under fire

Chapter 552 No One Will Stand Still

Chapter 552 No One Will Stand Still
Most of the independent regiments above the platoon level are here.

In the conference room which is not that big, in the open area of ​​the wine station, there is a large area of ​​people sitting in the dark, fifty or sixty.

That is to say, according to the standard establishment, with four company commanders and five platoon leaders NO.60, there must be at least two thousand independent regiments.

Originally, there were more than a dozen platoon leaders in the four companies, and each company suddenly promoted the squad leaders to platoon leaders, a total of thirty or so!
With a meeting size of six to 70 people, the small open space was a bit crowded.

Hu Yi kept his head down and didn't speak, listening to the rushing of the river.

Luo Fugui on his left, Ma Liang on his right, Tian Sanqi, Li Xiang and Chen Chong who are recovering from injuries behind him
Only Wang Xiaosan who was absent.

The side by side looked at the rostrum one after another in a row.

At the beginning of the meeting, the political commissar first coughed: "Let's get to know each other first, it may be the first time that many comrades here want to meet each other!"

After a pause, the political commissar began to roll the roll: "Start with the first company, each company commander takes the lead, all platoon leaders, please introduce yourself first!"

"Company Commander Wu Yan!" Concisely.

"A row of long iron eggs!" Huan salute.

Hahaha. There was laughter beside me.

"Report, one row after another, Wang Tiedan" hurriedly added.


"Nine companies and eighteen rows, Tang Dagou!"

Head Lu smiled and narrowed his eyes. The original team of 500 people has grown so fast, who can be unhappy?
Be humble!
Therefore, he remained silent until the fifty or sixty platoon leaders finally finished their introductions one by one.

Head Lu remained silent.

However, most of the platoon leaders turned their heads and saw that the little pigtail at the end of Jiulian hadn't said a word.

The political commissar hesitated for a moment, and finally ignored the braid who kept silent and pretended to be shy, and went straight to the point: "The purpose of our meeting, I believe, everyone should know."

How do I know if you don't tell me?They were whispering to each other, and the discussion was divided into two factions. One was discussing that the braid was deflated, and the other was the gossip that the regiment was going to conduct a shocking cultural training in advance.

"Quiet, let me talk about the situation we are facing now!"

"The devils are around outside the mountains, and the people on the plains are living in dire straits, and this year there is a severe drought"

The deep voice of the political commissar began to resound in the venue.

Starting from 20, after the July [-]th Incident, the national army withdrew to the south, and the government and local security guards fled ahead of the national army. Zhang Yinwu from the north abducted seven counties [-] days before the devils arrived in Baoding. The security team fled without a trace with guns and ammunition.

The battle of Songhu started
Devils marched into Chahar, burned, killed, looted and raped
The Northeast devils went south and west, and the Central China devils went north and west. The national army in Jinchaji, Central China, and South China was defeated all the way, anarchy formed everywhere, and bandits swarmed everywhere.

The devils occupied a large area, and the shortage of troops began to become apparent. A large number of Puppet Manchukuo government personnel were transferred from the Northeast to organize the puppet army.

Some government personnel who did not escape openly took refuge in the devils, and even after the devils went south and west, some traitors brought a devil consultant or even a Japanese ronin, recruited a few former government employees at random, and could go to some counties to become false county magistrates.

Even so, as the occupied area became larger and larger, these personnel were still insufficient. In some places, bandits began to join the devils. Three people can be called a brigade, and five people can be called a division. Because they have guns in their hands, they bluff and harass everywhere .

The various teams fought with each other, and the powerful bandits went down the mountain to grab the territory directly, and they were constantly merged with each other.

In such a chaotic situation, the wealthy upper-class landlords and the bourgeoisie all fled, and almost all those who could get travel expenses left. can't go.

Let’s talk about the reorganization of the Eighth Route Army to cooperate in the anti-Japanese war. After moving eastward and northward, several large-scale classic battles with the devils, cooperation with the national army during the war of resistance, and repeated friction with the national army
In the end, in a deep voice, he talked about the harm caused by the war to the common people and the damage to the foundation of the country and the nation.
After about an hour, the political commissar finally finished preparing the relevant situation in advance and briefly finished speaking.

The dark crowd at the venue, with tears in their eyes and excited blood, whispered to each other and buzzed.

Commander Lu said, "The Sixth Branch School of the Anti-Japanese University of our division was originally abolished and merged into the main school, but in order to raise the awareness of our comrades at the grassroots level and strengthen the level of commanding battles, the division specially applied to the superiors for adding it." There are two training courses, so everyone should cherish this hard-won opportunity and work hard to improve the cultural level!"

When it comes to culture, the venue where there was a lot of discussion just now fell silent.

Judging from the way the group leader said this, the legend is clear and correct. The training will be divided into two phases. Those above the platoon level will be trained in rotation by the whole group, and no one will be able to escape!
The squad leaders with thirty or forty soldiers under them were promoted to platoon leader, but few of them were happy.

Because cultural learning is required first!

The new platoon leaders are dumbfounded, the first reaction is, wait for the early birds to go first!
The political commissar put down the tea mug, saw some cold silence, and spoke again: "For the sake of fairness, and to ensure that the troops will still maintain their combat effectiveness after the students leave, and at the same time, we will show the spirit of mutual help among our grassroots commanders. Half of our four companies will participate in the first batch. , Next, please each company, discuss the arrangements by yourself, and report the list of the first batch of personnel."

Before Monkey entered the city, the public security team's intelligence system in the city had been in operation.

Since there is a mass base in the city, most of the intelligence networks are single-line connections and do not overlap with each other. Therefore, although the work efficiency is not high, the possibility of problems is not high.

Monkey has been in the city for more than half a month. He works as a waiter in a restaurant during the day, and runs around the city at night. He is finally sure that the convoy that returned to the barracks ten days ago, and the two carts of devil soldiers that it pulled back, must be advancing soldiers. Part of the team!

The public security team has added eyeliner near the devil's barracks to observe the entry and exit of personnel at the front and rear doors of the devil's barracks day and night. Where the devils in the barracks went after they came out, where did they leave the city gate, and what did they do when they left the city? out.

In addition, another underground intelligence system is also quietly operating.

Not only did they find out the number of most of the soldiers in the Devil's barracks, but even several spies who disguised themselves as ordinary people from the Devil's Gendarmerie Special High School were dug out.

The action team didn't do anything, so the county town seemed calm and peaceful. The Eighth Route Army seemed to disappear suddenly. No one distributed leaflets, and no one talked to the families of the puppet soldiers. It seemed that the assassination never happened.

All kinds of information are being sent to the security team through different channels.

Su Qing put the summarized documents on the table: "According to the instructions of the superior, the devils advance into the team with at least two squadrons. There are only two squads with more than 30 devils here. It means that there are still a large number of enemies active in the mountains!"

After reading Su Qing's summary, Zhang Yi said, "The Beishan Regiment wiped out a part of the Devils, and the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment wiped out nearly a platoon. In my opinion, there should not be so many Devils advancing into the team now, right?"

"Not necessarily, don't the devils know about the supplementary personnel?" Old Zhou always felt that something was missing.

Zhang Yi discovered that something was wrong with the devils in the barracks a year ago, but unfortunately he didn't connect the abnormal situation in the devils barracks with the advance team at all, and missed a great opportunity.

After all, the information he obtained was really limited: "This is unlikely. The devils who can join the advance team must not only have outstanding military capabilities, but also be fluent in Chinese. Judging from the current situation, the devils have not increased their manpower." .”

Su Qing opened a document marked "Top Secret" again: "The boss publicly issued a statement in the newspaper that he would launch an assassination operation against the commanders of the devils. So far, it has received obvious results, and the activities of the advancing team have been restrained a lot."

After listening to Zhang Yi: "I don't think it's that simple. The last time the devils raided the headquarters, they dealt a heavy blow to the headquarters. It is impossible for them to invest such a large-scale force to sweep the headquarters again. They are definitely up to something!"

Lao Zhou immediately understood Zhang Yi's meaning: "You mean their target may be our division?"

"Yes, this possibility is very high. Our division was surrounded by devils only three hours after the last sweep. Since they lost that opportunity and knew the location of the division, the enemy will definitely attack the division again. Do it!"

"Then what do you mean, we have to focus on the suspicious personnel who are active near the division headquarters?"

"Since we can figure out that devils are not fools, they like to play tactics of surprise attack, so I think it is necessary to consider advancing teams to carry out sabotage or assassination operations in a way that we may not know." Su Qing intuitively did not Most of the devils found were in the mountains.

"Well, your analysis makes sense. We soldiers are far inferior to devils in individual combat. In this case, we can't defend against thieves for a thousand days. Let's work hard and find these thieves first!" Lao Zhou was a little excited .

"Although this method is difficult, there are a group of advance teams here. As long as we find the remaining people, we can basically eliminate the threat of the advance team to the division headquarters." Zhang Yi knew that the division's intelligence system in Pingyuan was not perfect. According to the basic information near the ground, the high-level information of the devils is almost blank, and more must rely on the organization's intelligence system in northern Shaanxi.

"I think, should we first find a way to eliminate this guy and advance to the team!" Sun Youshang, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

Zhang Yi next to him shook his head: "As long as the devils leave the county, we have no chance at all!"

"Then stare at this team, as long as they leave the city, get rid of them at all costs!" Su Qing's white face was full of determination.

 Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political University

  Referred to as anti-big.

  During the Agrarian Revolutionary War and the Anti-Japanese War, the school was established to train anti-Japanese cadres.

  Its predecessor was the Red Army University.

  It was established in Wayaobao, Shaanxi in June 1936, and moved to Baoan, Shaanxi shortly thereafter.

  Originally named the Chinese Anti-Japanese Red Army University, in January 1937, it was renamed the Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and the school moved to Yan’an, Shaanxi.

  When the school was established, Lin was the principal, Liu was the vice-principal, Mao was the chairman of the education committee, Luo was the dean of education, Liu was the minister of training, and Yang was the minister of school affairs.

  The students of the Anti-Japanese University are mainly Red Army cadres in the army and educated youths from all over the country.

  The school adheres to the school spirit of "unity, tension, seriousness, and liveliness", uses the teaching method that emphasizes the integration of theory with practice, and focuses on ideological and political education as its characteristic educational content to train anti-Japanese cadres.

  In 1939, the main school of the Anti-Japanese University moved to the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan border area, and successively established 12 branch schools in the main base areas.

  In 1943, the head school moved back to Suide, Shaanxi.

  In August 1945, the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political University ended.

  During the opening of the school, more than [-] anti-Japanese cadres were trained.

(End of this chapter)

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