under fire

Chapter 554 Good Luck

Chapter 554 Good Luck

It's time for the security forces to change their defenses again.

Park Buhuan had nothing to do, and walked out of the barracks with the battalion commander who led the team to change defenses.

The [-]-odd security forces marched along the blockade along the blockade to change defenses, and searched for rebels in suspicious villages nearby!
The security forces who had been waiting by the blockade line to change their defenses saw the team coming out of the city, and hurriedly stood outside the blockhouse, stretching their necks and waiting to leave this boring day.

A platoon will be replaced in a large blockhouse, a squad will be replaced in a small stronghold, and there will be five or six people in a small bunker.

After ten days of boredom in the bunker stronghold of the gun tower, he was finally able to go back to the city for the tooth-beating festival.

After the excited team gathered a platoon, they returned to the barracks outside the city under the leadership of the platoon leader. After handing over their weapons, they could move freely. During the severe drought, after entering the security army, it was equivalent to eating royal food, and deserters were almost extinct.

The team went all the way to the north, but as the number of teams returning to the city increased, the number of people under Ma Ying-jeong's men was getting smaller and smaller.

On the way to the county seat, two detective team members with short guns came hurriedly, escorting a villager.

It didn't take long for the three of them to appear in sight before they were stopped by the vanguard walking in front: "Stop, what are you doing?"

"Blind your dog's eyes, you don't even know me?" The leader of the detective team was in a good mood, and sneered at the security forces.

"Hey, you open your mouth like shit, you smell like shit, why do I want to know you?" The spearhead pointed out.

"Hey, you, the Emperor's Alliance Army guarding the artillery tower, dare to challenge the uncle, are you impatient?"

"Hey, your detective team is really good. It's daytime now. If it's night, I won't knock out all your teeth!"

"Brother, don't blame me for not reminding you, be careful what comes out of your mouth." The detective team is not a good guy either.

"Don't think that I won't dare to touch you just because you have that guy surnamed Xu covering your head?"

"Then give me a try? I told you that your whole family will die, don't you believe me?"

Arrogant!The security forces were not taken seriously at all.

Pu Buhuan, who followed behind, heard the two bickering from a long distance: "Why are you arguing, what's going on?"

The vanguard immediately muttered aggrievedly: "This detective team is riding on our necks!"

Park Buhuan looked calm, looking at the two detectives in black and white shirts: "What's going on?"

The traitor dog restrained himself a lot when he saw the presence of the visitor: "Yesterday, we were on duty last night. We caught this guy who sneaked over the blockade in the middle of the night, and found a note from him. It's likely to be a letter to the Eighth Route!"

"It's a letter with a note? This is a new saying. What's written on that note?"

"I advise you not to inquire about this matter, my brother is on official business, so leave!" The traitor cupped his hands, but seeing that Pu Buhuan had no intention of giving way, he immediately opened his mouth: "Brother must send him to the gendarmerie now! I advise you not to feel uncomfortable!"

Park Buhuan sighed: "I won't delay you if you have official business, but who said that you want to kill the whole family just now?"

"Haha, sir, isn't this just a joke!" The black-clothed traitor saw that the official's tone was not friendly. It seemed that he should be an official.

I heard that the newly transferred deputy head of the security force is the nephew of Commander Wang, and he met him once and had a drink together. The current situation is easy to see for the king of hell, but difficult for the little ghost.

"Is it possible to joke about killing the whole family?" Park Buhuan's cold voice was chilling.

"Then what do you want?" Seeing this idiot's reluctance and lack of face, the traitor immediately raised his voice: "So what if I say so? How dare you challenge our detective team? Get out of here!"

Park Buhuan shook his head lightly, and six of his subordinates jumped out of the team without even firing a gun, and went directly to the two detectives.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" The traitor who had his neck pinched and his hands cut behind his back was finally persuaded: "We are all our own people. The detective team and you have always been in harmony with each other. Let's stay on the line today, and we will see each other someday!"

Park Buhuan listened, and was overjoyed, even the corners of the rivers and lakes appeared. He asked the security forces to do it because he found that the young man who was arrested was [-]% or [-]% similar to Mei Huaizhi. He knew in his heart that this guy Most likely the primary school teacher's brother!
The status of the Security Force is far inferior to that of the popular traitors under the Gendarmerie. The two sides do not like each other. The black-hearted instructor insists on forcing himself to the front without knowing it. The arrogance of being able to kill these black-skinned guys makes me laugh from ear to ear.

Park Buhuan couldn't see what these guys were thinking, with a sneer on his face, he ordered his subordinates: "Let go of him first."

"Even if you have eyesight, look at your face, I don't care about it, er, do you dare to let the prisoner die?" The traitor thought he was letting himself go, but he was completely wrong...

Park Buhuan was carefully looking at the young man who was let go: "What's your name?"

"Mei Huairen"

"Are you really sending information?"

"Sir, Mingjian, I was going home to visit my relatives. I didn't expect the road to be closed, so I had to"

"What's the meaning of the note hidden on your body? Do you think I don't know if you use a code word? You can insist on not speaking for a day after entering the gendarmerie. I have your surname!" The leader of the investigation team couldn't help it. ridicule.

The young man spat on the ground, then turned his head to one side to look at the sky: "A bunch of traitors!"

"Donkey has a temper, and his mouth is quite stubborn!"


"Don't tell me, right? Don't give me face? Come, someone, take him to the cemetery outside the village, and execute the Fa on the spot!" Park Buhuan quickly thought of a countermeasure.

The detective team next to him was impatient: "Hey, brother, my dear brother, you can't do this."

If you shoot people, I've worked so hard for half a month to catch one, how can I get credit for that?
The criminals caught by Lao Tzu's detective team, when will it be your turn to intervene?

No, when did the security forces become so bold?

The traitors of the detective team immediately realized that something was wrong

The observers of the gun tower were eager to see through. Why did the team that came to change the defense stop? When they turned around by chance, they suddenly found a figure in the distance to the west.

The figure is gradually getting bigger, it should be coming towards the blockhouse, and quickly howled to the bottom of the blockhouse: "Someone is coming from the west"

A few puppet soldiers in the blockhouse had packed their luggage early and were bored waiting on duty, and hurried out of the blockhouse with their guns, ready to arrest people.

A month ago, the imperial army had already ordered that ordinary people be prohibited from passing through the blockade!

But the gray-clothed man dressed as a commoner did not stop, and still ran towards the suspension bridge.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Across the deep ditch, he raised his gun and asked.

"Don't your mother have eyes? Quickly put down the suspension bridge for me."

As soon as they heard the sound, they knew that most of the people who came were members of the detective team. The four security forces did not dare to neglect, swearing and reluctantly lowered the suspension bridge slowly.

The visitor stood opposite the suspension bridge, anxiously asking, "Can you move faster?"

Before the arch of the suspension bridge hits the ground under his feet, someone jumped onto the suspension bridge, took out this ID card and waved it in front of the security forces: "You two idiots almost missed my important job!"

After speaking, he rushed directly into the gun tower, grabbed the phone and started shaking it.

"Report to the captain, about ten miles west of the blockade, we found an eight-way movement."


"We don't have enough manpower! When will the imperial army arrive?"


"Yes!" The traitor immediately turned around and yelled at the platoon leader of the Security Force next to him: "Hurry up and answer the phone."

The platoon leader Zhi was upset, but he didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly answered the phone: "Hello"




"Yes!" The platoon leader Zhi put down the phone and glanced at the detective next to him: "Please take care of me, brother!"

"Don't talk about those useless, hurry up and gather the team, set off immediately!"

The platoon leader Zhi yelled to the side: "All gather!"

After yelling, he pointed at the shooting hole and flattered the traitor standing by the phone: "Brother, you are so lucky. You just happened to be changing defense today, and there are still our people over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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