under fire

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

The monkey smiled flatteringly at the ghost in front of him: "Your Majesty, please go!"

The devils who were drunk looked at the monkey pleasingly, because the monkey looked thin, and the dignified soldiers of the empire were actually a head shorter than the ordinary people on the street. How could their self-esteem bear it, and finally found a bosom friend.

"Your, not bad." A devil soldier Cao casually took out an object from his bag and threw it to the monkey.

The monkey was taken aback for a moment, and took it casually, golden!
Immediately put a smile on his face: "Thank you Taijun, you go slowly."

When the devils were far away, the monkey took a sip, turned back to the restaurant, ran up to the second floor, greeted a middle-aged man who was cleaning up the devils and just left the box, and threw the gold ring over. , then turned around and went to the door of the box next door, and knocked on the door three times long and one short.

The door opened, and the monkey entered the room, and closed the door and bolted it.

The monkey went to the window and glanced at the ghost who was going away, turned his head, looked at the young girl who was writing something on the paper, and lowered his voice: "Hey, sister Wenxia, ​​have you heard any news this time?"

Liu Wenxia folded the paper twice, tore it into strips, folded it again, and handed it to the monkey: "Don't make trouble, the devil seems to be waiting for someone, just set off in these two days, and you should send the news to your mother's house immediately, and work early." Get ready!"

"Well, hey, if he enters the mountain this time, I guarantee that none of him will come back alive."

"Urgent, send it in two ways!" After finishing speaking, he put away the remaining notes on the table and folded them, and got up: "I'll go back first, staying here for a long time will make people suspicious."

"You don't want to eat before leaving?"

"No, sister-in-law Jiu left the meal."

The monkey turned around, pulled the bolt first to open the door, probed out to have a look, then turned out of the box silently, shook the towel in his hand, and put it on the window.

Jumping down the stairs to the first floor, it was getting dark early, and the middle-aged man turned off most of the lights in the house, leaving only an oil lamp on the counter.

The middle-aged man stood at the door, and Liu Wenxia, ​​who was dressed in gray, came down from the stairs, nodded to the middle-aged man, turned and walked to the back hall.

After going out the back door, he ran two quick steps, and jumped from the low wall to the next door with a whoosh.

"Uncle Jiu, I'm going out for a walk." Monkey waited for a while, but no one came to the restaurant, so he quickly changed his clothes, greeted the middle-aged man who was sweeping the floor, and prepared to go out.

"Going out so early?" The middle-aged man was a little worried.

Monkey smiled wryly, the eyeliner was not coming this evening, so he had to go to the backup contact point in person.

Just as he was about to go out, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, Uncle Jiu, you should leave a window and don't fasten it at night. Someone may come to me. If there is any movement, please help to pay attention."

In this dark night, if you put a towel on the window, you may not be able to see the eyeliner, and it would be too eye-catching if you lit the lights on the second floor, so Monkey decided to go to the school to find Mei Huaizhi himself.

There is something wrong with this bullshit contact method, it needs to be changed.

After half an hour.

Carefully avoiding the patrols and the no-night detectives along the way, jumping up and down like cats along the darkness.

Climbing over the low wall at the back gate of the school, and touching a dilapidated brick-roofed house that was still lit, it still caused the yellow dog guarding the gate to whine.

Mei Huaizhi, who was approving homework, heard a faint voice from outside the door, and raised his head: "Why are you here?"

"Urgent, send both lines at the same time, we must ensure that the information is sent through the blockade before dawn!" Monkey thought for a while: "By the way, the eyeliner did not show up on time, you'd better investigate."

On the corner opposite the restaurant.

Mei Huairen was stuck behind the door, feeling extremely nervous. He had seen the signal from the second floor of the restaurant a long time ago, but now at the door, two drunken detectives were sitting, talking about a sister in a fragrant restaurant. big breasts
I was stuck in the house and couldn't get out at all!

When Mei Huaizhi heard that her own brother didn't show up on time, her heart skipped a beat. Don't think about it, my brother must have had an accident!

My younger brother is careful in his work. Although he may get angry occasionally, he won't make such a big mistake.

Mei Huairen was in that room not so much as a traffic officer for the monkey, but actually had another important task: if something happened to the monkey, at least someone would know, and Director Zhang even arranged for a backup.

How ruthless the torture of the devils is, who can guarantee that other people will not be confessed if they are caught by the enemy?
Because the monkey is an important eye, he knows that the security team has too many things to do, and he cannot be allowed to lose. If the monkey is caught in an emergency, Mei Huairen has another task: kill the caught eye!
Although Mei Huairen would be exposed and even sacrificed in this way, if the monkey was caught, the risk could not be taken.

Others have always been a little puzzled by Director Zhang's arrangement. It is too hasty to arrange an Eighth Route soldier to carry out such an important task.

But the person recommended by Zeng Nansheng must have his reasons.

But now, the monkey was running around the city, completely out of his control, and messing up all his arrangements, which made him very dissatisfied.

If something really happened to the monkey, the severity of the consequences would be terrifying to think about.

Therefore, he decided to immediately transfer the monkey back to the base, no matter how powerful he is!
Although he was anxious in his heart, there was no strange expression on his face: "Don't worry, I will start to arrange immediately."

The monkey smiled wryly, "I know you're going to tell me why I'm running around, but this information is too important!"

"Don't be an example!" Mei Huaizhi couldn't help it, he had said this sentence at least seven or eight times.

But it can't be said directly that someone has been arranged to monitor him.

The monkey's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face suddenly became extremely weird. After a long time, he sighed, put his thumb up and said, "I know you arranged for someone to watch me, but let me remind you, these little tricks you play can't escape me." But my eyes!"

This time it was Mei Huaizhi's turn to be stunned, and he tried to remain calm: "What do you mean?"

"That young man in the room is your brother, I think you look alike."


"Don't worry, I know what you're up to, but you'd better not worry about it, you might still be breastfeeding when I was in Tianjin Wei!" The monkey gang wanted to expose Mei Huaizhi's little trick because After finding out about the possibility of the devils joining the team, he should go out of the city to participate in the battle, instead of staying in the restaurant to dawdle.

Your surname Mei made a mistake in arranging the traffic officer, so whatever makes sense is on your side.

Mei Huaizhi could afford to let it go, and smiled awkwardly: "Brother Monkey, calm down first, I really don't mean that, but you know the rules of our organization, it's my fault, I'll buy you a drink another day Eating meat is a sin!"

The monkey laughed lightly: "Hey, I think it's better to avoid it! If you ask Lao Mei to treat you to a meal, I think it will take another 800 years. Is it interesting for you to eat twice? Beat the devil, if you are not healthy, you still give a fart! "

After the monkey finished speaking, he took out something from his pocket and threw it on Mei Huaizhi's desk with a bang.

Under the oil lamp, there are golden strips shining brightly: small yellow croakers.

"Where did you come from?"

"It's none of your business, do you want it?" Monkey couldn't get angry, I was inquiring about devils every day, and you played tricks on me.

"If you don't tell me the origin of the gold bar, I won't ask for it."

The monkey chuckled: "I've been putting up with you all this time, just seeing that you can last a day with a single cornbread. Let me say it again, our Jiulian doesn't have those broken rules. If you can't even fill your stomach, you still have the strength to fight the devils." life?"

"Brother Monkey, you are completely wrong to think this way. Since you know everything, I arranged for someone to watch you. It was for the safety of the security team, but you should take this gold bar back. One cornbread a day is better than that." Those outside the city who gnaw bark and eat dirt are much better."

"Really not?"


"Then I'll leave it to the devil later."


"I picked it up from a devil. It's not a waste of money to pick it up. It will be returned to its original owner. Look, how noble I am."


"Do you think, if it's really an ordinary person, can he have this thing in his home?"

"Okay, I'll let you hand it over to the organization."

The monkey knew that the stubborn donkey would say this, and then took out a handful of colorful banknotes from his pocket: "Uh, then I'll give you this military ticket. If I hand it back to the Independence Regiment, it's just a piece of paper. It's getting worthless every day."

 After carefully checking some memoirs, there are quite a few fighters in the Eighth Route Army
(End of this chapter)

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