under fire

Chapter 560

Chapter 560
Snow in the mountains is completely different from the plains. If you can’t reach your destination before dark, the result may be very embarrassing. It is not a legend that the mountains are blocked by heavy snow.

When it’s snowing, you can’t see the road in the distance clearly, and the poor vision will give people a great sense of oppression. The best way is to find a local villager’s house to stay overnight.

In the afternoon, the sky began to snow again, and a team was struggling towards the wine station in embarrassment.

Count carefully, there should be 19 people.

I can no longer see the road clearly, and sometimes someone falls over and quickly gets up to wipe off the snowflakes on their bodies. When the thing gets hot, it will turn into water and get into the cotton-padded clothes.

The stumbling team finally saw the outline of the village clearly.

By the riverside of the wine station, a group of figures unwilling to be lonely roared deliberately in the cold wind mixed with snowflakes.

Wang Peng, who was in the lead, had put down the neck guard of his military cap, and his shoulders were steaming.

According to the plan, all ministries should organize their own cultural improvement studies in advance until the new year.

It's okay to be idle in the winter. Out of some considerations, Battalion Commander Wang led the team and personally led the [-] students selected by the whole regiment to the independent regiment station in advance.

Along the way, occasionally give pointers to those platoon leaders who lack actual combat experience.

Formal study will not start until after the Spring Festival. The focus must first be on ideological and political improvement, and daily basic training will be interspersed in the middle: stabbing, shooting, and physical training.

Then there is guerrilla combat training in villages in mountains, jungles and plains, followed by ideological and political studies every day.

Then, according to their grades or positions, some commanders with leadership abilities will be selected for special command training.

In the end, all the staff entered the actual combat training, and the focus of the entire training was on the actual combat, directly entering the enemy's combat zone!

Entering the Anti-Japanese University to study, in fact, it is still summarizing and learning from each other while fighting.

Since the trainees in this period are basically grassroots commanders, the difficulty of training is relatively small.

Unexpectedly, it caught up with the first snow since the beginning of winter.

After the snow, the originally rugged mountain roads are covered with snow, and if you cannot see the road clearly, you may stumble and fall off the cliff when walking in some dangerous places.

Therefore, the soldiers are like grasshoppers tied on a rope and connected in a string!

Fortunately, the team is all Padfoot running in the mountains for a long time, the speed is not slow, and finally ran into the wine station before dark.

Immediately pulled into the warm dormitory by the enthusiastic Jiulian.

The mountains and plains are covered with white robes, only the steep mountain wall still stands tall and gray.

Ma Liang, who was covered in white, came back from the checkpoint, habitually drilled into the bunker, and took off "Yu"'s clothes when he entered the house.

I couldn't help shivering, and looked carefully, seven or eight people brought by Wang Peng were shaking hands with Hu Yi enthusiastically. They were all old acquaintances, two company commanders and four platoon leaders.

The two parties were considered in-laws, and they had worked as devils in the same trench. The relationship they established was relatively deep. Even Hu Yi, who had always been cold-tempered, could not refuse this kind of enthusiasm.

It's just that Hu Yi can't remember the names of these relatives clearly, and even if he hasn't seen him for a long time, he may not know him even if he is facing each other. Therefore, he always gives people a feeling of repulsion, but it does not hinder The fraternal unit warriors reverence him.

He has seen a lot of life and death in his battlefield career for many years, and he walks in the flesh and blood. He doesn't want to remember those faces, and he imperceptibly agrees with the essentials of kindness and non-handling of soldiers.

There was hardly any difficulty for him to study in the cultural improvement class, so the political commissar and captain Liang had no other demands on him, and captain Liang even lent Hu Yi his handwritten military notes.

"Ma Liang, you're back?" Lao Qin's voice came from outside the small bunker door.

The students in the room facing the outside had discovered Ma Liang early on.

At this time, they all turned their heads when they heard the voice, and Lao Qin followed Han Erniu.

Hu Yi looked up at Old Qin and said, "Hey, why are you frowning?"

Old Qin's expression was gloomy: "It's getting colder and colder, and there are more and more people fleeing to our camp on the plain. Seeing that our food is hard to support!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Peng was a little embarrassed. He brought people to Jiulian ahead of schedule. A large reason was that the supplementary regiment did not have much food. In the same situation as the Independence Group, a large number of ordinary people fleeing famine entered the mountains.

The corner of the regiment leader’s mouth was bubbling, and there was nothing anyone could do about the lack of food. Wang Peng, the new battalion commander, looked at all this and had to propose to take some people to Jiulian to fight the autumn wind. A few mouths would save a few rations. It is better to leave early, and be chased away by the team leader.

He knew that the independent regiment was not easy, so he didn't bring his soldiers, but brought the platoon leaders who wanted to participate in the study to the independent regiment.

While thinking of words.

Hu Yi said indifferently to Lao Qin who was walking into the house: "It seems that Company Commander Wang is in the same situation as us."

Wang Peng didn't care what Hu Yi called him: "Hey, I'm causing you trouble!"

"Let's serve dinner!" Lao Qin put a basket of steamed buns directly on the bed, turned to Ma Liang and ordered, "Hurry up and fetch a pot of boiling water."

The second girl behind Lao Qin was holding a stack of bowls and a wooden barrel in her hand.

The dry food I brought only lasted until noon, and after walking such a long way, when I heard the sound of dinner, the stomachs of several platoon leaders immediately gurgled uncontrollably.

There was half a bucket of steaming rice porridge on the bed, steaming steam on the steamed buns, and a large plate of pickled vegetables beside it.

At the wine station, there is no shortage of food for the time being. Firstly, there is a rich man like Li Youde, and at the same time, Chojiu keeps bringing some messy things into the mountain.

Cutting Jiuna is not a material for business. As long as it can be obtained on the plains, everything can be made in the mountains.

There is also a mahjong hidden in the bunker!
After eating the hot steamed porridge, the platoon leaders licked the bowls clean, looked at the empty porridge barrels and rattan baskets, and tried hard to maintain the dignity of the platoon leader, but they started to belch again.

Hu Yi, who accompanied him, was a little amused, and asked Wang Peng, "Hey, how many of you have come back?"


"Aren't there twenty places in your regiment?"

"Hey, I saved one for Chen Chong." After Wang Peng finished speaking, the last one handed the empty bowl to Er Niu to put it in the basket. That bowl was cleaner than anyone else.

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, and said to himself that you really didn't treat Jiulian as an outsider, and you would visit with dozens of mouths.

Outside the bunker, there were two men standing furtively, with their five big and three thick heads sticking out occasionally, looking into the shooting holes.

Suddenly sticking out the braids behind the bear, we all looked inside hard.

Xiong, who was staring at the shooting hole, suddenly trembled, turned around quickly, saw the wicked girl clearly, and quickly lowered his voice: "My grandma, you don't want to scare someone to death by keeping quiet?"

"What's so interesting? No, you're looking at Sister Erniu?" The little girl rolled her eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm about to freeze to death, and her grandma doesn't know what's going on, so she runs to this broken bunker."

"You haven't found a place to live yet?"

"Don't talk about it, there are spies everywhere in the wine station, and she found me hiding under the bed of the health team!" Luo Fugui had a gloomy look on his face, and he didn't know how Xiao Xiao stood guard.

"Your snoring knocked over the roof of the health team, who can blame this?" The little girl was annoyed.

"" The dejected bear was speechless.

Xiao Hongying turned her head, stared intently at the shooting holes in the bunker, and asked in a low voice: "She has been quiet for a while, why did she get into trouble again?"

After a while, Luo Fugui suddenly turned his head: "How does my grandma know?"

"Hey? She's gone, can you get in?"

"Can this go in? Maybe she will come back again sometime."

"It's winter, you can't go to sleep outside, right?" The little girl looked at Luo Fugui sympathetically.

"Hey, I'm going to wait for Wang Peng and the others to come out and sleep with them"

(End of this chapter)

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