under fire

Chapter 548 Gifts

Chapter 548 Gifts
Xiao Zhui'er probed his head and glanced at the tent of the regiment headquarters. Head Lu was talking to Minister Zhang, the political commissar.

Slowly swaying to the side of Captain Liang who had finished boxing by the river: "That Captain Liang, do you know the history of the training team in the north in the first half of the year?"

The soldiers who were watching the excitement and applauding nearby saw the little girl's posture and quickly dispersed.

Captain Liang, who was sweating and putting on his military uniform, darkened when he heard the words: "What are you asking about? It's a secret!"

"Aren't they just older soldiers?" The little girl looked eager: "I also fought devils with them!"

"What? Did you fight devils with them? Uh, they said they encountered a well-equipped militia after they returned to the mountain." Captain Liang was startled, thought for a while and lowered his voice: "Could it be you? Don't yell out loud, The teachers deliberately suppressed this news!"

"Hey, I only know one of their heads!" The girl really whispered.

"Don't talk about regiment commanders. In that team, the battalion commander has the lowest position! Of course, except for those guards who are qualified to lead by regimental leaders!"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "No wonder, I said that in the Eighth Route Army, except for our Ninth Company, how could there be such a capable team!"

Hearing that the little girl brags shamelessly, Captain Liang is angry and funny. This frog who has stayed in the mountains for a long time has come out of the plains, and he really takes himself seriously. This girl has no brains to ask about this. What do you mean? ?
"You came to see me, what's the matter? Let me tell you first, hey, students who have entered the Kangda University, we treat them equally!"

"Where did you go, I just want to know what to study first, so I can prepare in advance!"

"There's no need to prepare, uh... I heard from the rotation training team that you have good equipment, tell me, can you do it with one shot?"

"Do you really think I'm an idiot? Don't you know that there are cooks and health workers in our team who don't carry guns. How could they be shot?" The little girl rolled her eyes, I can tell you Half of our Jiulian veterans have double guns?

However, among the veterans of the Ninth Company, including the militiamen, there was really one person without a gun: He Gensheng!

It is impossible to throw all the bait out at once when fishing to make a nest. It is too early at this time.

However, you have to say yes first?
The surroundings were quiet, and the little girl twitched in embarrassment: "Captain Liang, you see that your cloth shoes are too old. We have a few more pairs of devil army shoes in our Jiulian. If you don't mind, why don't you change a pair?"

"Hey, are you trying to bribe me? We Eight Roads don't do that!" This girl's film awareness still needs to be improved.

"Do you want love!" The pair of shoes behind her back were thrown to the ground.

After saying that, he turned to leave.

"Hey, take it back to me!" Captain Liang stretched out his hand to grab the girl's small arm with a dark face.

"Even if you're a comrade, what do you say when you openly hold a lesbian's hand?" The little girl's face darkened.

Captain Liang's mind was buzzing, and he quickly let go.

You are a captain, and you hang around with a fake mirror case on your back all day long. Do you really think that the soldiers of the Ninth Company look at your gun with envy?

That's sympathy!

Now it's time to cast another bait!

The little girl's complexion changed suddenly, she smiled and pulled out the speed machine that was hurting her back, and then pulled out her big eyes: "My gun is very heavy, if I carry it in training, it will definitely slow me down. , look, school will start soon anyway, can you help me keep it for a while?"

Captain Liang was stunned, this girl actually has two guns?

The one on my waist is still a ten-shot imitation, and the pistol in front of me with a long magazine is still blue and glowing under the moonlight. It is absolutely the original German product!
Subconsciously reached out to take it, couldn't put it down, after a while, he handed it back, serious: "I said girl, you gave me the gun, I have to thank you, but I can't accept it, I will never violate the principle!"

Captain Liang kept talking to me incoherently, but the little girl didn't take the gun: "Friendly troops support each other with weapons. It seems that there is no such prohibition in our Eighth Route Army?"

"It seems to be true." Captain Liang turned the speed machine in a big circle in his mind, and the leaders gave each other guns, which became a good story.

However, it's wrong for this little girl to dare to bribe herself openly, and she has nothing to ask of herself, what kind of bribe is this?
Besides, we have a high level of ideological consciousness, even if you make small moves, I will let you steal chickens and lose money!

Receive it first!
Doing so does not violate discipline, so report to Minister Zhang later, won't this matter be settled?

The Ministry of Political Affairs doesn't seem to care about this, it's a headache.
"That's fine, I'll keep it for you first!" After thinking about it for a long time, the Eighth Route Army really didn't have any rules prohibiting friendly troops from sending guns!

For the sake of an old sleeve that can hit all parts, take the initiative to send a gun?The doors are gone.

Finally pulled the gun over again.

Seeing people talking about people, talking ghosts about ghosts, although the little girl is not very old, she has already figured out the twists and turns about weapons in the team.

Since you are here to investigate and find a place to play for the opening class of the Anti-Japanese University, it is said that you are not looking for a place, but you nest in the wine station, with the experience of being a little girl and playing in the team, you don't know what's going on!

Obviously, cultural learning is definitely not the most important thing!

It has long been heard that the branch school of the Anti-Japanese University in the division has been abolished and merged into the main school, but now it has suddenly started classes, which must have something to do with the devils sweeping up the headquarters.

It is a fact that the combat effectiveness of the troops in the mountains is not strong, so the expansion of the training to platoon-level fighters this time must be to let the commanders at the grassroots level grasp the essence of guerrilla warfare more comprehensively, or the headquarters must have received some news, maybe the gang of devils who wiped out the division headquarters Not reconciled, ready to make a comeback at any time!
These things can be thought of in her little head, again, it is experience!
The oldest person in the Ninth Company's team, if you say the Eighth Route Army's military age, he will definitely surpass Ma Liang!
Although she didn't know much about this guy surnamed Liang, based on the boxing techniques he fought yesterday and just now, this guy is not easy!
Those who can be the training captain must have a few brushes.

Don't you have a Pan Zhuzi in Sanlian?Since I can get the spy platoon to the Ninth Company and I can't bear to leave, I don't believe I can't get the training captain to the Ninth Company!

Speaking of which, can a training captain escape the palm of the Ninth Battalion?
The little girl knows very well that in the training class of the Anti-Japanese University, in addition to the senior commander class, after the training of the grassroots commanders and fighters is completed, many people will directly transfer to the combat troops.

Studying at the Anti-Japanese University is not about breaking up after finishing the study!
Although Xiao Hongying hasn't got the list for this training, judging from her experience, Hu Yi, Wu Yan, Gao Yidao, and Hao Ping are definitely qualified.

It's just that this time the recruitment range is very large, obviously, the quota has been extended to ranks!
Otherwise, the political commissars wouldn't ask the platoon leaders one by one why they didn't come back!

However, it is absolutely impossible for all four companies of the independent regiment to be trained at the same time!

A part has to be left, who knows if the enemy will enter the mountain to sweep?
Not surprisingly, half of the people should be selected first to enter the Anti-Japanese University training class. Then, there will be a big difference between the first and the second.

Whoever advances to the battalion first will be the main force, according to the iron rules of the Eighth Route Army.

She didn't know how the division would deal with the group of students that Ma Liang sent into the mountain, but she had already heard from head Lu that the division would add some educated students to the independent group.

However, the current situation is special, and the old monster is very scheming, so he probably doesn't have the share of Jiulian.

Jiulian now has more people and more guns, and just now it has brought so much food into the mountains, and it is also eight hundred miles away from the company in terms of credit.

As for Erlian, few of him can read and write. He can compare with Jiulian's talkative instructors, the vixen who is in charge of enemy workers, the talented Sun Youshang, and the talented Mei Huaizhi. Mr. Zhang, a teacher who can read a lot, let's not count this for the time being.
Not to mention that the Jiulian is now developing rapidly and there are only more than 200 people, four or five hundred in the security team, one or two hundred in the guerrilla team, and I don’t know how many people are in Lao Zhou, and the number of one hundred and ten must be indispensable. Not even the militia!
How can his Erlian compare with the current Jiulian?
No matter how good Hao Ping is at pulling people, how can he compare with Jiu Lian when those little sheep carry the sword?

In other words, in terms of culture, Jiulian has already left a long way behind the other company bosses.

After all, there is not even an instructor in a row until now!
Confinement outside.



"The wicked girl is giving gifts to Captain Liang"

 Don't feel like making it up, there are even more outrageous things
(End of this chapter)

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