behind them, they can turn their attack into a retreat!"

"Ah, how could this be?"

I also find it strange that the eight roads in the mountains are not afraid of death. They don't even have bullets in their guns, and they dare to fight with bayonets. If our brothers have no bullets in their guns, they can run faster than rabbits!
Park Buhuan thought for a while: "Our security team is similar, but I can't figure it out. What exactly do you want to train them when you invite us over this time?"

"Hey, as long as you can keep him from retreating in battle, and improve your marksmanship!"

"It's not difficult."

"Also, it would be better if you can teach them to save their lives on the battlefield."

"Why?" Pu Buhuan was stunned. You, the leader, want to save your life first. You can't control your own life and death on the battlefield. How can those security forces have a good time?This cannot be said.

"Hey, if one dies, the family allowance will be quite a lot. Think about it, if you want the brothers to work hard, of course we, the deputy regiment leader, can't afford to pay less for the brother who died in the battle?" Wang Jingchang smiled wryly.

Shouldn't the settlement allowance be a pension?Pu Buhuan had black lines all over his head, and quickly gave a thumbs up: "Captain Wang is righteous!"

Deputy Wang Tuan smiled wryly: "What's wrong with righteousness? My uncle forbade me to practice with the imperial army. He said that if I practiced well, I would be used as cannon fodder by the imperial army. I secretly asked the imperial army instructor to train for more than half a year. For this My uncle also sent me to the east to eat for two years, and recently he called me back because of lack of talents under his command."

"Hey, Commander Wang is also doing it for your own good."

"Don't tell the outside world about this, or my uncle will trouble me again! I just want my brothers to live longer in this troubled world."

"Don't worry about that!"

"Come on, let's go to the city for dinner." Wang Jingchang hasn't figured out the details of Instructor Park yet, but after spending so much money, it's not bad for three or five oceans.

Instructor Park, who had just arrived, had no chance to eat and live with the soldiers of the security army.

I went directly to the county seat with Commander Wang, and went to eat in the largest restaurant opposite the Imperial Army Gendarmerie and the barracks.

Pu Buhuan knew that the monkey had entered the city, but he didn't know where he was. He didn't expect to see it the next day.

Standing at the door with a towel in his hand, he was yelling vigorously. If it wasn't for the familiar voice, he really wouldn't have recognized it!

Hurry up and take a few steps forward, using your body to block the sight of the people behind you.

He exchanged glances with the monkey, signaling to pretend not to know each other.

The monkey froze for a moment.

Needless to say, being able to accompany Park Buhuan to a restaurant for dinner is definitely not a small role in the security forces.

Deputy Wang Tuan fell behind, and was greeting a few people who came out of the restaurant. They seemed to be old friends, and didn't notice the waiter at the door. Of course, as Deputy Wang Tuan, he didn't care about a shout at all. waiter.

The monkey was startled suddenly. The last time he went to the plain to perform a mission, don't be recognized!

Quickly turned around and slipped into the back hall.

On the opposite side is the devil's barracks, which is heavily guarded for ordinary people, but for monkeys who can go high and high, the defense is almost paper.

Of course, it's useless even if you go in, can you still let the devils line up and let him count them one by one?

It was very difficult to find out what was going on in the devil's barracks, and he had no idea at all.

Those devils who kept coming in and out were wearing military uniforms, and they all looked almost the same, but they were small and small, so they still had to find a way.

This time, the people who came to the county in batches were almost all the elites Su Qing personally selected from the Nine Companies, and among them was Liu Wenxia who could speak bird language!

She was arranged to learn to be a tailor in a shop selling ready-made clothes next to the restaurant. When she first arrived at the secret contact point of the police force, and there were monkeys next door to take care of her, she quickly adapted to her role.

Seeing Pu Buhuan and the others go upstairs, the monkey Kaba Kaba's big eyes came out again.

Even if you can't figure out the specific strength of the devil's barracks, you still have to find a way to get in and take a look.

It was easy for him to climb over the wall and enter the barracks after dark!

While paying attention to the few pedestrians on the street, he enthusiastically solicited pedestrians on the road.

Not far from the opposite side, next to the barracks is an alley. In the second small courtyard, two pairs of eyes stared at the monkey standing at the door of the restaurant through a hole in the wall.

Mei Huaizhi let out a sigh of relief, this guy is really talented, he looks like whatever he looks like.

Looking away from the hole and still observing the side, his own brother Mei Huairen said in a low voice: "You observe the second window sill on the second floor every 10 minutes. If there is a towel on it, come to the elementary school immediately." I report!"

"Brother, this job is too simple, right?" Mei Huairen turned his head.

Mei Huaizhi suddenly became serious: "You have to remember, this matter is very important, our work cannot make any mistakes, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Mei Huairen subconsciously said, but she was thinking in her heart, then she would have to stay in the dark room and stare at it day and night, and added: "What about eating?"

"Someone will bring firewood and food in the evening. You have to cook all the food for the day in the evening. There is a well in the yard, so you won't starve to death!"

"Didn't you say that if you join the Eighth Route Army, you can go to the battlefield to kill devils? What's the matter now?"

"This is more important than going to the battlefield to kill devils. I've told you so many times, don't you understand?"

"OK then."

He wanted to beg his brother to send him to the mountains to join the team, but knowing his brother's temper, he swallowed the words at the end of his mouth.

Isn't this just to inquire about the situation in the devil's barracks?

I can do it myself!
Amidst the squeaks, Mei Huaizhi left the courtyard.

 Let's talk about special forces: during the Red Army period, an elite "pistol team" was organized, specializing in reconnaissance and attacks.

  3. In Article (3) of the Five Principles of Army Reorganization of the National Government in [-], it was clarified: strengthen special forces.

  4. In the "Wartime Army Reorganization Training Outline" and "Wartime Army Reorganization and Implementation Measures" issued by the National Army Wuhan Camp in July 7, the content of special forces operations was clarified.

  5. The [-]th Special Service Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. After entering Pingyuan, there was only one special service company left in the division. Let’s not talk about the Special Service Regiment of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters.

  As for the 1 and 2 bans
(End of this chapter)

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