under fire

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

One hundred thousand catties is indeed a big number, but if it were to be distributed among the troops in the mountains, it would be less than five catties!
Not to mention that there are so many ordinary people and refugees who fled into the mountains who are too poor to get rid of the pot.

Therefore, the division did not change the order of saving because of this batch of grain.

After sitting alone in the regiment headquarters for a long time, Ding Deyi rubbed his eyes, got up, and was about to go out for a walk around.

Half an hour later, he was transferred to the windowless confinement room.

He didn't seriously criticize Hu Yi because of the issue of Jiulian cooking a small stove for three meals without permission, so Hu Yi, who made a mistake, was locked up at night and worked with the soldiers during the day.

There was no one in the brig.

The head of the regiment, Minister Zhang and Captain Liang looked at the soldiers who were erecting telephone lines between the cliffs, and their mouths were wide open, unable to speak.

After a long while, Minister Zhang closed his chin: "Your independent group wants to make a phone call?"

"The last time I went out of the mountain, the sub-district seized a batch of wires, which can be stretched for a distance of ten or twenty miles, so I will try to see if it works." Captain Lu seemed embarrassed, but in fact he was showing off in front of his old comrades.

"Hey, I haven't seen such a neat team in military uniform for a long time. I said, Lao Lu, how many good things are there hidden, let's take a look?"

"Where did you say, the superior is coming to inspect, of course our independent group has to show you the best side?"

I didn't expect that your old Lu also learned to practice formalism.

Kuaileg looked at the figure emerging from the cliff path: "Hey, Xiaodou, why are you here?"

"Quick legs?" Xiaodou was startled: "You Erlian are back too? Hey, why are you running back?"

"Oh? This is the second company commander under you? I've heard that it is dangerous to fight. Tsk tsk, look at this guy, he is indeed a general!" Captain Liang teased when he said this.

"Reporting to the chief, Gao Yidao, the second company commander of the independent regiment, is reporting to you!" Gao Yidao immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"Hey, I dare not take it, I said, can you release my two comrades first?" Captain Liang smiled and looked at the two who were tied up on the ground.


Dare to feel that these two are not only soldiers from the first company, but also recruits from the ninth company, and even the regiment leader is personally accompanying them. This must be a big deal!
However, isn't it just that the two guards were tied up? I guess it's not a big deal.

"Company Commander Gao of the Independent Regiment, right? Yes, hehe, it's a great skill to do something to your own people!" The one who stood up gave Gao Yidao a thumbs up.

"Didn't I think you were advancing into the team? I just came back and met strangers, so I couldn't help but do it." Gao Yidao wanted to find a word to apologize, but his mind was full of hurtful words, and he was swallowed for a while.

"Hurry up! Go to the confinement room and reflect on yourself!" Captain Lu really couldn't stand it anymore. This guy made it clear that he had heard that Jiulian was here, but he actually used tricks on his comrades. Sitting in the confinement room is not enough!

He forgot that one had already been arranged in the confinement room.

"This place is a good place to train mountain combat, but it's a bit small to practice coordination!"

"What do you think of Dabeizhuang?"

"I don't think about that place. It's too far away from the enemy. Even if you play in the enemy's rear, you can't find a place even if you cross the blockade." Captain Liang shook his head.

"Since that's the case, do you think it's okay? How about putting ideological and cultural studies in the wine station, and going out to the enemy-occupied area for armed training?" Captain Lu knew that the Ninth Company and the rotation training team had fought devils together, and the study at the Anti-Japanese University was no better than those General study, in addition to ideological and political, military command battles, how to improve strategic vision is also an important subject.

"Where did the Ninth Company Commander of your regiment go? I came here just to see the mighty man of your independent regiment." Minister Zhang raised his hand and put his glasses on top.

"Oh, what a capable person, when it comes to Company Commander Hu, he has made many mistakes." Commander Lu blocked the mouth of the Political Department first.

"Okay, hiding it again? Old Lu, I said this is not a good habit of yours."

chug chug.
In the valley, a roar spread.

"Hey, what's going on here? Isn't this the sound of the devil's three jumps?" Captain Liang was shocked by the sudden sound.

"That's not right. You can't even ride a horse on this mountain road? How could there be three jumpers?" Minister Zhang was also taken aback.

Both of them looked at Head Lu in unison.

In the mountain nest below, there is a big circle around the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and a group of spectators are watching the excitement.

The mechanic with engine oil on his face twisted the accelerator, the iron guy trembled twice and screamed even more joyfully,

A crisp voice came from the crowd: "This big guy can generate electricity? Where is the electricity? Why can't I see it?"

"Can you come down first?" Li Xiang beside the motorcycle was ready to work with a wrench and screwdriver in his hand.

"There's no road here, and I can't run anyway! Why are you in a hurry?"

The crowd of onlookers suddenly made a gap.

As soon as the three of Captain Lu entered, the gap was closed immediately, and the guard Xiaodou who followed anxiously jumped, and the guards of Minister Zhang next to him were also desperately trying to squeeze in, only to lose the audience watching the excitement. Come jump in line.

"I said Xiaodou, don't rely on you as the head of the bodyguard, I'm afraid that if you pull me again, I will beat you!"

"Hey, I have to protect the leader's safety!"

"Protect your mother, didn't you see that these are all from our Jiulian, get out!" The one who spoke kicked her.

"Hey, Tang Dagou, don't dare to touch you just because you are a wounded man!" Xiaodou was anxious, and leaned over to Tian Sanqi next to him: "Hey, what are you looking at? I heard the chief said it was Sanbangzi? You guys are so arrogant!"

"Didn't you see the last time you were on the plain?" Big Dog was happy, and repeated his mantra.

"Ouch, you stepped on my foot." Tian Sanqi quickly pushed Xiaodou in.

Head Lu took Minister Zhang and Captain Liang out to inspect the terrain, but unexpectedly ran into Jiulian who was hiding in the mountains repairing motorcycles.

I had heard about the secret weapon carried into the mountain by the four fighters of Jiulian, but they couldn't fight the little girl, and just asked Jiulian to hand over two mortars to finish the job.

Accidentally bumped into an existing one.

"Hey, hello, leader!" The surrounding audience finally gave a wink.

Hearing the greetings from all around, the little girl sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle immediately jumped off, and looked warily at Captain Lu and his party who squeezed forward: "Hey, Uncle Captain, why are you here? "

"It's okay, I'm just playing with you. I just came over to take a look. I didn't expect you to play such a big game again. By the way, it's useless to keep this thing in the mountains, right?" Captain Lu is no stranger to motorcycles, but he didn't expect to see them in the mountains. Saw this thing in the mountains.

"This is what we are going to use to generate electricity for the phone user!" The little girl showed off proudly.

"Girl, don't you know me?" Minister Zhang next to him looked at the shabby little body and sighed. Unknowingly, after staying in the mountains for several years, this girl has grown into a big girl. Unexpectedly, the independent group Actually want to fix the phone!

"I've seen you a long time ago, hey, don't get close to me!" The pigtail tilted and stared wide-eyed: "I advise you better not to think about this guy!"

"I still don't like this crap, let me say, you don't have to walk around me as soon as you see me coming, do you?" Minister Zhang has black lines, this little girl is so old-fashioned, she dares to pretend that she doesn't know herself !
"Hey, you asked the surname Zheng to investigate our independent group and transferred Sister Su Qing away, so I have to circle around you?"

"Hey, that's a normal procedure! I heard that some people made some tricks and transferred them back. I don't know who those people are talking about?"

"Don't tell me those useless things. It was an order issued by the political commissar himself. I have sent you so much food this time, but still can't stop your mouth?"

"Oh, are you trying to turn the world upside down? Let me tell you, don't fall into my hands, you little girl!"

"Hey, it's just you?" Xiao Zhui'er's momentum remained undiminished.

(End of this chapter)

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