under fire

Chapter 543

Chapter 543
A soldier in disheveled uniform put down the wine glass in his hand, his drunken eyes were dim, and there were two more figures in the room.

The soldier shook his head, but still couldn't see the face of the figure opposite.

A figure turned and walked out the door.

Not long.

Someone came into the house with a bucket and poured the whole bucket of water directly on the soldier's head.

The drenched soldier collapsed on the ground decadently, looked again with the help of the light, and finally saw clearly the clothes of the two people in front of him.

Ordinary people's attire!The soldier was a little confused: "Eight grids!"

A bird cry appeared: "Mr. Shangchuan, you have completely disgraced the Shangchuan family!"

Hearing the familiar voice, the soldier's mind went blank.

The speaker changed his voice, fluent in Chinese: "Even if you are disabled, you should not perish!"

The soldier stood up slowly, hunched over his body: "I'm sorry, Lieutenant Masuko!"

I know everything about you, and I am very disappointed in your current state.

"Yes." The soldier was so drunk that he collapsed to the ground again.

"Take him away!" Lieutenant Masuko gestured to the people next to him.

Two ordinary people helped a soldier to go out.

under the sunset.

The restless dog traitor was walking lonely on the way to the gendarmerie. He suddenly wanted to go back to Lushuipu. In order to hurry, it was most convenient to ride a motorcycle in Chuanchiba.

For the first time, the detective team was paid, and they had a lot of money in their pockets. For most people, looking forward to the payment, everyone had to live.

The dog traitor is different from others. For him, it is basically the same whether he is paid or not.

It suddenly occurred to him that Kamikawa Chiba must have owed a lot of money for spending days and nights in Japanese-owned taverns.

As soon as he turned a corner, he immediately noticed that the person standing at the door was the gendarme who often guarded the entrance of Maeda, and the gendarme was looking into the tavern at this moment.

Walking a few steps quickly, ready to go up to say hello to the military police, three figures slowly appeared from the tavern: two people wearing common people's clothes, one on the left and one on the right supporting an imperial soldier.

The dog traitor has sharp eyes, and from a distance, he noticed that the person being supported in the middle was Chiba Uekawa, who was all wet.

Could it be that the people from the plainclothes team had something to do with Shangchuan?

Who dares to make Shangchuan so embarrassed, there is a problem!

The dog traitor feels a little strange, if some things are out of control, it is best to stay away.

So, I quickly stopped, turned to face the wall, took out a cigarette, and prepared to light it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the two ordinary people who came out did not look at the military police guarding the door at all. Instead, the military police standing at the door bowed to the three people who came out.

The military police turned around and got on the motorcycle. Kamikawa Chiba was thrown into the truck by the two security forces. The motorcycle started and ran away.

The two ordinary people did not leave immediately, they were looking around.

The dog traitor frowned and thought for a while, maintaining a balanced pace and continuing to walk towards the tavern.

I was hesitating in my heart whether I should say hello to the two plainclothes team members.

The two people dressed as ordinary people looked around. There were a few ordinary people in a hurry walking sparsely on the street, and a detective team in black and white shirts walked towards the tavern in a balanced manner, and there was nothing unusual.

The two looked at each other, turned around and raised their legs to walk in the direction of the gendarmerie headquarters.

Out of the corner of his eye, after the two people left, four idle people on the side of the road followed the two ordinary people in front one after another.

Seeing all this, the dog traitor broke out in a cold sweat, the military police saluted the common people, and secretly brought four of them.

These few people wearing common people's clothes are definitely not simple!
Finally walking into the tavern, the dog traitor didn't look back, and he was completely relieved: These few people who pretended to be ordinary people are mostly people from special high school!

Thinking carefully about the process of dealing with Shangchuan Chiba, they should have nothing to do with Shangchuan.

The dog traitor shook his head and put these thoughts behind him.

Divided a stack of banknotes in half in the bag, took out half, and handed it to the tavern owner who was looking at him: "Shangchuan-jun's wine money!"

The chunky tavern owner bowed and said lamely, "Thank you for your attention!"

It didn't say more or less money.

Not so coincidental, is it?
The weather in the mountains gradually turned cold, and there was no trace of the advancing team at all.

After being nervous for half a month, no one can stay in the mountains for such a long time and eat dry food every day, life has to go on.

Information came from the division. After investigation, the division finally found out the movement of this group of enemies pretending to be the Eighth Route. This group crossed the Taihang Mountain from Changzhi to the west of Taihang Mountain!

It is said that the division commander was very annoyed, and was attacked by the enemy in the defense zone as if entering no one's land. If the supplementary regiment hadn't found the enemy's trace, the advancing team might have taken the division headquarters!

No one has the ability to guard against thieves for a thousand days!
Fortunately, after the headquarters was raided by the devils, the division strengthened its defenses. Maybe the devils saw that the division was tightly guarded, so they didn't do anything.

The last time the division escaped the devil's siege, it seemed that the devil did not give up. Judging from this situation, the devil would launch a sweep against the division sooner or later. Maybe this group of devils went into the mountains for reconnaissance.

The independent regiment learned the lesson from last time, and the division sent a working group into the independent regiment. First, to strictly prevent internal rape, it began to deploy defenses in the independent regiment.

The easiest way to prevent insiders from sabotaging is to group into groups of three and supervise each other!
Another afternoon, a team walked into the wine stand.

After receiving the news, Head Lu and the political commissar stood outside the open field early to welcome them.

The leader stretched out his hand after a long distance: "Captain Lu, the feng shui of your place is good!"

"Hey, welcome to Minister Zhang, I really didn't expect you to come so soon?" Head Lu smiled happily.

Minister Zhang turned his head and introduced him to a middle-aged man in his thirties: "This is Captain Liang Chenggong Liang of the training team!"

"Liang Chenggong? Hey, it's you kid. When did you get transferred to the training team? Hehe, you're back now. If you don't show off your box-pressing skills, you won't even think about leaving!" Captain Lu's eyes lit up. .

"Okay, you old Lu, the spy platoon that went out to carry out the mission is also abducted into your independent regiment, we have to settle this account carefully."

"Hey, don't blame me for this, right? When did the spy platoon belong to your training team?"

"This platoon is formed with the soldiers from the original spy platoon as the backbone, and some soldiers were selected first. It was originally going to enter the enemy-occupied area to fight against rape, but you brought them all back. Let me see what you say!"

"Don't stand here, let's talk about it in the advanced village!" Ding De said to Zhang Jun with a smile.

"Hey, a blockhouse has been built here? Yes, Laoji, the outside of this village is full of open land, and the layout is good."

"Look at what you said, just digging a bunker is worth your fuss?" Captain Lu said proudly.

"Look, how can I hear the smell of a nouveau riche from what you said? I heard that you have made a fortune in the past two years?" Minister Zhang walked and looked, this place is ten times better than the independent group he imagined. times!
Give yourself a completely different feeling. Anyway, in other troops, I have never seen such neatly repaired houses everywhere.

"What are you talking about? We are small and close to enemy-occupied areas, so we were forced by devils."

"Hehe, don't complain. In the past two years, I haven't heard of any unit that was forced to show off in the [-]nd Artillery Division."

"Where did you say that, how poor we are, it's not like you don't know."

"Hey, I came this way and saw soldiers digging holes everywhere on the side of the road. Don't you say that you are also preparing to play landmines in this barren mountain?"

"We'll talk about this later." Captain Lu changed the topic.

"Look back? I see that there are still a few burnt wooden poles planted in the pit. Tell me, what are you going to do?" Minister Zhang had a thought in his heart, and quickly shook his head. This is impossible!

"You guys have come so far, let's go to the house first to drink some water!" Captain Lu waved the sentries away, and stood at the door of the tent by himself. While talking, several people walked into the tent one after another.

"So many houses don't live. You just stay in this tent?" Minister Zhang took the lead to enter the tent.

"Don't you feel more comfortable?" Head Lu came in after the political commissar at the door.

"That's right, then when will you get me one too?" Minister Zhang was not polite.

"That's no problem!" Captain Lu waved his hand, and there are ready-made ones in the warehouse.

"Well, you really know how to enjoy it. The scenery is good. There are mountains and waters. It's just your broken headquarters, which is a bit unpleasant!" Minister Zhang was still getting used to it when he entered the room. After he saw the layout of the tent, he took two steps. He stepped to the side of the map: "Your picture is really good, where did you get it?"

"You die that heart early, don't even think about this picture!"

"Look how stingy you are." Minister Zhang walked around in the regiment: "The rumors are wrong. They say that the independent regiment is poor. Old Lu, you hide it very deeply."


(End of this chapter)

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