under fire

Chapter 544

Chapter 544
A few teams of apparently vanguard soldiers appeared at the foot of the mountain, all of them with rifles and bayonets, and they didn't pay much attention to the sentinel on the nearby hill.

The follow-up team followed, and a long line of teams, also with bayonets shining coldly behind their heads, with large and small bags hanging behind their backs, trekked hard on the mountain road.

I can't see the face clearly, but the tall and sharp bayonet team has no one except the brave Erlian.

Wearing old and new Eighth Route Army uniforms, the sentry on the mountain doesn't care who you are, you still have to report.

The team seems to be passing through the ravines and crossing the mountain ridges continuously. The team behind is dressed in all kinds of clothes, carrying blunderbuss, big blades, and shuttles.

After recruiting most of the bandits in the vicinity, almost all the brave soldiers of the second company were promoted to a higher rank, and the worst ones became deputy squad leaders.

In the team of 700 people, there are less than [-] veterans of the second company!
When the group arrived at a three-way intersection, they immediately divided into two groups. Most of them went directly to Sanjiaji, and the remaining more than 100 bayonets hurried to the wine station.

A group of recruits from the Ninth Company are working hard under the leadership of several veterans.

Trees are cut during the day, the branches are removed and the tops are removed after felling, the bark is loosened and then the bark is peeled off, and the stems are thrown directly into the bushes to dry in the autumn sun.

They are almost two or three meters tall and thick as a calf. After a few days in the wild, they are naturally air-dried. They are carried to a cleared space and put on firewood. After the surface of the trunk is completely black, they will be slowly ignited. The fire on the trunk of the tree was extinguished.
Luo Fugui threw a somewhat bent tree trunk into a pile of burnt black tree trunks next to it.

Then he picked up an unburned tree trunk and threw it on the temporary shelf set up on the fire.

It looked like it would have to burn for a while. Looking around, there was no one around, and he felt that it should be fine. He took out a rabbit from the bag, peeled its skin and gutted it, and put it on a branch to join the fire.

In the distance next to it, a group of subordinates are working hard.

A tree trunk was planted into the pit, and the surrounding soldiers immediately filled the gap around the pole with soil with stones.

Not long after, the enthusiastic soldiers chanted and erected another wooden pole.
The matter of planting electric poles almost turned Luo Fugui into an assembly line job.

As for some cliffs that are full of stones, there is no way to dig holes at all, only to find natural holes everywhere!

They couldn't find it. Under the guidance of the telegraph soldier, a few soldiers pulled out chisels from their bags and planned to drill holes directly in the stone. Suddenly, the valley began to resound with tinkling.

Due to the importance of this matter, the surrounding area of ​​the valley was searched, not to mention the devils marching into the team, not even the rabbits ran away.

It is planned to pull the telephone line from the wine station to Qingshan Village in advance, and then from Qingshan Village to the cliff near the foot of the mountain. As for the telephone line close to the gun tower, a soft line must be obtained.

In order to keep it secret, all the telephone lines went to the wilderness and dangerous places.

As for the ordinary people who heard the sound and were about to help, they were directly stopped by the Jiulian soldiers under the mountain bag, and no one was allowed to enter the mountain bag under construction next to the path without permission.

It's a pity that the clinking sound was really too loud, and the villagers are not fools. Jiulian must be doing something in secret. The army has a lot of secrets. Although they were puzzled, no one asked.
"Report company commander, listen, it seems that someone is hitting rocks?" Quickly ran to Gao Yidao.

"Probably they are doing some tricks in a row." The platoon leader next to Gao Yidao guessed.

"Do you want to take a look?" Kuaileg suggested.

"No, let's talk in the regiment first." Gao Yidao originally thought that Jiulian had no nest, but he didn't expect that the regiment leader was not afraid of danger, and even set up the regiment headquarters directly at the wine station.

Now, Jiulian returns to the regiment headquarters, isn't that just going home?

"There is someone on the mountain next to me!" The observation post quickly approached a few people.

"Who is it? Go up and have a look." Gao Yidao raised his head to look at the mountain bag, but saw nothing.

Not long after, a voice suddenly came from halfway up the mountain: "Stop!"

Although Kuaileg knew there was someone up there, he was still taken aback, and the two soldiers jumped out from the mountain path.

"Which part are you from?"

Seeing the one coming up from below wearing the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, the two sentry soldiers were still a little nervous: "You don't care which part I belong to, just raise your hands quickly!"

Kuaileg looked at these two guys pointing their guns at him, most likely they were from Lianlian, but they were a little unfamiliar, maybe they were just recruited new queens.

Squeeze a smile: "Hey, you are a recruit from the company? You don't know me?"

"Your mother, what do you want? Why do I want to know you?" The sentinel looked contemptuous: "I will count one, two, three, if I don't raise my hand, I will shoot!"

"Hey, try firing a gun!" Kuaileg thought it was funny, when did this company of soldiers be so arrogant?He turned his gun on his own people?

Gun Mountain lingered in the valley.

Kuaileg was shocked by the big horse, the two guys in front of him actually shot!
The bullet hit the stone next to his feet, splashing a piece of stone debris.

"Guns don't have eyes, you dare to pretend to be a master in front of me. Say, are you advancing into the team?" the sentinel asked loudly.

Kuaileg, who was about to get up, was thrown to the ground by a gun, and his face was flushed. This guy actually shot at the friendly army. Also, you ask me if I am advancing into the team?Even if I am, can I admit it to you?

This guy must be out of his mind.

I really don't know when Yilian recruited so many stunned youths, Kuaileg hurriedly replied: "We are soldiers of the Second Company, my name is Kuaileg, hurry up and ask your army to find someone who can speak!"

"Fast legs? Hehe, if you can run faster than me, I will take your surname!" A tall and thin soldier raised his eyebrows in disdain.


"Don't move!" Two figures emerged from the bushes. It was the platoon leader who came up with Kuaileg. He deliberately let Kuaileg attract the attention of the two sentries. The platoon leader and a squad leader quietly came up from the bushes.

Not long after, Gao Yidao strode to the halfway up the mountain.

"Tell me, what's your company commander's name, and what are you doing here?" Gao Yidao had a simple idea, except for Yilian, the Jiulian who went back to the mountain first!

"Company commander? We don't have a company commander here, we belong to the political department of the division!" The young sentinel struggled, turning his eyes dissatisfied: "If you have the ability, let me go, let's fight face to face!"

"The Political Department? Aren't you soldiers from the first company?" Kuaileg next to him asked in surprise. As for the Political Department, he seemed to have heard of it, but he couldn't remember it for a while. .

"I'm a soldier of the first company!" The soldier who was tied up on the ground immediately said.

Hey. Then you said just now that you don't have a company commander?
"We are the third platoon of the division guard company, and our company commander is really in the mountains!" Seeing that the other party hadn't made a move, the bound sentinel subconsciously replied sincerely. He really didn't expect that he would be a prisoner just a day after he came here. . .

What he didn't even know was that Jiulian was still guarding against the enemy's infiltration at any time.

Knowing the details of Jiulian, Gao Zui communicated with the captives for a long time, and finally got the "confession" of the two captives!
The face of the young soldier tied up on the ground turned pale, and he was poor at answering all questions.

Gao Yidao finally figured out that the two sentinels were not the first company at all, so the rest must be the ninth company.

As for, this guy dared to pretend to be the Eighth Route Army. Could it be that he was advancing into the team.

"What are you talking about, from your Political Department?" Gao Yidao frowned, "Then what are you doing here?"

"I can't say it!" The soldiers on the ground replied firmly.

"Hey, don't tell me, don't I know that I will go up and see?"

"Hey, you can't go up!" The soldier who was bound firmly struggled violently immediately.

With quick legs, he ran up to the top of the mountain in a few steps.

The scene in front of him made him confused and puzzled: a few soldiers were sitting on the stone, bare upper body and holding a chisel, knocking on the stone.

There was still a big fire burning in the distance, and the big and thick thing next to the fire, no need to think about it, it must be Luo Fugui!

It's not Yilian, Jiulian is still working here!
(End of this chapter)

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