under fire

Chapter 549 Real Thoughts

Chapter 549 Real Thoughts

In the middle of the night, a tall figure quickly turned towards the bunker that was still lit.

Gao Yidao pulled out the horizontal rifle of the sentinel outside the bunker, lowered his head, and an indescribable smell entered his nostrils.

Amidst several pairs of surprised and contemptuous gazes, Hu Yi, who was lying with his arms on his head, was at the end of the bed.

"Come out with me and have something to say."

"No time, just fart here!" Hu Yi didn't even move, closed his eyes and continued to squint.

Gao Yidao was not in the mood to talk to Hu Zaishi: "I got the news that before we graduate from the Anti-Japanese University, none of us will be promoted to the camp!"

Lord Hu was stunned for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at Gao Yidao disappointedly: "Isn't it just what you want?"

Regarding the promotion of the camp, Hu Yi has his own plans, not because he wants to be promoted too much, but to meet certain conditions, it is impossible not to be promoted.

Except for the political commissar and the little girl, almost no one knew what he really thought.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, don't think that others don't know about your thoughts!"

"Then tell me, what's on my mind!"

"Two-five-eight regiment!" Gao Yidao said contemptuously.

Hu Yi was startled, this matter was buried deep in his heart, how could Gao Yidao know?
No one is so calm when someone reveals the secret in his heart. Hu Yi is a little confused. Do many people know?
However, the same is true for all changes, so Hu Yi still maintained a lying posture: "I don't know what you are talking about!"

Gao Yidao glanced at Luo Fugui, who was lying on the bed opposite Hu Yi, and Xu Xiao, who was at the door with wide eyes wide open and confused: "You two get out!"

"I'll give you your grandma!" Luo Fugui jumped up, rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to do it.

Gao Yidao didn't want to fight this guy: "I have something important to say!"

Luo Fugui turned to look at Hu Yi, but Hu Yi didn't speak.

Looking back at Gao Yidao again, he got out of bed, kicked on his shoes, and pulled Xu Xiao out of the bunker.

When passing by Gao Yidao, he deliberately bumped his arm, but Gao Yidao, who had been prepared for a long time, dodged it.

Gao Yidao glanced outside the bunker, and took a look at the layout of the bunker. There were two machine guns, two rifles, and three box cannons hanging on the wall.

"If you fart, let it go." Hu Yi yawned.

Although they did not deal with each other twice in a row, as old opponents, they were suddenly separated for such a long time and met again, and neither of them was even used to it.

There was a time when they carried guns together but had no friendship. Both of them knew what the other thought of them, so they didn't need to be polite at all, and just got straight to the point.

Under the oil lamp, Gao Yi's black face was expressionless, and he didn't care about Hu Yi's indifference: "We all have to enter the Anti-Japanese University, is it interesting for you to play those tricks?"

Hu Yi looked at this man in surprise, and thought, when will I play tricks?Not in the mood to guess: "Does it have something to do with you!"

Gao Yidao looked at the lying old god Hu Yi who was looking at the top of the bunker: "I don't care if you want to compete for performance now or wait for the limelight later, but this time you are going to fight against the big, you'd better not play tricks!"

"Heh, I'm better than you at anything!"

"I can give you the chance to advance to the battalion first." Gao Yidao suddenly made up his mind.

"Do I need you to let me?" Hu Yile said, can you settle this matter after two consecutive talks?Didn't you say you can't get promoted temporarily?

"All the students arranged by the teacher will belong to Erlian!" Gao Yidao put forward the conditions.

"I have no objection!" Hu Yi has a black line, the promotion of the Ninth Company is a certainty, and you only think of improving the cultural level of the Second Company now, it's too late.

As for the students, is it useful for Jiulian?
Gao Yidao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Hu Yi to agree so readily: "During the study period, you have to show me the summary you wrote first!"

It is really rare to be so righteous and shameless to this extent.

Hu Yisi sat up from the bed with a gloomy face: "Then you have to come up with something you can look at!"

"Two telephones, plus a radio!"

Hu Yi was stunned. The last time he went to Pingyuan, he had heard that Erlian had gotten a lot of good goods, but Jiulian hadn’t seen such high-end radios. As for the phone that Erlian got, it was purely a decoration.

"Deal." Hu Yi didn't think much about it.

Gao Yidao spent all his money, because he knew that he wanted to graduate from the Anti-Japanese University, in addition to military affairs, there was also ideology and culture.

Just knowing a few words is likely to be put directly on the military squad radio, which is a good thing, but unfortunately it is broken.

There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and a figure bowed his head and entered the castle.

"Bro, are you there, Company Commander Gao?" Ma Liang looked at the two people in the room.

"Since you still have something to do, I'll go first!"

"The political commissar asked you to go to Qingshan Village with him." After Gao Yidao walked away, Ma Liang hurriedly reported.

"When did you guys come back?" Seeing that it was not the political commissar but Hu Yi who came back, Li Youcai let out a sigh of relief.

"Didn't the political commissar tell you that because of the discovery of the advancing team, the defenses in the mountains have been strengthened?" Under the moonlight, Hu Yi stood in the shadow of a big tree.

"I didn't expect you to rebuild Qingshan Village so soon." Li Youcai was a little depressed.

"If it wasn't for Ma Liang who was on duty, you might have been arrested by now. Tell me, what are you going to do when you come back?" Hu Yi went straight to the point without talking nonsense.

"The news about what class you are going to open has already spread to the city."

Hu Yi was taken aback: "Can you confirm the channel of the news?"

"Besides my line, there should be another one." Li Youcai said flatly.

Hu Yi stopped talking: "Is there any definite news about advancing to the team?"

"Yesterday morning, the car pulled two cars and people went east. If I guessed correctly, it should be the person you are looking for." Li Youcai replied lightly.

"Where did you go?" Hu Yi still asked after knowing that the advance team had left the mountain. He wanted to find out the movement of the advance team.

"I'm alone, how can I know so many things?" Li Youcai didn't answer.

"How many people are there?"

"More than 50, and several injured, are now in Meixian Hospital."

"Okay, is there anything else?"

"Help me kill someone."


"Captain Shen of the detective team."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "You led someone to dig the blockade, and someone picked up the peaches?"

"It would be good for everyone if they could be replaced by my people."

"If I remember correctly, you shouldn't be short of money, right?"

"I'm going to start a family."

When Hu Yi heard the traitor dog's words, he was immediately stunned and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, Li Youcai cautiously said, "It's not that I don't agree to give you an internal response, I think... people must have a way forward!"

"You have a good idea." Hu Yi understood that the dog traitor was about to leave Mei County.

Li Youcai was a little lonely: "I have to trouble you to apologize to Sister Su on my behalf."

"I can bring it, what else do you want?"

The dog traitor shook his head and smiled wryly: "Also, if I'm not wrong, the people in the super high class should be hiding in a certain village at the foot of the mountain. If you keep an eye on the slackers, you should be able to get news."

"We have entered the plains, and you don't need to come to the mountains again."

The dog traitor was stunned, but smart people are different, and immediately connected certain things: "You were the Eighth Route Army that was active in the east of Meixian some time ago?"

"You know too much." Hu Yi said lightly.

"Farewell!" The traitor cupped his hands, turned to the south and quickly disappeared into the night.

The dialogue between the two was simple and shocking, and many places were even more inappropriate, and some questions were even answered by no one.
The political commissar hiding in the dark has a black thread
(End of this chapter)

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