under fire

Chapter 551 Background Check

Chapter 551 Background Check
When the independent regiment was in the mountains, they basically passively fought guerrilla warfare with the enemy in order to survive.

Every time the devils and puppet troops went into the mountains to sweep, the troops had to suffer a lot.

Compared with the regular army, the strength of the guerrilla army is too different. If you can't beat it, you will run away, just like the difference between a mouse and an elephant.

So that the environment has become the biggest factor affecting the outcome of the battle.

The situation of the Ninth Company, which is also engaged in guerrilla operations, is slightly different, because there is a commander in the middle who has attended a serious military academy.

And he changed the guerrilla warfare that mainly focused on harassment and defense. From the day it was established, it was different from the first company and the second company. Hu Yi, who was in charge of the command, was as hard as a stone. There is no downside in a head-on battle.

Each battle reporter was very concise, but Captain Liang saw something unusual in it.

Almost every enemy encountered, no matter devils or puppet troops, is basically stronger than Jiulian.

Jiulian resorted to all means, laying ambushes, playing dirty tricks, and playing tricks.

The most dangerous encounter was with the advance team, the backbone of which was almost wiped out.

And it was luck to escape from death after being surrounded by the enemy several times.

Just these few times of good luck, Captain Liang saw the clues.

Minister Zhang and Captain Liang sat at a table that was put together in a small wooden room in the wine station.

The two were looking at the list of personnel and resumes from the independent group newspaper.

"There are several questions in this resume." Captain Liang handed a document to Minister Zhang.

"Luck is also a kind of strength!" Minister Zhang looked up after reading Captain Liang's report on Jiulian: "I believe in our comrades!"

"What if this is an enemy's conspiracy?" Captain Liang put forward his own opinion.

"You're talking about the battle where they were let go by the devils? Haha, we investigated this matter. We dared to attack the county with a platoon of troops and solved the disaster of the independent regiment. Do you think your suspicion is still meaningful! "Minister Zhang couldn't help but find it funny.

"What if. I mean hypothetical. They have a bigger goal?"

"In May, the devils made a big sweep. A company of troops blocked the devils who were about to surround the division headquarters for nearly two days. Then the devils surrounded the headquarters. They still used more than half of the company to lure away the two battalions of devils who surrounded the headquarters in the mountains. You said, we What target of the Eighth Route Army can be greater than this headquarters division?" Minister Zhang said seriously, obviously, he was a little dissatisfied with Captain Liang's suspicion.

"Well, I reserve my opinion." Captain Liang didn't really want to suspect that Jiulian had other purposes, but the results of the battle were there, making people feel too unreal. Can you teach it?

School hasn't started yet, but the instructor backed down.

"Captain Liang, here is the latest report. It is still wrong to rely on one platoon. Hey, there is another team with more than 100 numbers! Look, with more than [-] troops, they still took more than two months ago. We got off the county seat of Hua County." Minister Zhang smiled openly.

"What? Huaxian County? Didn't it come from the division?" Captain Liang put down the stack of documents in his hand, and quickly reached out to take the documents that Minister Zhang handed over.

Minister Zhang tapped the table with his finger: "I saw this report a long time ago in the division. It said that there is a ninth company, and the independent regiment just went to reinforce the division. I think the report of the division has laid an ambush!"

"No, isn't there an independent battalion in the division? I'm a bit puzzled, could it be a mistake?" Captain Liang often read the battle summaries in the newspapers of various ministries in Pingyuan, but he did a lot of work in advance.

"Don't forget, although the division also has an independent battalion, it has only been established for less than two months."

"Call him over and ask if you know?"

"No need, it's probably true. Isn't it interesting for us to just watch them play tricks?"

"That makes sense, when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I will arrange for someone to bring these documents back to the division. I have to go to the south. This time, the division will open four classes at the same time in the joint enemy area. The other student materials have not been sent yet. .”

"Otherwise, it would be all right to send troops from the plain to the mountains, and besides, you will have problems entering the plain!"

"The work we do, can we not go to the field inspection because of the danger? Only when we see the actual situation can we make better decisions, what do you think?"

"Okay, Minister Zhang, have you noticed a problem?"

"Eh? Say it."

"The Ninth Company seems to have never done the work of transferring people!"

"Once again, they led the enemy away and saved a lot of folks!" Minister Zhang handed the last summary about Nine Companies to Captain Liang.

"Yes, I haven't seen that company commander Hu after staying here for two days. Didn't you meet before you left?"

"I heard that he was put in confinement by Head Lu." Minister Zhang thought for a while, "Hey, I think that guy surnamed Lu is playing tricks again."

"How do you say that?"

"You think, he should be very entangled now. First, if the person is sent to us first, what do you think will happen to the independent regiment after other troops know the situation?"

"Of course we have to let it go. Hehe, I really didn't see that the independent group wanted to hide people, and he still has plans." Captain Liang finally figured it out, but he was still puzzled: "If this is the case, why not let Jiulian Wouldn't it be over after entering the mountain?
"Second, there are only two people that the independent group can fight. Do you know that Gao Yidao? This one is not a good one!"

Captain Liang looked upright: "Hey, it doesn't matter if he is a dragon or a tiger, if he falls into our hands, do you think he still has a chance to win?"

"Third, do you know how many people are there in Erlian and Jiulian?"

"The document says that there are about two hundred numbers each, right?"

"Hey, I'll scare you by saying it." Minister Zhang smiled triumphantly.

"How many?"

"Two companies will definitely not be less than a thousand!"

"How is this possible? Ten times more than the standard company?"

"You read this document first. Let's talk about the Ninth Company. They have a security regiment and a guerrilla brigade. There is still a part on the plain. Even the militia of the Ninth Company is on the other side of the river. I don't know how many there are."

"Ah, security team? Is that the establishment of the supplementary team?" Captain Liang was taken aback for a moment.

"You've been watching this for a long time, and you're going to take a closer look?" Minister Zhang was displeased.

"Hey, it's interesting. Three soldiers started a business, and in just four years, they pulled more than 1000 numbers. Almost everyone has a gun. It's really not easy."

"Why, you were almost deceived by them, right? Except for He Gensheng, who has no guns in the Ninth Company, whose equipment is worse than that of the comrades who came to the basic department when we came out of the mountain this time?"

"No wonder. Even the secret service platoon has a hot fight with them."

Minister Zhang said seriously: "Look at the Second Company again, the number of people is no less than that of the Ninth Company! These two troops that can fight, you should remember clearly for me, and you must bring them to me!"

Captain Liang stood up immediately: "I promise to complete the task!"

These are two teams that can be promoted to the regiment at any time!
It's a pity that the Eighth Route Army doesn't have so many numbers. Now, no matter if you are a dragon or a snake, I'll put it up first.

Thinking of this, Minister Zhang smugly smiled: "Hey, I don't know about the violations of discipline that the Second Company and the Ninth Company thought they did?"

"You still have people in Erlian and Jiulian?"

"What are you talking about? The one named Lu thought that Hu Yi was hidden, and the one named Gao was put in confinement. Do you really think I have nothing to do?"

Captain Liang came to his senses: "I see, you mean Jiulian Old Qin?"

Minister Zhang nodded in satisfaction: "Hey, I said Captain Liang, if you don't enter our enemy engineering department, it will be a great loss to our political department!"

Captain Liang was dissatisfied: "Don't be too proud of yourself. If the division hadn't asked the Anti-Japanese University to hold an additional session, I might have gone to the front line in the morning!"

Minister Zhang took a sip from his teacup: "Wouldn't it be more interesting to take a batch of elite troops sent by various troops into enemy-occupied areas to stir up trouble?"

"Mr. Zhang, you are right."

"Also, after I leave, most of the secret service platoon will be handed over to you temporarily. That guy Wang Liujin has learned badly from Jiulian. When he sees me, he is evasive. He must be holding something bad. Give me He took care of it."

"With your words, there will be no shortage of instructors in my team this time." Captain Liang replied happily. This time the scope of enrollment was expanded, and the team of instructors under him was originally insufficient.

"I'll take two classes away, and you stay here. When the time comes, gather the students and bring them to Yaozhuang. Let's hold a school opening ceremony first."

"Didn't you say that school will start after the new year?" Captain Liang hesitated for a while and asked.

"You stupid brain, look, these grassroots commanders, many of them don't know a few big characters, don't you let these characters know them first? This matter, hehe, I'll leave it to you!" Zhang The minister was very happy, and he was absolutely displeased to let Captain Liang, who is capable of writing and martial arts, do this job of teaching literacy.

"you are vicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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