under fire

Chapter 547

Chapter 547
Xiao Hongying has always had a dislike for the people in the Political Department. Ever since she could remember, she always felt that the people in the Political Department would only use knives against her own people!This prejudice has been with her since she was a child.

Including the time when Hu Yi was almost shot by his own people, the political worker, the vixen, was also there.

This also led to her being able to play tricks with the head of the independent group, but she would never sing against the political commissar!
Now, even in the face of an old acquaintance, Minister Zhang, she still looks very unpleasant, and deliberately keeps a certain distance from him.

The beautiful big eyes blinked quietly. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Minister Zhang must have something else to do when he came back.

The entire division has never heard of any regiment with a phone, including the headquarters secret service regiment. It's not normal if people don't look jealous!
However, she didn't care, because Jiulian had a nest, so Jiulian should have a phone!

The Eighth Route Army is best at fighting guerrillas, and it’s useless to call those claims, and she doesn’t care at all. At least from now until the beginning of next spring, the devils will basically not go into the mountains to raid, so let the soldiers send a message without going back and forth. After running for dozens of miles, Jiulian has made a lot of progress.

"Hey, your telephone wire rack is so low, aren't you afraid of being destroyed and eavesdropped by the enemy?" Captain Liang always felt that this was unreliable. The phone call, the contrast between this matter is too great, which makes people panic.

It's like a beggar playing with a gold bar.

Head Lu accompanied Minister Zhang to turn the motorcycle and point.

The little girl heard Captain Liang asking Li Xiang who was standing aside, and she looked disdainful: "Eavesdropping? You don't look at the cliffs everywhere, if you don't know that we are erecting telephone lines, when will you climb here? stroll?"

"What you said makes sense." Captain Liang turned his head, looked at the girl who was talking, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The little girl stared wide-eyed: "Besides, even if the enemy can hear some news, he can send the information in time? Speaking of which, we are a small independent group, the devil may not be able to see it, right? "

"That's not necessarily the case. If they sabotage, you put in so much effort, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Xiao Hongying said in an unquestionable tone: "Hey, this is the defense area of ​​our Nine.

"You little girl, you're not ashamed to brag in front of your team leader!" Minister Zhang, who heard the conversation between the two, turned around, shook his head, and changed his view on the brazen girl. A wild girl who shoots birds with a slingshot?The words are also watertight.

"Whether you can enter the mountain or not, is it your turn to decide?" The little girl may still respect other political officials, but she is not polite to Minister Zhang.

"I said girl, there seems to be someone named Chang Hongying in the anti-university student list this time, who is it?" Director Zhang couldn't help becoming interested as he saw this girl getting more and more presumptuous.

"Chang Hongying is also what you can call me? I'm on the list of students?" The little girl was dumbfounded, her voice became smaller and smaller, she lowered her head, and muttered, "Uh, this and that are so embarrassing."

The girl who was arrogant and arrogant just now suddenly turned into a shy girl, and the transformation became natural and the transition was mellow.

"Why, no more?" Minister Zhang had seen the list drawn up by the independent group a long time ago, and thought that Lao Lu had been careless.

"Uncle Zhang, look at what you said." The little girl stared at her big clear eyes, a little nervous.

The wicked girl changed her face, and the soldiers around hurriedly took a step back. Based on her understanding, if she can be subdued, the sun must come out from the west!

As an instructor, I am actually more interested in the thorn-headed soldiers, and Captain Liang is also interested. This girl will change her face if she says she will change her face!
As an old teacher of the anti-government war, I have seen too many grassroots commanders. Commanders who are too honest fight guerrillas, and their command methods are rigid.

But the stabbing soldiers are different. There is no way to command the battle at all, and there is no trace to be found!
Although this girl in front of me is just a girl, maybe a girl favored by the independent group, she looks like a cute girl on the surface, but in reality, it must not be that simple.

I couldn't help but stretch out my hand, ready to pat the girl's head. There is a braid on her head, and she can't even wear a military cap. It must be a thorn!

However, as long as you enter the student class, no matter how stubborn you are, I can let you carry the plow on your back!

When it was getting dark, the Jiulian people would gather in the bunker.

".From now on, I, Chang Hongying, will be a college student. Hey, what are you looking at? Are you ignoring my words?" The little girl leaned against the entrance of the artillery building, yelling at a group of veterans from the Ninth Company.

"Elder sister, I just think that the members of the Anti-University Association are amazing?" Hu Yi, who was lying on Luo Fugui's bed, had a black thread on his hair.

"Then let me ask you, Fox, haven't you been to a military academy before? If I go to the Anti-Japanese University, I will definitely be better than you in the future!"

"That's not necessarily true." Hu Yi's mind began to race, and it was not a fluke that he survived so many battles.

The military school study definitely played a big role, otherwise the old bandit with his bearded background would have become cannon fodder long ago.

God must have opened his eyes.

But combat experience is by no means something that can be obtained by attending some training class.

Most of the time, it's just luck!
Those brothers who died, I can't seem to remember their faces.
Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable pain in my head.
"Since I'm even on the list, you can't run away!" The little girl looked at Hu Yi distracted, didn't bother to pay attention, and turned to Luo Fugui who was next to her with her braids crooked.

"So what?" With a lazy voice, Luo Fugui, who was dying of exhaustion from the electric poles that had been burning all day, shivered.

"Hey, dead mule, I think you can't even write a few words. How embarrassing will you be in studying this time?"

"His grandma's, only Boss Hu is here, I am afraid that he will fight against the big and the small?" Luo Fuguihao was angry.

"I heard that I have to write summaries and experiences every day!" The little girl looked sympathetic.

"What? You still have to write about your experience? Every day? Is that how people live?" Luo Fugui was stunned.

"Fox, tell me...he's like this, he really entered the Anti-Japanese University, isn't he ashamed of the Independence Group?" Xiao Hongying took two steps forward and kicked Hu Yi who was pretending to be a god
Hu Yi came back to his senses, feeling that the little girl's voice was so far away: "Then what do you want?"

"Look, fox, you've been to a military academy, so it's meaningless to study again, isn't it? Mules don't know much, and it's useless to learn. Why don't we just sign up and try to get out?" Student from the independent group Before the list was announced, the wicked girl started thinking of becoming a deserter.

"You have a good idea. You have to train every day when you come together. Then you have half a day of ideological and political study. In the afternoon, you will have military training. You will work for the common people for two hours. In the evening, you will summarize. After a month of gathering, the team will be pulled directly into the enemy-occupied area. !" Ma Liang on the other side couldn't help but interjected.

"How do you know?" Luo Fugui shuddered when he heard this, why are you still sleeping so late?Do you have to die?

"When I was a correspondent, I often went to the division. A monitor told me about it!" Ma Liang said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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