under fire

Chapter 546 Whereabouts

Chapter 546 Whereabouts
There is only a thousand days to be a thief in the world, and there is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. The devils are indeed heavily guarded in the occupied areas.

Without a good citizenship certificate, it is impossible to enter and leave the city, and to live in the city must be guarantor.

No matter how well-defended the county seat is, it is still full of loopholes in the eyes of those who care.

It was late at night, and the searchlights on the city wall were swaying towards the outside of the city, and the electric lights on the gates of the puppet government and various departments in the county town were emitting a faint yellow light.

The task of entering the city this time is really not difficult for the monkey. Isn't it just to find out how many devils are there in the devil's barracks?
Anxian County, which was occupied by the devils, was not depressed, but it was still difficult to inquire about the deployment of the devils' barracks.

The county town was short of water, so the monkey had a hasty dinner in the restaurant, washed its face with a small ladle of water, and returned to the house late at night, changed into a shabby black dress, closed the door, and jumped out of the window.

He was going out of the city to report the news to Park Buhuan who lived in the security army barracks.

Half an hour later, the monkey successfully climbed out of the city wall and entered the security army barracks in the village outside the city again.

The patrolling security forces never expected that there would still be people who would dare to run into the barracks. It had been safe for a long time, and the security forces' defense was not tight.

Go in from the backyard, avoid the patrol team and the dogs at the main entrance, go up to a window on the second floor with an open window and lights, and listen carefully to the voices in the room.

One is Park Buhuan and the other is Lao Zhou!

The two were chatting about daily news in the county.

Quickly imitating the meowing of a cat, a voice came from the room: "Where is the wild cat?"

After a while, there was the sound of closing the door, someone's figure blocked the light, and the monkey sneaked into the house from the darkness.

"How's the situation?" Lao Zhou lowered his voice and asked.

"Old Zhou? You're here too. Two three-wheeled motorcycles and two cars left the devil's barracks this morning. According to our people at the gate of the city, the convoy went south, and they haven't come back yet. Their destination is unknown! After the monkey finished speaking, he dropped the teapot on the table into his hands, and sucked wildly at the spout.

"Is there any change in the number of devils who come in and the number of people who go out every day?"

"Except for that group of devils, the number of other devils who went out and returned to camp is basically the same!"

"Well, this shows that the devils advanced to the team and did not return to the city!" Lao Zhou frowned and analyzed.

"That's not necessarily true. If the advancing team went south into Mei County, how would we know?" the monkey blurted out.

"Even if the advancing team went to Mei County, there were still people watching over there. There was news from the headquarters that there are two base camps of the Devil's advancing team, one of which is in this county." Lao Zhou's expression suddenly brightened: " No, you said two cars and two motorcycles?"

"That's right! Liu Wenxia and the others have been staring at the gate of the devil's barracks. By the way, a few devils in casual clothes also went out from the back door, but they all returned to the camp before dark."

"How many people are in the car? Have you seen it clearly?"

"Then I don't know. There is a machine gun on the roof, and the tarpaulin covers it so you can't see it from the outside."

"Okay, you go back early, pay attention to safety!"

"Don't worry, this broken city wall can still stop me?"

Just before dawn, the dog traitor opened the door with a squeak, got out of the kennel, and walked on the street.

When he went to the gendarmerie yesterday, he didn't borrow Kamikawa Chiba's motorcycle, and his plan to return to Luoye Village fell through. He decided to go to the gendarmerie again for a stroll.

If he can't borrow it today, he plans to go to the police force to find Li Weiwei to get a bicycle.

Cycling is always faster than walking.

As soon as he turned the corner of the street, he heard a roar coming from the yard of the barracks.

The dog traitor was taken aback, a convoy entered the county yesterday, is it going to start again this early in the morning?
However, these things had nothing to do with him, so he continued to shake his feet and greeted the patrol team passing by on the street.

The devil soldier Cao on patrol knew the famous detective captain, went straight up and took out the cigarettes from the traitor's pocket, and left with a smile on his face.

There was a sour sound, and the gate of the barracks opened in the distance.

The two motorcycles in front cleared the way, the sound of chug chug was getting closer and closer, the dog traitor sighed together, and hurried to the side of the road.

Two motorcycles rolled up dust and whizzed by, and when the last car reached the dog traitor, it stopped suddenly with a creak.

A voice came from the cab: "Li Sang, thank you for taking care of me during this time!"

Li Youcai was taken aback, Shangchuan?

Looking up quickly, Kamikawa Chiba, who still had a slap mark on his face in the car, poked his head out, with a gloomy expression, and threw out a key: "Take care of my motorcycle, please!"

The dog traitor quickly caught it and nodded: "Yes!"

After the dog traitor finished speaking, the car started up again and went directly to the east gate.

Li Youcai was overjoyed, it seemed that Shangchuan's friend was worth dating!

After the car got out of the city gate with dust, it disappeared in a flash.

The dog traitor who spit out his mouth was suddenly taken aback. Shangchuan was a member of the advance team, so wasn't it the advance team who came to him yesterday?
There is coughing in the car!
My heart skipped a beat, Balu had been looking for the advance team, but I didn't expect to meet him again!

Is this unlucky or lucky?

I have never found out the whereabouts of the devils in the super high class in the city. There is only one possibility, the devils in the super high class have left the county long ago.

The character of a gambler prevented him from directly making judgments, and he tried hard to think about how to maximize the value of these pieces of information.

Now that the advancing team has left, it doesn't matter if they tell Eighth Route their whereabouts, but should we tell about Shangchuan?

Of course he can't do the thing of betraying his friends, he just fancy that Shangchuan can bring him benefits.

Even if the others are gone, it is not easy for this motorcycle to keep this Shangchuan!
Then I thought about it, it would definitely not be a good thing if the advance team and the super high class were combined.

The slacker and the super high class are on one line, and the people I arrange to mix in Jiulian in the wine station are another line, and there is no distinction between light and dark.

After thinking for a long time, I still haven't figured out a clue.

Lin Xiu had gone to the provincial capital for several days, but she never came back. Tail went to the countryside, and no news came back. The people around her suddenly left, all of which seemed strange.

Under the gaze of the devil sentry, the dog traitor nodded to the sentry and walked into the gendarmerie compound.

All kinds of devils who got up early were surprised, and no one greeted him.

The dog traitor flicked the keys of the motorcycle in his hand, and turned around the front yard to go to the place where the motorcycle was parked in the back yard.

As soon as he turned the corner, he saw Maeda, who was wearing a white shirt, practicing his sword.

He quickly changed into his usual cautious style, but before he could say hello, Maeda spoke first.

"Is the sun coming out from the west? What's the matter with you coming to me so early?"

Maeda, who was practicing the knife in the yard, put away the knife, deliberately looked up at the sky, then stared at the dog traitor with a smile and asked.

"Hello, Major! I'm fine. I'm going to get news from Lushuipu." The dog traitor quickly bent down and jumped out the words he had thought about.

"I'm really surprised that you can work so hard." General Maeda handed the towel to the military police waiting next to him, and took the towel from the military police to wipe his sweat.

"It all depends on the Shao Zuo's cultivation."

"What you said surprised me even more, this is not like your usual appearance!" Maeda was keenly aware that the tone of the dog traitor was different from usual.


"Don't worry, as long as you work hard, I promise I won't touch you and that Lin Xiu!"

The traitor dog trembled: "Don't dare!"

"But tell her that if she is unwilling to cooperate with the imperial army, my guarantee is limited. Can you understand?"

The dog traitor turned pale: "Little one. Understand!"

"You can make Shangchuan trust you so much, you really make me feel a little curious!" Maeda turned cold.

The dog traitor's feet were a little weak, and he almost fell.

Seeing Li Youcai's timid look, Maeda suddenly found it funny, it was just a motorcycle, but in the eyes of these Chinese people
Shaking his head, he ignored the dog traitor, turned around and left.

Li Youcai finally let out a long breath.

(End of this chapter)

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